Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/443

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us. vi. NOV. 9, i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


in the less compromising form of " S, Aug. teste Lips.," &c. Lipsius, ' Opera,' 1637, toiru iv. p. 47, gives no detailed reference, mere ly setting " August." in his margin against the words " Melius enim est, ut pereat unus, quam ut pereat unitas " Whether this occurs anywhere in St. Au- gustine's voluminous works I cannot say, St. Bernard of Clairvaux certainly ends his 102nd epistle with " Melius est enim ut pereat unus quam unitas,"

EDWARD BENSLY University College, Aberystwyth.


THE following notes on members of the Rowe family, correcting some statements in the ' Dictionary of National Biography,' may be of service for the next edition of that great undertaking.

Rowe, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1674 - 1737, Author. Her husband Thomas Rowe's father, Benoni Rowe, was the son-in-law (not son) of John Rowe, 1626-77, and brother-in-law (not brother) of Thomas Rowe, 1657-1705 Benoni Rowe having married Sarah, the only daughter of the said John Rowe. (Cf. Mar. Lie., 15 Dec., 1684, at Vicar-General's Office.) In the ' Biographia Britannica,' by W. Innys, ed. 1766, under ' Thomas Rowe,' it is stated that Benoni Rowe's father was William Rowe, and his mother, Alice, the daughter of Thomas Scott, the regicide. (Cf. articles on Thomas Scott, d. 1660, and on Owen Rowe, 1593-1661, in the ' D.N.B.')

Rowe, John, 1626-77, Nonconformist divine, left two sons, Thomas (1657-1705) and John, and one daughter, Sarah, who married Benoni Rowe.

Rowe, Thomas, 1657-1705, Independent Divine. His only brother living in 1677 was John (not Benoni). Benoni Rowe, 1658-1706, left five sons, viz., Thomas (1687-1715), John, William, Benjamin, and Theophilus, and one daughter, Sarah, who

married Munckley.

Grove, Henry, 1684-1738, Dissenting Tutor. Thomas Rowe, 1657-1705, who married Elizabeth Singer, was his cousin once removed, not his nephew.

The following wills, &c., at the P.C.C. confirm the above statements :

Will of John Rowe, proved 30 Nov., 167' (119 Hale), mentions his wife Mary, sons Thoma and John, and daughter Sarah.

Will of Mary Rowe, proved 9 April, 1695 (57 Irby), mentions her sons-in-law Thomas Row

John Row, and Benoni Row and Sarah his wife ; also nephew George Clifford and niece Elizabeth

Clifford, and sister Hannah Long. [Thomas and John were her stepsons, and Hannah Long was her sister-in-law.]

Will of William Rowe, proved 2 Nov., 1677

119 Hale), mentions his father William Rowe, deceased, eldest brother Thomas Rowe, youngest

arother Benony Rowe, and his " grandmother Mrs. Scott."

Will of Benoni Rowe, proved 11 April, 1706

[97 Fedes), mentions " my wife's father and our

lear brother Mr. Thomas Rowe," his eldest son Thomas, second son John, three youngest sons William, Benjamin, and Theophilus, and his daughter Sarah, also his wife Sarah.

Will of Elizabeth Rowe, proved March, 1737 (67 Wake), mentions her brother Theophilus Rowe (who was her brother-in-law).

Admon. of Theophilus Rowe granted 13 July, 1763, to Nicholas Munckley, nephew, his sister and only next of kin Sarah Munckley first re- nouncing.

Rowe, Nicholas, 1674-1718, Poet Lau- reate. His daughter Charlotte was the first wife of Henry Fane, son of Henry Fane,, and youngest brother of Thomas, eighth- Earl of Westmorland, and not the wife of the youngest son of Vere Fane, fourth Earl of Westmorland. In his will he names his sister Bowtell as well as his sister Sarah Peele. The admon. of John Rowe of Allington, co. Lincoln, widower, was granted on 21 Jan., 1741, to Catherine Bowtell, widow, the guardian assigned to Catherine Rowe, spinster, a minor, the natural and lawful daughter and only child of deceased. Was this John Rowe the son of the poet ?

Coates, Rev. Charles, 1746-1813. The date of his death, as given on his tombstone in Osmington Churchyard, is 14 April, 1813 (not 7). He was buried on the 20th idem. Can any of your readers tell me when and where he was baptized ?

The particulars in italics might be added to the article relating to Roe, Sir Thomas, 1581 - 1644, Ambassador : His father, Robert Rowe, died on 4 June, 1587. His mother, Elenor, subsequently married Sir Richard Berkeley, Knt., of Rendcombe in Gloucestershire. In Rendcombe Church there is a tomb with the following inscription round its verge : " Here lyeth Elenor Jermye first married to Robert Roe Esq. and secondly to Sr. Ry: Berkeley, Knt: Dyed 17 March 1629." (Sir Richard was an ancestor of Norborne Berkeley, fourth Baron Botetort, and of Henry C. Fitz Roy Somerset, eighth Duke of Beaufort.)


8, Craufurd Rise, Maidenhead.