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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. vi. JULY 27, 1912.

at the end the date 6 September, 1741 > and the third was finished on 12 September- Final fillings-up took two days more i.e., in all 24 days.

' Judas Maccabaeus ' was commenced in 1746, on the 9th of July, " or the 8th " (thus Handel wrote on the score), and com- pleted on the 22nd ; the second act bears at the end the date 2 August ; and the third, 11 August i.e., in all 35 days.

A list of the chief solo singers and the number of Festivals at which they appeared may be worth recording :

Sopranos. Albani, Emma, 11 times (1877, '80, '82, '85, '88,

'91, '94, '97, 1900, '03, '06). Lemmens-Sherrington, 7 times (1862, '65, '68,

'71, '74, '77, '80). Melba, Nellie, once (1894). Nilsson, Christine, once (1868). Nordica, Lillian, 3 times (1888, '91, '97). Novello, Clara, twice (1857, '59). Patti, Adelina, 3 times (1865, '77, '80). Titiens, Therese, 4 times (1862, '68, '71, '74).


Butt, Clara, 6 times (1894, '97, 1900, '03, '09, '12). Dolby, Charlotte, 5 times (1857, '59, '62, '65, '68). Patev, Janet M., 7 times (1871, '74, '77, '80, '83,

5 85, '88). Trebelli, Zelia, 6 times (1871, '74, '80, '83, '85, '88).


Davies, Ben. 6 times (1894,1900, '03, '06, '09, '12). Lloyd, Edward, 10 times (1874, '77, '80, '83, '85,

'88, '91, '94, '97, 1900). Maas, Joseph, 3 times (1880, '83, '85). Reeves, Sims, 7 times (1857, '59, '62, '65, '68,

'71, '74). Rigby, Vernon, 4 times (1871, '74, '77, '80).


Black, Andrew, 4 times (1894, '97, 1900, '03). Foli, 7 times (1868, '71, '74, '77, '80, '83, '85). Formes, Carl, once (1857). Santley, Sir Charles, 16 times (1865, '68, '71, '74,

'77, '80, '83, '85, '88, '91, '94, '97, 1900, '03,

'06, '09). Weiss, \V. Hunter, 4 times (1857, '59, '62, '65).

There have been three conductors : Costa, Sir Michael (1857-1880). Manns, Sir August (1882-1900). Cowen, Sir Frederic (1903-1912).

J. J. S.


(See ante, pp. 1, 22.)


Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. XIII. From January to June, 1808. London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street ; Pub- lished by Richard Bagshaw, Bow-Street, Covent Garden ; Sold also by J. Budd, Pall Mall ; W. and J. Richardson, Royal Exchange ; Blacks and Parry, Leadenhall Street ; J. Mercer, Dublin ; J. Morgan, Philadelphia ; and E. Sarjeant, New York. 1808. 8vo, pp. viii-1040 columns.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. XIV. Fronn July to December, 1808. London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street ; Pub- lished by Richard Bagshaw, Bow-Street, Covent Garden ; Sold also by J. Budd, Pall Mall ; W. and J. Richardson, Royal Exchange ?. Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, Leadenhall Street ; J. Mercer, Dublin ; J. Morgan, Phila- delphia ; and E. Sarjeant, New York. 8vo, pp. xii-1032 columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the- Year, 1803. From which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled " Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates." Vol. III. Comprising the Period from the Battle of Edge- Hill, in October 1642, to the Restoration of Charles the Second, in April, 1660. London r Printed by T. Curson Hansard, Peterborough- Court, Fleet-Street. Published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden ; and sold by J. Budd, Pall-Mall ; J. Faulder, New Bond- Street ; H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row ;; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, Leadenhall- Street ; and J. Archer, Dublin. January, 1808. 8vo, unnumbered Tables of Contents.

Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the Year, 1803. From which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled " Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates." Vol. IV. Comprising the Period from the Restoration of Charles the Second, in 1660, to the Revolution,, in 1688. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street. Published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden ; and sold by J. Budd, Pali-Mall y J. Faulder, New Bond-Street ; H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row ; Black, Parry, and Kings- bury, Leadenhall - Street ; and J. Archer, Dublin. June, 1808.

8yp, unnumbered Tables of Contents 1390 ccviii columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Second Session of the Fourth Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,, and of the Kingdom of Great Britain the Twenty-first, Appointed to meet at Westminster the Twenty-first Day of January, in the Forty- eighth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King. George the Third, Annoque Domini One Thou- sand Eight Hundred and Eight. Vol. X. Comprising the Period between the 21st of Jan. and the 8th of April, 1808. [Vol. XI. Comprising the Period between the llth of April and the 4th of July, 1808.] London r Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court ,. Fleet-Street ; Published by R. BagshaAv ,. Brvdges-Street, Covent-Garden ; and sold by J. "Budd, Pall-Mali ; J. Faulder, New Bond Street ; H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row r Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, Leadenhall Street ; and J. Archer, Dublin. 1808.

8vo, vol. x. pp. xxv- 1368 columns, and 3 pp. Indices ; vol. xi. pp. 71146 columns and clxiv columns, and 4 pp. Indices.


Elements of Reform, or An Account of the Motives and Intentions of the Advocates for Parlia- mentary Reformation. By "William Cobbett> proprietor of the Political Register. "English- men ! read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest ' :