Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/155

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US. VII. Feb. 22, 1913.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 147 Wh mast request correspondents desiring in- formation <m family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct. The Sultan of Turkey's Titles.—The titles have, I think, varied from time to time, but I should like to know what are, for example, those of the present Sultan, and what were those of (say) Suleyman the Magnificent. In The Sun (now defunct) of 9 June, 1897, appeared the following :— "The Sultan's Titles. "The following paragraph, published in 1719, is of special interest at the present time. It alsu indi- cates to some extent Turkey's lost possessions: ' God's Deputy oti Earth, Lord of the Lords of this World, Possessor of Men's Necks, King of Believers and Unbelievers, King of the Kings of this World, Emperor of the East and West, Emperor of the Chakans of great-Authority, Prince and Lord of the most happy Constellation, Majestic Caasar, Seal of Victory, Refuge of all the People in the whole World, the Shadow of God, dispensing Quiet in the Earth: King of Greece, and Asia the Lesser (viz., Anatolia), and Arabia, and Persia and Turkey, and Tartary. and Arabia Felix, and Petra'a, Egypt, and Syria, and Cara-Amanoa, and Cnrdistan. Cireassia. and the Abazite.and Georgians ; Lord of the White and Black Sea, and the Ocean (viz., the Sea of Prince Oman), of Hungary, Wallachia, Moldavia. Africa, Algiers, and Barbary ; as likewise Heir of a Thousand and Thousand Regions and Provinces; Sultan Achmet Chan, son of Sultan Mahomet. &o. May God illuminate thy Maxims, and Reward with Benefits their Tryals (or may He illuminate their Points or Arguments, and over-ballance their Tryals by good deeds), viz., in the Day of Judgment, when all Men's Arguments for themselves and their Actions are put to the Tryals.'" Presumably this Achmet was Achmet III. In a letter which appeared in The Times of 7 Sept., 1906, the Rev. Malcolm MacColl wrote :— " The following are the full legal titles of the Ottoman Sultan : — He is ' by the grace of the Almighty Creator, Lord of Lords, Dominant Sovereign in Arabia, Persia, and Greece. Invincible and always Victorious, Emperor of Constantinople, Distributor of Crowns to the Great Princes of the Earth, Sovereign Master of the Two Seas and of all the Adjacent Countries, Lord of the Orient and the Occident, Protector of the Sacred and August Cities of Mecca and Medina, and of endless other Countries, Kingdoms, Empires, Isles, and Peoples.'" It is not clear whether Mr. MacColl meant that these were titles inherited or assumed by Sultan after Sultan, or that they were the titles of Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid II., at that time on the throne. As to The Sun paragraph, the White Sea means " that part of the Mediterranean which, lying outside the Dardanelles, and between the shores of Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt, is studded with the innumerable Greek islands, those of the M%ean being included." (See 10 S. x. 308, 351, 376, 456, 495; and especially xi. 10: the last two references do not appear s.v. ' White Sea' in the In- dexes.) The meaning of "' the Ocean (viz., the Sea of Prince Oman) " is not clear. Tho. Salmon, in his ' Modern History; or, the Present State of All Nations,' vol. i., 1744, p. 412, says : " The Grand Seignior, among his titles, styles himself Lord of the Black, Red, and White seas." It may be that "the Ocean means the Red Sea, or that and the Indian Ocean. Some such title as " Prince and Lord of the happy Constella- tion " appears to have been assumed by or given to some Eastern rulers. In a foot- note in ' The Decline and Fall of tho Roman Empire,' new edition, 1820, vol. xii. (chap. Ixv.), p. 4, Gibbon says concerning the nativity of Timour :— "I know not whether they [the astrologers] can prove the great conjunction of the planets, from whence, like other conquerors and prophets, Timour derived the surname of Saheb Keran, or master of the conjunctions." James Fraser, in ' The History of Nadir Shah to which is prefix'd a short History of the Moghol Emperors,' 1742, pp. 1 and 2, note, gives Saheb 6 Keran, Lord of the Conjunction, " it being said, there was a fortunate Conjunction of the Planets at his Birth," i.e., at the birth of Timour. Robert Piebpoint. Prebendaries of Weighton, York Minster.—I should be very grateful to any readers who would give me information respecting the following Prebendaries of Weighton in York Minster :— 1301. Tho. Piealotto or Pybalotto. 1305. Joh. do Kenley. 1368. Will, de Gunthoipe. 1403. Richard Coningston. 1404. Tho. Hilton. 1422. Will. Lascelles. 1505. Joh'es Carrier. 1529. Ric. Sydnor. 1556. Tho. Arden. 1563. Xic. Wilson. 1633. Joh'es Swinnoek. 1660. Will. Davison, S.T..P. 1680. Samuel Crobrowe. 1732. Niclwlas Wolfe. '■•■■■ 1812. John Wingtield, D.D. Arthur A. R. Oiix, The Vicarage, Market Weighton.