Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/566

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. vi. D K , . u, 1912.

of Paris, and many other eminent osteo- logists, who have arrived at the unanimous decision, from indications on the eye- sockets, that this is the skull of Jan Zizka. Long antiquarian speculation is thus ter- minated.

The report of Mr. Dlabacek contains por- traits of Zizka, pictures of the skull and the chapel, Zizka, at the head of his army from the manuscript ' Mirror of Christianity ' At Jena, and Zizka's reception in heaven. The town archives preserve the shirt of chain mail styled " Zizka's shirt," and a Hussite cep (flail).


Streatham Common.

YORK, 1517 AND 1540. (See 10 S. iii. 409, 473.) The subjoined additional notes {recently supplied by Mr. T. P. Cooper, author of ' York : the Story of its Walls, Bars, and Castles ') respecting Lord Mayor -John Dodgson will serve as an interesting complement to those of ST. SWITHIN at the .latter reference :

" John Dodgson, merchant, took up his freedom of the city in 1481 ; he was Chamberlain in 1489-90, and Sheriff in 1497-8. During his year of the latter office he gave the city 40 ' wayscots ' f I note that Mr. B. Davies in his ' Walks through the City of York 'spells these 'waynscots'] of oak for the roofing of the Guildhall. There are merchants' marks on the bosses of the roof, and one may be his ; these are illustrated in my ' Guide to the Guildhall,' but there is no coat of Arms. On 14 Nov., 1508, he was elected Lord Mayor, vice John Petty deceased, and again, !by the King's Letters Patent, dated March 9, 1516-7, vice Wm. Nelson, removed from office. He died in 1531, and was buried in the church -of St. Nicholas (demolished), Micklegate, near his wife Jane, who was the daughter of Thomas Scotton, Alderman of York. He was a member of the Corpus Christi Guild and other guilds."


St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

ELIOTT, DEFENDER OF GIBRALTAR, IN Aix- XA-CHAPELLE. In an article by E. Pauls in the Journal of the Aix-la-Chapelle Historical Society (vol. xxxiv. p. 116) are some inter- esting particulars concerning the two visits -of Eliott, the defender of Gibraltar, to Aix- la-Chapelle. In 1789 General Eliott, then Lord Heathfield, stopped at the " Grand Hotel," afterwards at the " Karlsbad Hotel." At the same time many Frenchmen were stopping at Aix-la-Chapelle, among them the Comte d'Artois, afterwards Charles X., and his sons. In the next year on 8 June Eliott repeated his visit to this place, where he took the waters. This time he stopped iirst at the " Kaisersbad Hotel," later on at Kalkenhofen Castle, where he died from a

stroke on 6 July, 1790. In the Aachen Visitors' List of June, 1790, his name and titles are entered as follows :

" Son Excellence Monseigneur le g6nral Elliott [sic], Lord Heatfield [sic], gouverneur de Gibraltar, ge'ne'ral d'un regiment de cavallerie legere de son nom au service de sa Majeste Britannique et chevalier de 1'ordre de bain."



THE CURFEW BELL. Curfew - ringing is getting rarer every year (and the waking bell at Berwick-on-Tweed ceased last year, after long centuries), so the following cut- ting may be welcome. It comes from The Tenby and County News of 13 Nov mber :

" Hall Keeper and Ringer of Curfew Bell. On the proposition of Alderman Griffiths, seconded by Mr. Stokes, Miss M. Noot was re-elected hall keeper and ringer of the curfew bell."

R. B.


WILLIAM GIBSON, MINIATURE PAINTER. The burial of William Gibson, gent., of the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, is recorded in the Parish Register of Richmond, Surrey, under date 11 Dec., 1703.

The ' D.N.B.' gives incorrectly 1702.


THE BYZANTINE EMPERORS OF CON- STANTINOPLE. The following is taken from The Irish Times of 14 November :

" It has just been stated that Princess Eugenie Palaeologue, who claims to be a descendant of the Byzantine Emperors of Constantinople, will shortly leave West Kensington for a place where she will be able to claim her kingdom, should occasion serve. The Princess has possibly some English rivals for the throne, since at Landulph, in Cornwall, there is a tomb to Theodoro Paleo- logue, of Persaro in Italy, who was descended from ' Ye Imperyail Lyne of Ye Last Christian Emperors of Greece.' He had married with a Suffolk lady, and left five children. He died in January, 1636, whereas Constantine, the last of the Greek Emperors, fell in May, 1453. Theodoro was a great-great-great-grandson of Constantine's brother."



[For the ' Palseologus Family in England ' see the note by MR. DARNELL DAVIS at 11 S. iv. 364; and for other descendants of the family See 10 S. vii. 209, 254, 336, 416; viii. 334.]

A DUTCH TILE. I recently brought back with me from Amsterdam a few tiles, taken out of a demolished house. One of them is curious. It represents a woman pointing out a man to a king, no other person being present. The scene occurs in a room with windows ; and the man thus indicated is