Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/591

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ii s. vi. DEC. 21. i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


so great an adept, that he got the publican's watch four times in one evening, when he swore he was as perfect as one of 20 years' practice."

The account also gives methods of instruc- tion for pilfering out of shops, and for breaking into shops by night. I do not find what fate befell the principal of this nefarious academy.

It may be recalled that two of John Leech's early cartoons in Punch represented

  • The Royal Fagin of France instructing his

Boys ' and ' The Fagin of France after Condemnation,' both embodying the per- sonality of King Louis Philippe.

W. B. H.

ODD NAME OF A STBEET. When recently walking through Chippenham (Wilts), on

? lancing up to note the name of the street was in, I observed printed at the corner the unusual name of " Foghamshire " as that of the thoroughfare* R. B.


LADY NELSON : MAKBIAGE LINES AND APPLICATION FOR GRATUITY, The follow- ing are copies of Lady Nelson's application for the gratuity due to her (owing to her husband having been killed in action) and of her marriage lines, which I have recently found amongst the Bounty Papers at the Record Office.

As I fancy these have never appeared in print before, I thought them of sufficient historical interest to be recorded in 'N. & Q.' Adm. Navy Board, 3028 (Bounty Papers). 36 Weymouth S* Portland Place

6 th February 1806. GENTLEMEN

My late Husband Vice Admiral Lord Nelson, Duke of Bronte, having been Kill'd in Battle with the Enemy on the 21 st of Oct r last while serving as Comm r in Chief of His Majesty's Fleet off Cadiz I beg leave to request that you will be pleas'd to order me to be paid the usual Gratuity of one Years Pay.

I am Gentlemen

Your very obed' Servant FRANCES H. NELSON & BROXTE. To the Honble Cornm" of His Majesty's Navy.

Adm. Navy Board, 3028 (Bounty Papers).


I William Jones, Clerk, Rector of the Parishes of Saint John & Saint Thomas in the said Island, do hereby certify that Horatio Nelson Esq e , Captain of His Majesty's Ship the Boreas, and Frances Herbert Nisbet, Widow, were married this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven, according to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England, at the dwelling-house of the Honourable John Richardson Herbert (Presi- dent of His Majesty's Council and Deputy

Ordinary of the said Island) in the aforesaid Parish of Saint John.

Given under my hand the day and Year above written. WILL: JONES.

This marriage was solemnized between us in the presence of "1 HORATIO NELSON. William* J FRANCES HERBERT NISBET.


Adm. Navy Board, 3028 (Bounty Papers) (1805-1806).


Vice Admiral Lord Nelson Duke of Bronte &c. &c. Slain in fight, 21 October 1805. *. d.

One year full Pay is 912 10


6 Feb r - v 1806. Bill made out 6 Febi-uary 1806.


[Our old and valued contributor His HONOUR J, S. UDAL, then the Chief Justice of the Leeward Islands, printed at 10 S. v. 61 the original entry iu the Nevis marriage register.]

"THE POINT-IN- VIEW CHAPEL," Ex- MOXJTH. Erected by Miss Mary Parminter in 1813. A strange condition was made by the donor that the oak trees in the grounds shall never be cut down unless they are required to build ships to carry the Jews back to Palestine.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

"To TOOL THE REINS." This expression is well known to me in the sense " to drive skilfully," but I do not find any examples of it among the uses of tool collected for the ' Dictionary,' although there are instances in abundance of "to tool a coach/' " the mail," "a team," "she tooled herself," his mare tooled him along," &c. Is " to tool the reins " northern ? I have often seen it in newspapers. I shall be glad of either oral or written examples of its use. Address "Oxford." J. A. H. MURRAY.

THE ETYMOLOGY OF ESHER. This place is mentioned in Domesday Book (fol. 32 b ; see also Second Index, p. 149), where the name is spelt Aissele. This form is probably a Norman spelling of an Old English name JEscheale, composed of O.E.

  • Prince William* Duke of Clarence, and after-

wards King William IV.