Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/648

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Notes and Queries, Jan :!5. 1913.

A U T H R S' I N D E X.

A. (A. W.) on Book of Lecan, 70. Canongate, Edinburgh, Church Registers, 50

A. (E. A.) on author of quotation : " E'en as he trod," 494.

A. (H. C. H.) on cairn at Trivandrum, 388

A. (J.) on Gloucester House, in South Lambeth, 30. Orlow, 10

A. (J. E.) on W. Petitot : Boyd Porterfield, 135

A. (M. L.) on Milton portrait by Samuel Cooper, 30

Abrahams (Aleck) on bag-envelopes, 52. Beon (Comtesse de), 411. Bullock's Museum, Picca- dilly, 92. Fees at the City Compters, 46. Fleet Street, No. 50, 66. Gardner prints and drawings of Old London, 348. Guildhall Library, 264. Lamb's Chapel, London, 435. London Bridge, 209, 416. Lowndes's ' Biblio- grapher's Manual,' 192. Price of tobacco in the seventeenth century, 413

Abram (A.) on " Pomander," 252

Aitcho on bxirial at midnight, 414. Emblem on a ring, 230. Hudson (Jeffrey) and Crofts duel, 475. " Pomander," 214. Stewart (James Pat- tison), 158

Allehin (J. H.) on ingenious tailor, 353

Anderson (A. W.) on consecration crosses on the outside walls of churches, 451. Dooms in churches, 492

Anderton (H. Ince) on Leake (Lake) : Farington of Worden, 467

Andrewes (H. E. ) on memory game, 509

Angier (C. J. Bruce) on Italian genealogy, 291

Anscombe (A.) on Londrcs : Londinlum, 32. Terminal " ac," 512. " Wala, " in ' Widsith,' 1. 14, 7. ' Widsith,' 1. 18, and " Gautigoth," 201, 371. " Yelver " in place-names, 352

Ap (Thomas) on William Rees, Sheriff of Mon- mouth, 1733, 450. Rhetorique family, 437

Apperson (G. L.) on alabaster effigies, 277. Bel- shazzar's Feast, 495. "Calendar's cat," 329. Dedication of Nonconformist chapels, 193. Price of tobacco in the seventeenth centurv, 268

Arkle (A. E.) on alabaster effigies, 378. Authors of quotations wanted, 355. Chancellors of York Minster, 475. Erasmus or Tindale, 337. Rembrandt and Menasseh Ben Israel, 133

Aroser on ' She Stoops to Conquer ' : explanations wanted, If)

Arrowsmith (J. W.) on ballad of Lord Lovel, 296

Astarte on epitaphiaiia, 503

Austen (Canon G.) on Chancellors of York Minster, 409

Austin (Roland) on Atkyns family, 137, 392. Date of publication 'wanted, 413. Harris (Benjamin), 515

Axon (W. E. A.) on Giacomo Leopardi : Eastern epigram, 209. Turkish spy in Paris, 56


B. (A.) on author wanted, 489. Authors of quotations wanted, 136

B. (B. ) on employment of counsel in trial for treason, 112. Milton's ' Lycidas,' 395

B. (B. H.) on authors of poems wanted, 69

B. (C. C.) on ' Bingen on the Rhine,' 493. Chara? (Moses), Pharmacopoaus Regius, 96. Coffee : chocolate : first advertisement, 96. Curious sunset effect, 87. Dedication of Nonconformist chapels, 236. French sonnet : Felix Arvers.. 335,517. Greenstone, 378. Lang (Andrew), 151. " Pomander," 213. Powdered alabaster, 234. Snake poison, 76. To be " out " for a thin.n, 495. " Visto "=" Vista," 95. Weather rime,. 116

B. (E. G.) on Erasmus or Tindale, 337. Piper (Henry Hunt), 318

B. (G. ) on " Yelver " in place-names, 191

B. (G. D.) on Sir Christopher Dominick, M.D. 477

B. (G. F. R. ) on biographical information wanted, 11, 70, 89, 110, 130, 170, 209, 271, 310, 370, 390, 450. Chancellors of York Minster, 475. Hart (Joseph), 513

B. (G. S. ) on completion of poem sought, 468

B. (H.) on lifting the bride over the threshold, 314

B. (H. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 69

B. (H. C.) on Othniel Haggatt of Barbadoes, 149

B. (H. I.) on Belshazzar's Feast, 496. College- succession, 387. Fire-ritual : a survival, 489. References wanted, 256. Three wishes, 516

B. (J.) on Avenam, 190. English family, 453. " Shakespare (W.)," 228

B. (M. L. R.) on Novalis and John Stuart Mill on suicide, 369

B. (Mary) on Derby : Lord Exeter's house : Cecil family, 271

B. (R. ) on anonymous works, 411. Curfew bell 466. " Dander," 468. Died in his coffin, 468. "Lady of Clisson," 429. Odd name of a street, 487. Wreck of the Royal George, 496

B r (R.) on chained books, 136. " Honest " epitaph, 377. " Hyke," 357. Maidens' gar- lands, 497. Phrase of Swinburne's : "the morn," 216

B. (R. S.) on Brettargh, 450. Cheshire and the Pipe Rolls, 141. "Stipend" of a furnace, 50. Thunder cross and medal, 131. " Visto " = " Vista," 95

B. (R. W.) on Fleetwood miscellany, 43

B. (T.) on Casanova and Carlyle, 235

B. (T. W.) 011 Rocket Troop, "Royal Artil- lery : medal for valour at Leipsic, 313

B. (W. ) on " pointers," 195. Shakespeare's signatures, 255. Van Dyck with the s mil lower, 175. Weather rime, 177

B. (W. E.) on " airplane," 175