Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/518

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ui s. vi. NOV. so, 1912.

123. Thomas Pond, joyner, d. 15 May, 1731' a. 63.

124. [Wm. Lovelace, d. 9 March, 1721/2, a. 78. Mr. Peter Robinson,] d. 17 April, 1824, a. 68.

125. Three children of Edward and Margaret Sppps : Charles, b. - Sept., 1699, d. the - day of his age ; Margaret, b. March, 1702, d. 1705 ; Mary, b. 9 July, 170-, d. 2 Aug., 1706.

126. Capt. Win. Godfrey, d/26 April, 1833 a. 76.

  • 127. Major Fredk. Walpole Anson, 18th Begt.

Bengal Infantry, s. of General Sir George Anson, G.C.B., Governor of this Hosp., d. 12 Nov., 1848, a. 42, after a zealous and most arduous service of upwards of 25 years in India.

128. Mr. George Davis, late Smith of Chelsea Hosp., d. 20 March, 1833, a. 78.

129. Maria, w. of Mr. John Cooper, of Chelsea Hosp., d. 23 Feb., 1837, a. 37. Maria Eliza, dau. of the above, d. 4 June, 1829, a. 12 months. Maria Elizabeth, d. 28 Aug., 1835, a. 7 months. John, their s., d. 23 Feb., 1836, a. 7 years.

130. Blank. 130A. Blank.

131. Mary, w. of William Daniel, d. 1 Aug., 1728, a. 55. Mary, w. of George Hill, niece to Wm. Daniel, 11 Sept., 172-, a. 31. William Daniel, Master Cook of this Hosp. 31 years, and Master Cook to King George II., and in that Station served the Duke of Marlborough in all his campaigns, King W T m. and Queen Mary. Queen Ann fand King George, d. 17 June, 1739 ?J, a. 75. He was to his King loyal, to his wives tender, to his relations kind.

132. Blank. 132A. Blank.

133. Richard Revell, Esq., Chief Clerk in the Office of the Secretary and Registrar of this Hosp., d. 2 May, 1825, a. 41.

134. Mary, w. of Poole Hickman, of this Hosp., d. 18 March, 1831, a. 32.

135. Mr. Daniel Tiphaine, late Wardrobe Keeper of H.M. Royal Hosp., d. 20 Oct., 1750, a. 72. His gr. s., Master Stephen Leige, d. 25 Julv, 1753, a. 9.

^ *136. The chn. of Alexander James Moore head, Esq., Secretary and Registrar of this Hospital : Emily, d. 10 June, 1831, a. 5 y. 4 months; Eliza Mary, d. 19 Dec., 1831, a. 7 yrs. 4 months ; Albert Kendall Edward, d. 11 Oct., 1847, a. 3 y. 4 m. ; George Alexander, Lieutenant and Adjutant 3rd West India Regt., d. 27 May, 1854, a. 31.

137. [Anne], w. of Ralph Ste[vens], d. Aug

a. 52 dau. of [S]tevens a. 22.

  • 138. Benjamin AValker, d. 25 Jan., 1843,

&. 65. Elizabeth, his w., d. 4 Nov., 1843, a. 57. Also three of their chn. died in infancy.

  • 139. Joseph Fosmire, d. 1 Oct., 1828, a. 78.

Mary Greenfield, d. 3 Feb., 1829, a. 65. George Rossiter, d. 3 Nov., 1851, a. 81. Mary Rossiter, his wid., d. 30 Dec., 1853, a. 71. Frances Fosmire, d

140. Elizabeth Hurle, nurse of this Establish- ment, d. 4 Aug., 1841, a. 70.

141. Mary Anne, w. of John Eden Leeds, Dep. Surgeon of this Hosp., d. 30 July, 1814, a. 30. J.JE. Leeds, d. 24 Nov., 1829, a. 61.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut. -Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

(To be continued.)


Capt. Jaines= MaeDonald of Aird, Troternish, Skye.



Mac- Donald

pRev. Alex. MacQueen, minister of Snizort.

  • Do not appear in Capt. Ford's collection of

abstracts, J842.

MACDOXALD : MAcQuEEX. (See 10 S. x. 389.) At this reference I inquired if any correspondent could tell me the exact rela- tionship between Flora MacDonald and the wife of the Rev. William MacQueen. minister of Snizort in Skye, at whose house the Scottish heroine is said to have died. I did not receive a reply, but the following pedi- gree, which I have drawn up from various sources, and believe to be accurate, shows that there was some degree of affinity between the two families :

Sir Donald MacDonald,=pLady Mary Douglas, 3rd Bart, of Sleat, dau. of Robert,

d. 1695." Karl of Morton.

William MacDonald,=p eldest dau. of

Tutor of Sleat. j Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheil.

lsabella=Capt. Charles Rev. William MacQueen,

Mac- MacDonald, minister of Snizort, m. Donald, eldest son of dau. of Alex. MacLeod d. s.p. Flora Mac- of Ulinish.

Donald and Allan Mae- Donald of Kingsburgh.

Perhaps some Scottish genealogist may be able to state the name of the wife of William MacDonald of Sleat. W. F. PRIDEAUX.

SHAKESPEARE ALLUSIONS. The following may be added to ' The Shakspere Allusion - Book ' :

1. O loue too sweet, in the digestion sower ! ' Hiren ; or, The faire Greeke,' by

William Barksted, 1611, st. 62. Cf. ' Richard II.,' I. iii. 236. 2. And yet our modesty will make us vail To worthy Sidney, nor can we bear sail Against these fam'd Dramaticks, one past age Was blest with Johnson, who so grac't the stage, The thrice renowned Shakespear, and the rare Ingenxious Fletcher. These past envy are Much more past imitation only we Would second be o' th' first, last of the three. ' The Bookseller [i.e., Francis Kirkman] to the Reader ' before " The English

Lovers By the accurate Pen of

I. D. Gent. London, 1662."

3. "Whereupon Mr. Greenhil held forth

three quarters of an hour by Shrewsbury-clock, as Sir John Falstaffe speaks, in the third of Edward the fourth and the fifteenth," ' Cabala ; or, An Impartial Account of the Non-Con- formists Private Designs,' 1663, pp. 7-8.