Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/52

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vi. JULY is, 1912.


MB. ROBERT McCLURE's Glasgow Catalogue 21 contains interesting Italian MSS. of the seventeenth century, biographical, historical, and topographical, some having formerly belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps. Under Music is a ' Collection of Welsh Airs with English Words,' folio, 1809, 15.*. There are several works relating to America. A copy of Bavle's 'Historical Dictionary,' 4 vols., may be had for 10*. Works under Early Printing include Pprta's ' De Furtivis Literarum Notis,' with quaint diagrams, 1563, II. Is. There are also lists under Glasgow and Occult, and a number of old songs. Under Roman Pontiffs is a Latin manuscript on paper, folio, from Lord Guildford's collection, 51. 10*. In the Addenda are an unexpurgated edition of Balzac, 53 volumes, freely illustrated, 121., and Henley's 'Burns,' 4 vols., II. 3s. The 'Caxton Shakespeare,' edited by Sir Sidney Lee, 20 vols., is 61. 3s. 6d. There is a cheap copy of the Edition de Luxe of McCarthy's ' History of our Own Times,' 7 vols., 21. 10*.

MR. JAMES THIN of Edinburgh has sent us his Catalogue No. 171, from which we select for notice the following items as the most inter- esting : a copy of that " Book of Common, Prayer ....for the use of the Church of Scotland," known as Laud's Service-book, which was sup- pressed owing to the tumults it occasioned, 1636-7, 101. 10*. ; Burton's ' Anatomy of Melan- choly,' first folio edition, Oxford, 1624, 51. ; Sir William Davenant's ' Works,' 1673, 61. 10s. ; Lord Lilford's ' Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands,' a work which, owing to the destruction of a number of sets by fire, has become very scarce? 18917, 551. ; Selby's ' Illustrations of British Ornithology,' 1833, 221. 10s. ; Adam Blackwood's ' Martyre de la Boyne d'Escosse Douariere de France contenant ie vray discours des traisons a elle faictes a la suscitation d'Elizabet Angloise,' 1588, 31. 3s. ; and a first edition of ' Peregrine Pickle,' 1751, 41. 4s.

Mr. Thin has a number of sets of periodicals to dispose of : ' The Annual Register ' to 1875, 51. 10s. ; the Chemical Society, New Series, 1873-1902, 25Z. ; the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society's Publications to 1906, 24Z. ; the Pro- ceedings of the Society for Psychical Research to 1903, 51. 10s. ; Punch to December, 1900, 161. 16s. ; The Quarterly Review to October, 1901, 121., and several more. We may also mention a first edition of White's ' Selborne,' 1789, offered for Ql. 9s. ; a first edition of Steven- son's ' The Pentland Rising,' 1866, 12Z. 12s. ; and the 15 vols. of the ' Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland,' brought out in 180712, 121. There are a large number of modern works on philosophy, of which the prices are moderate, and a good collection of works on Scotland.

MESSRS. YOUNG & SONS of Liverpool have, as their Catalogue 432 shows, a highly varied collection of interesting books to tempt the wealthy and the curious. There are Collinson's

  • History and Antiquities of Somerset,' a good

copy, Bath, 1791, to be had for 13Z. 13s. ; ' Tom Jones,' with Rowlandson's etchings, a copy in which these have been coloured by hand, 1792, 9f. 9s., and the ' Tour of Dr. Syntax,' with

Rowlandson's illustrations, also coloured, vols. ii. and iii. in the first edition, vol. i. in the third edition (with new plates), 151. 15s. ; a first edition of Hayley's ' Life of Romney,' illustrated by 12 engravings after the artist's work, of which ' The Shipwreck ' is by William Blake, 1809, Ql. 9s. ; Northcote and Brownlow's ' Roma Sotterranea, or an Account of the Roman Cata- combs, especially of the Cemetery of St. Callixtus,' 1879, 31. 3s. ; Lord Orrery's edition of Pliny's ' Letters,' 2 vols., his own copy, which has about 250 pages of blank paper bound up with each volume, on which are numerous interesting MS. addenda, 1751, 61. 6s. ; and Lilly-white and Haygarth's ' Cricket Scores and Biographies of Celebrated Cricketers ' from 1746 to 1864, 51. 5s. A copy of Gould's ' Humming Birds ' is offered for 601. ; and a copy of the translation of Grimm's ' Fairy Tales,' illustrated by Cruikshank, the rare first edition, bearing Cruikshank's auto- graph, 22 November, 1868, for 501. There are good specimens also of early printing and of coloured plate-books and a few engravings, the best of these last being Morland's ' Country Butcher,' by T. Gosse, 121. 10s. ; and Morland's ' Story of Letitia,' 6 engravings on copper by J. R. Smith, in colours, 60Z. Nor must we forget to mention a good copy of ' Purchas his Pilgrimes,' 5 vols., " At ye Signe of the Rose in Paul's Churchyard," 1625-6, 60Z. This belonged, first to George Smith, then to Cecil Dunn Gardner, then to Sir E. Sullivan, and then to the collector from whom Messrs. Young acquired it ; and a MS. note pasted into vol. i. attests that it has been carefully collated and found quite perfect, perhaps the finest copy extant, except " the Grenville copy in the Museum."

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

to (Eomspontonts.

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A. A. ("I sit low on a rock when I 'm raising the wind"). This enigma has been much discussed in 'N. & Q.' MR. J. P. OWEN offered a versified solu- tion at 9 S. v. 332, and the REV. W. FOWLER a prose one at 10 S. xi. 345. See also 1 S. ii. 10, 77 ; xii. 365, 520.

M. L. R. BRESLAR. See ' Rubaiyat' of Omar Khayyam, vv. xlvi. and xlix.