Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/493

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ii s. vi. NOV. 23, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES. .


For Peter Walsh v. ' D.N.B.,' lix. 218 ; Wood's own references to him are brief ('Athenae/ iii. 1203; iv. 336).

As for Sergeant himself, I cannot find that Wood in his ' Athenae ' has mentioned the particular books referred to in the above letter. But see ' D.N.B.,' li. 251 ; although I do not find there, nor under Thomas White (Ixi. 79), any mention of ' Statera Appensa.'

7. A paper, according to Wood, in the handwriting of Dr. Thomas Smith, Bishop of Carlisle, April, 1685, giving brief accounts of seven eminent members of Queen's College. Oxon, including Smith himself. These Wood has made use of. Under Richard Stanwix ('Athenae,' iii. 427) he omits to state he was born " about ye year 1607." ' D.N.B.,' liv. 87, gives 1608.

Thomas Barlow ('Athenae,' iv. 333, 880; ' D.N.B.," iii. 224) was born at " Lang- gill, not " Lang-hill," as in Wood.

Thomas Smith ('Athenae.' iv. 892; 'D.N.B./ liii. 130) himself says he was

' : born at White-wall in Ashby -Parish, Westmor- land, was Educated at Appleby Schole under ye care of M r [William] Pickering [as Barlow had been before him] : admitted to Q.C.O. A.D. 1/530 under ye Tuition of D r Barlow his Cosin- Germane."

Gerard Langbain the elder (' Athenae,' iii. 446; 'D.N.B.,' xxxii. 91) was bred at Blencow School under " M r . Wilkinson." And

" See his Notes on Lpnginus, wherein there is a Copy of verses upon his Tutor's [Tho. W T etheraU's] death.

Thomas Lamplugh' s ('Athenae,' iv. 878; 'D.N.B..' xxxii. 31) schoolmaster at St. Bees is given as " Francis Radcliff " ; Wood has " Kadliff," no doubt a misprint.

" They say Bp. Lamplugh was a Yorkshire man Tho' p'ferred in Queen's under y notion of another county."

This last sentence is in the handwriting of Thomas Tullie, Chancellor of Carlisle ('Athenae,' iv. 792).

Lamplugh was born in the East Riding of a Cumberland family.

8. A paper received from Henry Dodwell (' D.N.B..' xv. 179) on 15 May, 1688, giving a very brief account of Dr. Henry Glemham, thirty -ninth ' Bishop of St. Asaph, and a full account of Dr. Isaac Barrow, fortieth Bishop of the same See, is incorporated by Wood in his accounts upon pp. 809 and 837 of ' Athenae,' iv. (' D.N.B..' iii. 298).

9. Richard Codrington to Andrew Allam from Bristol, 14 Nov., 1684, contains a brief notice of Dr. William Goulston. Bishop of Bristol, used by Wood (' Athenae,' iv. 865, 867).

Gives epitaph of Samuel Grossman ('Athense,' iv. 86; 'D.N.B.,' xiii. 230), who, according to Codrington, " lies interred on the west side of the Cathedrall [Bristol]." The dates on the epitaph are in Wood.

Dr. John Lake (' Athenae,' iv. 864 ; ' D.N.B.,' xxxi. 416)

" was installed by Proxy in the Cathedrall of Bristoll September the I 1 1684, came in person I 1 ** the 9 th to Bristoll, and was by ye Dean, Prebendarys and other attendants of the Cathe- drall then introduced into the Church."

Dr. Richard Thompson (' Athense/ ii. 861 ; iv. 85),

" when he was promoted to the Deanery, tbjb King sent a mandamus to the University of Cam- bridge to admit him to his degree, which he upon the request of the V. Chancellor waved, and was admitted the ordinary way, giving bond for the performance of his exercise."

He " was installed Dean [of Bristol] last Trinity Sunday."

A brief mention of Robert Codrington ('Athenae,' iii. 699; 'D.N.B.,' xi. 209) is used by Wood.

" The Prebendarys are as follows : George Williamson, S.T.B. ; John Chetwind, A.M. [' Athena},' iv. 375 ; ' D.N.B.,' x. 212] ; John Home, A.M. ; M r Stephen Crispian, I think A.M. Chanter to the King's Chappel ; M r Walter Hart, A.M. late of Pembroke Coll. ; and John Rain- storp [Rainstrop, ' Athense,' iv. 711], A.M. Arch- deacon there is none belonging to ye Deanery of Bristol, but the Bp. exercises Archidiaconal power. The A.deacon of Dorsetshire isM r Fielding [Hon. John F. ? ' Athenae,' iv. 641] ; I hear only A.M., one of the Canons Residentiary of Salis- bury."

Codrington begs Allam to vouchsafe "a line of Oxford Intelligence," to be sent as formerly " by the Bristol carrier at the Ship each Tuesday." 10. From Nathaniel Ellison, probably to

Wood, dated Towcester, 3 March, 1684/5.

The letter concerns Bishop Thomas Wood of Lichfield, and is made use of in the account of him ('Athenae,' iv. 881). He is stated to have been in Rome "at ye same time Bishop Crofts was there." (For Herbert Croft .v. ' Athenav iv. 309, 880 ; ' D.N.B.,' xiii. 105.)

"If [says Ellison of Bishop Wood] I should move him to give an acot , & acqt. him w th yr. design, he is of so suspicious a humer yt. he would not look kindly upon any man yt. should do it For he woud not give any acct. of hims:, nor be willing to forward any such design, because he woud suspect yt. in such* a, 'work his suspension woud be recorded."