Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/112

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104 NOTES AND QUERIES. [u a vn. f«b. 8. wis. Washingtons of Selby, Yorkshire. Has this alleged pedigree ever been investigated .by any readers of ' N. & Q.' ? Eugexe F. McPike. 135, Park Row, Chicago, IU. [A " pillowbeer " was a pillow-case. The quota- tions for the word ill the 'N.E.D.' range from ■Chancer to Edna Lyall.] WELLAND written in a bold, clear hand at the top. with double columns for dates and places of preaching below. These columns arc in most cases carefully ruled, sometimes roughly marked. Two years are almost invariably left between two deliveries of any sermon in the same place, though now and then one might be preached at Welland and Castle Morton on the same day. With the exception of Longdon, which occurs rarely, these are the only places named. It is odd that there is no mention of Upton, where he lived while serving Welland as his The dates never reach the SERMON REGISTER, 1809-28. i The Rev. George Boulter, Vicar of Kempsey and Welland in the latter part of uncle's curate. the eighteenth century, was succeeded in second column, and hardly ever fill the first. the latter benefice by his son John, who pre- Mr. Boulter, who was over 50 when he deceased him, and then by his son-in-law started the book, and in or near his 70th year and nephew Henry Boulter, who held it at his death on 8 Jan., 1828, must have from 1797 to 1828. The site of the old counted on a century of life. Most of the •church is marked by the churchyard and .pleasant vicarage, standing away from the main road, about a mile further from Mal- vern and nearer to Upton than the modern •church. When I was last there the present Vicar kindly gave me my kinsman's Sermon Register, a description of which may be of some interest. It is a large pocket-book, sold (as an inserted label records) by E. Reddell, of No. 7. High Street, Tewkesbury, who kept a printing office, circulating library, all kinds of books and " stationary," patent umbrellas and " paratouts," and approved patent medicines. Mr. Boulter has entered " pret. 2/6, 1809," as the price and date of Ins purchase. Pp. 1-106 are numbered, but 23-42 and a few after 106 are torn out. Each page contains the text of a sermon, Dr- Bur«i 'IaKtatf Aoi'Kft Al'K« (i)(T AP lovea AP JUv'f KoXa/xi 2a/uoi'7} Kapp do. Kai Xi'xnT Kapp sermons have the subject or occasion pre- fixed to the text ; and nearly all have the author's name in Greek characters added to it. The notation is not always con- sistent ; it will be seen that the same name is sometimes spelt differently. Who are meant by Aiucee and Ntvkiv ? The initial of the latter is most like an English N, but might be H, making the name Heylin. Note that to is the English W in DipS, but O in wA.t?. Is " Thistle- thwaite " the author of the peace sermon ? There is no doubt about the v in the name, but I cannot be sure of its English equiva- lent. The order in the following list is my own. I have given the text in brackets where it is of special interest; otherwise, only where no title appears. the excellency and immortality of the soul. Job xxxvi. 11, Ps. cii. 27, Prov. xvi. 31, Gal. vi. 9, and the death of Christ. the Jewes expectation of a Messiah accomplished in Christ. the excellency of the Gospel Revelation. human life a pilgrimage. S. John ii. 23-5. Christmas, Good Friday (2), Easter. peace with" France (1 Sam. xii. 24) : a thanksgiving sermon preached at C. Morton and Welland on 18 Jan., 1816. an early piety a necessary duty. the certainty of death (12 Apr., 1807, the earliest date given). the certainty of our own resurrection. the important concern of a future estate. 2 S. Peter iii. 10 ; the resurrection. Baptism and Confirmation. 1 S. Tim. ii. 4; Lent, before Easter, Easter Day, second Sunday after Easter. Ascension ; the religious employment of time ; the requisites of prayer ; the happiness of being under the government of providence; resignation to the will of God ; universal obedience ; contentment; the insufficiency of this world to our happiness; men sojourners upon earth (for new year's day); general instances of God's goodness to men ; the marks of being sincerely religious ; the duty of doing to others as we would be done by ; the parable of the talents ; the evidences of the Gospel entitled to our assent; causes of propensity to peculiar vices; vicious habits (Jer. xiii. 23) ; the general judgement.