Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/237

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11 8. VII. Mar. 22,1913.] . NOTES AND QUERIES. 229 " Hypekgamy."—In his ' People of India ' (1908), p. 156, Sir H. Risley Writes :— "Hypergamy, or 'marrying up,' is the custom which forbids a woman of a particular group to marry a man of a group lower than her own in social standing, and compels her to marry in a group equal or superior in rank." In a note he adds :— "This is what the term was intended by its inventor to mean. He alone is responsible for the etymology." The inventor of the word was, I think, the late Sir Denzil Ibbetson. It does not appear in the ' N.E.D.' Can any one give the history of the word ? Emeritus. Author Wanted. — Who is the author of the Latin verses on Livingstone's slab in Westminster Abbey ? Along the right border of the stone are the words :— Tantus amor veri, nihil est quod noscere malim Quam lluvii causas per ssecula tanta latentes. Along the left border is the text:— Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold : them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice. Jane T. Stoddart. Paulett of Andover.—Letters of ad- ministration were granted in respect of Sir Henry Paulett of Andover in July, 1640. It is believed that he left a widow, Alice, and a daughter, Ann, the latter of whom married Jonathan Eycott of Gloucestershire. Information respecting any of these, and especially as to the ancestors of Sir Henry Paulett, would be gladly received by A. L. Lewis. 35, Beddington Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. Sm Edward Hitchins.—Particulars as to the parentage of Sir Edward Hitchins, Mayor of Oxford, who was knighted in 1812, will be much appreciated. Col. Edward William Bray, C.B.— Col. Bray was born at Lanford, Ireland, 21 June, 1787 ; married at Dublin, 9 April, 1822, to Belinda Eliza Murray, by whom he had three children. Particulars as to his parentage will be much appreciated. R. H. Rear-Admiral Mark Robinson.—I am anxious to discover his ancestry. He died in 1799. He was the father of Admiral Mark Robinson, who died in 1834, and grandfather of Commander Thomas Pitt Robinson. He is stated to have come from Appleby, co. Cumberland. Would any naval records be likely to contain evidence of his parentage ? P. D. M. Sibbering. (See also 11 S. v. 290, 416). —It has always been understood that our family is of Huguenot extraction. Can any one favour me with references to our surname, or any palpable variants thereof, in lists of Huguenots prior to 1582 ? At that date we were established in Lancashire as linen websters, the name being then spelt Sybbering and Sydbrincke. Geo. T. Sibbering. Alteryn House, Newport, Mon. Andre Chenier in London. — Andre Chenier, as Sainte-Beuve tells us, spent three years in London. Is it known where he lived ? Any details concerning his stay would be acceptable. The L.C.C. might well put a tablet on the house he occupied. M. L. R. Breslar. Bettisfield Park, Flintshire.—Can any one tell the origin of this English name in Wales ? I have the authority of Sir Wynd- ham Hanmer for saying that the place was known by this name in 1600, but that pre- viously it was called Llysbededd ; but he is unaware of the cause of the change. As there is a parish of the same name, is there no ecclesiastical record of such an unusual occurrence as the complete change of name t E. F. W. " Do you come from Topsham I "—I shall be glad of explanation of the above phrase, addressed to those who leave the door open. Why is this failing attributed to residents in the Devonshire town ? I have been told that it was heard used in Yorkshire by a man who had never other- wise heard of Topsham. H. Stone. Source of Anecdotes.—1. Who was the statesman who, as he lay dying, clasped his wife's hand, and said, " In thy face have I seen the Eternal " ? 2. What is tho source of the story in Alma Tadema's picture ' The Women of Amphissa ' ? H- J- Markland.—I have in my possession a curious volume entitled " Pteryplegia; or, The Art of Shooting-Flying, a Poem by Mr. Markland, A.B. and formerly Fellow of St. John's College in Oxford," 1727. As I am editing a reprint, I should be grateful for any information respecting the author ; and respecting James HeyWood Markland, the editor of ' The Chester Mysteries,' why is mentioned in Lockhart's ' Life of Sir Walter Scott.' R- M-