Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/520

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. vi. NOV. so, 1912.

HISTORY OF CHURCHES IN SITU. (See ante, p. 401.) NEL MEZZO'S account of the Church of St. Felicitas at Phillack is not only of great interest in itself, but suggests the ques- tion how many of our churches, whether ancient or of modern dace, are thus provided with a resume of their history and a descrip- tion of their special features, set up within their walls for general information. The Priory Church at Malvern and the little new Church of the Ascension at Malvern Link have something of the same kind ; and I can recall a few instances in Sussex Poynings, Rotherfield, Steyning, and St. John's near Crowborough.

I should be, glad if any readers would kindly furnish me with other examples. The practice is one which should undoubtedly become a regular part of the care of the fabric of every church. PEREGRINUS.

THE IRON MASK : A " FEMINIST " THEORY. In Frey's ' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' pp. 230 and 231, twenty-three theories as to the identity of our old friend the " Man in the Iron Mask " are given. The last of these suggestions is briefly headed ' A Woman,' and the following note is appended :

" The originator of this theory says, without any authority, [that the prisoner] might have been a woman, the victim of Madame de Main- tenon's jealousy."

Who was the originator of this theory, and in what book or books is it mentioned ? R. L. MORETON.

RYAN. Stannard Ryan, Esq., and his son the Rev. Frederick Ryan, co. Carlow, lived in the middle of the eighteenth century. Any information as to these and the maiden name of the former's wife would be accept- able. P. H. BAGENAL.

17, Clarence Drive, Harrogate.

NORBIS OF SPATE. In the 'Visitation of Somerset," 1623 (Harleian Society, 1876), John Norris is entered with his five sons, Thomas, John. Hugh, Henry, and William, then aged 17, 14, 12, 10, and' 3. I should be glad to hear if anything is known of them or their descendants. W. X. H.

" CURZO.' What are the meaning and origin of this word ? From the context it appears to have been something like a "butt" of land. I know it only in a deed of c. 1200-13 in the Reading Cartulary (Cott. Domit. A. iii), If. 92 :

" Ego Hel[ias] abbas radingensis dedi eidem

W . sex a eras et quosdam Curzones et qucmdam angulum pasture." o -~

SKELTON. I shall be greatly obliged if any of your readers can tell me the names of the sons and grandsons of the following Skeltons of Osmundthorpe. near Leeds, with, if possible, the names of their wives and the church where the respective mar- riages took place.

( 1 ) Henry Skelton, who sold the estate. Known to have been living in 1751.

(2) Thomas.

(3) William, a Leeds attorney, who married Margaret Smith, whose father was also an attorney, in 1736.

(4) Seth, cousin of the above, who was bap- tized at Leeds 25 Oct., 1683.

(5) John, brother of the above.

(6) John Skelton, son of Dr. Skelton, who was baptized at Lee.ds 15 Oct., 1721. Subsequently lived in London.

(7) Also, the name of the church where Henry Skelton married Susannah Greene, daughter of John Greene of Bramley, about the year 1788.


SEWARD. Argent, three boars' heads bendwise in bend azure. Crest : Out of a ducal coronet or a horse's leg, foot upwards. I should be much obliged for any information regarding this family. RALPH SAWORD.

The Hut, Woldingham, Surrey.

ANASTASIE, MINIATURE PAINTER. I should be glad of any information about a miniature painter signing Anastasie, and one of her subjects, Sopliie de Keraleau. Date presumably about 1780.


GENERAL WOLFE. I notice that reference is made, ante, p. 344, to a descendant of General Wolfe. In Dr. Trustier' s memoirs it is mentioned that there was no son, but that Mrs. Wolfe, after much seeking for a connexion of the name, found such. According to Trustier he was an impostor, but was believed in by the lady. I have not the book to refer to, but such is my recollection of some forty years ago. Can. any reader confirm or correct this ?

W. Louis KING.

Wadesmill, Ware.

LEANING FAMILY. Can any reader give me information about .the pedigree of the Leaning family of Hull, Yorks ?

Please reply direct to


2, Manor Road, Brockloy.

ATHARVAN-ATHRAVAN. This name of a Brahmin official signifies " manipulator." Would any reader tell me where to find an account of his functions ? H. C. H.-A.