Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/612

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s. vi. DEO. 28, 1912.



(See ante, pp. 241, 325, 425.)


  • 142. To the [memory of] | Loui[sa ?] |

younfgestj. . . . | James. . . .ir | .... | and C

| General Sir | She died 2nd |

Also | her bro[ther] | Charles Francfis] . . . . | IAg]ed 3 y[ears],

143. The very meagre remains of a long Latin inscription to Alexander Inglis, [Surgeon], d. 26 Jan., 1736, [a. 81].

In addition to the above inscriptions, Capt. Ford gives the following, which were no doubt on the " blank " stones given above, and on others which have disappeared :


344. Ann Wood d. May , a. 27.

145. John Gregory, sexton, d. April, 1788,

. (51). Gregory (grandson), d. 14 April,

1786, a. 9 m.

146. Mr. Josiah Durant, d. 25 April, 1808, a. 56.

147. Christr. Buckle, Compr. of the Coal Yard

21 years, d. 29 Dec., 1760, a. 63.

148. Mr. Henry Medley, d. 4 Sept., 1782, a. 72.

149. Mrs. Sophia Pitfonet, d. 22 June, 1774. Mr Frans. Dd. Pittonet, Whitster, d. 5 Feb., 1805, &. 80. Mrs. Ann Pittonet, 2nd wife, d. 17 June, 1802, a. 68.

150. Frances Elizabeth Cock, d. 7 Oct., 1821, n. 17. Margaret Ann Cock, d. 8 Oct., 1826, a. 10.

151. Mary, w. of Aug. Frazer, Chaplain, d.

22 Oct., 1770, a. 45.

152. Mrs. Sarah Bippley, d. 23 Nov., 1824, a. 54.

153. Rev. John Mara, Assistant Chaplain, d. 1 Nov., 1764, a. 40.

154 w. of Cossley, d. Oct. John

<Tossley, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor, d. Nov., 1765.

155. Win. (Lessiman), d. Dec. (1720).

1 56. Doin .... Joh .... Montmorency, Baro . . ReHgionis Protestantis Gallia derelinqui. . . .in Angliam confugi. . . .d. 23 May, 1716, a. 72.

157. John Lee, d. 4 May, 1713, a. 48.

158. Richard Ga d. 11 May, 1731, a. 44.

159. Isaac Gamier, Apothecary, d. 1 Feb., 1712, a, 81.

160. Thomas Allen, d. 1760, a. 66.

161. Everardus Home, Baronetus, S.R.S., jiatus 6 May, 1756 ; ob. 31 Aug., 1832.


162. Capt. Jonathan Reynolds, late Serjeant Mb Regt. Foot, d. 12 March, 1841, a 64. James Reynolds, his s., buried in St. Luke's.

163. Felix Cann, Captain in Royal Hosp., d. 28 Feb., 1786, a. 86.

164. Benji Cooke (and 5 children), d. 9 Jan., 1742, a. 46.

165. Mr. John Carley, sixpenny man, of this Hosp., d. 13 July, 1777, a. (86). Mrs. Mary Codd, w. of....d. 1780. Margaret, w. of said Mr. J. Parley, d. May, 1785, a. 52.

  • Does not appear in Capt. Ford's collection of

abstracts, 1842.

166. Jean Cupper, d. 30 May, 1724, a. 55. John Cupper, her husb., d. May, 1726, a. 45.

167. Charles King, sexton

168. Johannes Noades, Surgeon. Nulli se- cundus, d. 20 March, 1707, a. 64.

169. Emanuel Langford, Chaplain. Francisca Langford. D. Oct., 1724, a. 67.

170. Alexander Reid, 18 years Surgeon's Mate, d. 1 March, 1789, a. 69. Anne, his w., d. 1 Aug.. 1785, a. 48. Maria, his dau., d. 3 March, 1788, a. 17.

171. Henry Story, gardener 20 years, d. Sept., 1713, a. 63. Mary Story, his dau., d. 23 April, 1713, a. (10). Frances Story, his dau., d. 15 July, 1715, a. (21). William, his s., d. Oct., 1716.


172. Prope jacet Theodos Cottadpn, Miles. [Collation in Register.)

[Faulkner calls him " Sir Theodore Colladon. Physician," and gives 1712 as the date of his death. The inscription has now altogether vanished.]

Faulkner also gives the following, which do not appear in Ford's list :

173. Christian Davis, al*. Mother Ross, buried with military honours, July, 1739.

174. General Sir William Dalrymple, Lieu- tenant-Governor, 1807.

175. The Rev. William Young, 1757.

176. Lord Lindores, bur. 3 Sept., 1765.

177. The Right Hon. James O'Hara, Baron of Tyrawly, and Baron of Kilmain, bur. 24 July, 1773.


Alderson, 90 Allen, 23, 160 Andrews, 33 Anson, 127 Ashley, 49 Austen, 110

Barnes, 81 Beck, 6 Bell, 117 Bettesworth, 9 Blo(o)me, 40, 41 Booth, 110 Box, 7 Bruce, 1 Buckle, 147 Bulkeley, 71 Bunting, 10 Burney, 30 Burrows, 118 Bustle, 108

Campbell, 79 Campion, 4 Cann, 163 C'arley, 165

arr, 119

esill, 56 Dheselden, 107 )hudleigh, 48

'hurch, 34 Cock, 150

odd, 165

'olladon (or Cottadon), 172

Compton, 17 Cooke, 164 Cooper, 129 Corbett, 110 Cossley, 154 Crauford, 60 Crew, 6 Cross, 110 Crudden, 110 Cunnington, 110 Cupper, 166

Dalrymple, 47,


Daniel, 131 Davern, 36 Davis, 128, 173 Dawgs, 42 Dawson, 24 Dickson. 110 Doolan, 110 Drabble, 89 Duke, 80 Dundas, 69 Durant, 146 Dwyer, 110

Ebhart, 105 Edge, 21 Edmonds, 112 Egan, 110 Eyre, 103

Fasson, 50 Faunce, 110 Fawcett, 70

Feagan, 63 Fletcher, 110 Ford, 88 Fosmire, 139 Frazer, 151

Ga , 158 Gadsby, 113 Gamier, 96, 97,


Gibson, 88 Gleig, 104 Godfrey, 126 Gordon, 110 Grant, 44 Gray, 53 Greenfield, 139 Gregory, 145

Haggitt, 29 Halkett, 51 Hall, 27 Hallinan, 110 Harper, 110 Harwood. 74 Hayes, 110 Heriot, 57 Hickman, 134 Hill, 131 Hillan, 110 Hiseland, 18 Hobbs, 59 Home, 161 Horswell, 3 Huey, 102 Hurlo, 140