Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/476

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vi. NOV. ie, 1912.

ATKYNS FAMILY (US. ii. 429, 474; v. 448 ; vi. 137). The following entries relat- ing to the Atkyns family in the Parish Registers of Sapperton and Nether Swell, both in Gloucestershire, may be useful for supplementing existing biographical notices. The manor of Sapperton was purchased by Sir Robert Atkyns the elder in 1660, and that of Nether Swell in 1659. I have to acknowledge permission given by the Rector of Sapperton for access to the registers there, and also the kindness of the Rev. T. A. Garnett in giving me every facility for transcribing the entries from the Register of Nether Swell. This Register, which has suffered much from fire, commences in 1678, and that of Sapperton in 1662.


(1) 1680. July ye 4. Ed\v d : ye son of Edw.

Atkyns by Agnes.


(2) 1680. July 20 buryed Edw d ye son of Edw

Atkyns Esq r .

(3) 1680/81. March ye 12 Buryed Mary ye wife

of Sir Bob' Atkyns Kt of ye Bath.

(4) 1682. December ye 28 buryed Edward

Atkyns Esq.

(5) 1685. Elizabeth the daughter of Sr Robert

Atkyns the Elder and his Lady was buried Novemb* the 24th.

(6) 1686/7. Robert the son of S r Robert Atkyns

senior and Knight of the bath [sic] was buried March the 19th.

(7) 1687. Frances the daughter of Sr Robert

Atkyns Knight of the Bath and his Lady was buried November the 3 (1 .

(8) 1693. William the son of Sr. Robert Atkyns

senior, Knight of the Bath, and L l1 chief e Baron of the Exchequer, and his Lady, was buried November the 6th.

(9) 1709/10. The Honb' Sr. Robert Atkyns

Knight of the Bath and sometime Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer dyed February 12 & was buried Febry 23: 1709.

(10) 1711. Sir Robert Atkyns Knight Dyed Novembr 29: buried Decembr 12: 1711.

(11) 1712. The Honrb le Ann Lady Atkyns buried Octob*. 16 1712.

(12) 1716. The Hon rb . Lovise Lady Atkyns buried Dec. 7.


(13) 1685. Elizabeth the daughter of Sr. Rob'. Atkyns Knight of the Bath by Dame Anne his wife was baptised [ye 2nd day] of July, 1685.

(14) 1686. Robert Atkyns ye son of S" 1 : Robert Atkyns Kt of y e Bath by Dame Anne his wife was baptized on Wednesday ye nineteenth day of May in ye second year of King James ye Second and in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred eighty and six.

(15) 1686/7. Robert the Sone of Sr Robert Atkyns Kt of the Bath by Dame A[nne] His wife departed March the 18 th Day one thousand six hundred eighty six.

(16) 1699. Anne Atkyns the daughter of S. Robert Atkyns, Knight of ye Bath, by Dame Anne his wife, was married to John Tracy of Stanway in this County of Gloucester, esq., on Monday the Seventh day of August, in the Year of Our Lord Christ 1699, in Ye Church of Lower Swell, by Mr Callow, Ye Vicar of Ye said Church, who had christened Ye said Anne in Ye same parish on Thursday the 8th of November in the year 1683.

Written by the said Robert Atkyns, being in the 79th. year of his age, without spectacles. Blessed bee God I

(17) 1739. Elizabeth ye wife of Mr. Robert Atkins was Bur ye 10th of October.

Notes. (1) and (4). Edward Atkyns was the second

son of Sir Robert Atkyns the elder by Mary

his first wife. (3) The first wife of Sir Robert Atkyns the elder.

(5) See No. 13 for baptism.

(6) Robert, half-brother to Robert the his torian. See Nos. 14-15.

(9 ) Sir Robert Atkyns the elder.

(10) Sir Robert Atkyns the younger.

(11) The second wife of Sir Robert Atkyns the


(12) The wife of Sir Robert Atkyns the younger.

(16) For Anne Tracy's children see below.

(17) Robert Atkyns, the son of Edward, second

son of Sir Robert Atkyns the elder, by Mary.

The Register at Nether Swell also contains

the following entries relating to children of

Anne Tracy (see No. 16 above). The first

entry is given at length, the others, of

which the dates only are given here, being

written in similar style in the ' Register.

All are entered together on the last leaf of the

first book, and were written and signed by

Sir Robert Atkyns the elder.

1703. John Tracy the son of John Tracy of

Stanway in ye County of Glou'ster Esq by

Anne his wife was born at Lower Swell in

the said County on the five and twentieth

day of August 1703 and was baptized ye

seven and twentieth of ye same moneth at

Lower Swell aforesaid by Mr Callow ye Vicar

of Lower Swell aforesaid. ROBERT ATKYNS.

1704/5. Anne Tracy, born " on Wednesday, ye

seventeenth day of January 170f," baptized

24 January.

1705/6. Robert and John Tracy, born 1

January," 170," baptized 20 January. 1707. Fferdinando Tracy, born 16 November, baptized 30 November.

1709. Edward Tracy, born Saturday, 25 June, " baptized the Wednesday following."

The next birth occurred after the death of Sir Robert Atkyns the elder, and is entered in its proper order :

1710. Catherine the daughter of John Tracy, born 18 June, baptized 28 June.

ROLAND AUSTIN. Gloucester.