Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/308

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300 NOTES AND QUERIES, m a VIL A«n. 12, wis. comments by M. Claude Anet and Mr. A. Cooma- raswamy on l'i. Martin's recent book about Oriental Miniature Painting. A welcome contri- bution is M. Tanpred Boreuius's account of the Venetian pictures in the Augusteum at Oldenburg— a small gallery comparatively unvisited by tra- vellers. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES.—APRIL. MB. BLACKWELL of Oxford offers in his Cata- logue 149 an Aldirie Aristophanes—edilio princeps— 1496, for 167. !«-. Two interesting Bibles are the so-called " Vinegar" Bible, printed, it will be re- membered, by Baskett at Oxford, 1717, the price of which here is X. 3s.; and a copy of the faulty •edition printed in 1653 by John Field, printer to the Parliament, in which, for the first time, pearl type was used. A copy of Guillitn's ' Display of Heraldry,' 1724, is to be hod for 51. 10*., and Snape's ' Anatomy •of the Horse," 1683, for 71. 7*. Another curious item is a copy of the ' Flores Historiaruni' of Matthew of Westminster—to give it the title it lays claim to, though there is every reason to identify Matthew of Westminster's work with that of Matthew 1'aris, 1567, 51.5.1. The list of private press books is a good •one. It includes a copy of the Asnendene Dante, 1909, 101. Id"., and two copies of the Ashendene Horace, 19aS, for the better of which, on vellum, 10Z. 10*. is asked. From the Doves Press come a Browning's ' Men and Women,' 1908, 41. 4s., and the ' Pervi- Kilium Veneris,' in red and black on vellum, 1910, .HI. 5».; and from the Kelmscott Press a copy of Cnxton's 'Golden Legend,' 1892, 81. 10*. We may Also mention Shaw's 'Arms of the Colleges of •Oxford,' 1855, 6V. 6». BOOKS on America form an important section in "the Catalogue No. 105 which we have received from Messrs. Browne & Browne of Newcastle-on-Tyne. They offer for 201. a copy, bound by Riviere, of the •' Impartial History of the War in America between •Great Britain and her Colonies,' 1780. A copy in the Hoe library fetched 120 dollars. A complete set • of Archiroloffia .Kliana from the commencement to 1906, in 31 vol«., is priced at 301. "A Curious Treatise of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate, written in Spanish by Antonio Colmenero, Doctor in Physieke and Chirnrgery, and put into English by Don Diego de Vades-forte," a small 4to volume of 27 pages, printed in 1640 by J. Okes, London, is an interesting item for which 51. is asked. An editio priticeps. in Gothio letter, with some 2,250 woodcuts by Wolgenmth and Pleydenwurf, bound in sixteenth-century calf, of the ' Chronicon Nureni- burgense," 1493, is to be had for 157.; and for in/, a •copy of BibliaPauperum—' Diesiben Alter oder Pil- gers^hafft der juugfrawen Marie,' printed at Basle in 1520. Surtees'g ' Durham,' together with Raine's ' History of North Durham,' making 5 vols. in all, is offered for 251. (1816-52). Messrs. Browne have also acquired a copy of the translation, entitled ' The Mighty Magician' and ' Such Stuff as Dreams are made ot,' of Calderpn's ' Vida es Sueno' done by FitzGerald, and printed only as gifts for his friends, 1853, 157. Wo may further mention a col- lector's fine series of 67 portraits after Van Dyck, mostly in first and second states, 1630-40, the price of which is given as in'. MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS'S Catalogue No. 320 gives us some 537 items—old books of the six- teenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, among which the English classics are well repre- sented. They make interesting pages, but we have space to mention only a very Tew specimens. We noticed the following first editions: Goldsmith's 'Vicar of Wakefield' and 'She Stoops to Con- quer,' the latter (which has a copy of the original playbill for the first night, 15 March, 1773, inserted in it) being offered for 2W., the former for 125/.; Beaumont and Fletcher's 'Comedies and Trage- dies," with portrait of Fletcher, bound by Riviere. 1647, .'in'.; Florio's Montaigne, in the original vellum, printed by Val. Sims for Edward Blount, 1603, 751.; ' Gulliver's Travels,' first issue of first edition, with the spurious third volume, IT-,, -'i'. ; first illustrated edition of Shakespeare in 7 vols.— six volumes printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709, and vol. vii., containing the poems, printed for E. Curll, 1710-457.; Bacon's ' Wisdome of the Ancients," 1619, 167.; and Marvell's '.Poems,' with portrait, bound by Riviere, 101. 10s. A curious item is the translation of a French work, "com- posed by grave persons," called ' Youth's Be- haviour; or, Decency in Conversation unonsst Men,' made by Francis Hawkins at the age of eight. 1653. -21. 10*. WE noticed the following interesting items among many others in the Catalogue No. 232 which Messrs. James Rimell & Sons have recently sent us : a letter of Nelson's, dated June 20, 1795, on board the Agamemnon, to his uncle Suckling, expressing his eagerness to meat the French in battle, 257.; an autograph copy of Matthew Arnold's ' Stazirius,' presenting several variations from the published version, signed M. A., 1844, 10?. Ifti.; a first edition ot Bacon's 'Novum Organum,' 1620. 401.; a large number of Cruikshank items, including ' Holiday Scenes,' which consists of four coloured etchings of (i.) children at play in the nursery, (ii.) " break- ing up," (iii.) arriving home from school, and (iv.) on "Black Monday" going back to school, with the original paper wrapper, which has an etching of children in a Christmas Box," published by S. Knight, Royal Exchange, 1826, 21/.; Berville and Barriere's ' Collection de Me- moires relatifs a la Revolution Francaise,' 57 vols., 1821, &c., 111.; Horace Walpole's edition of the Memoirs of the Due de Grammont. having inserted in it a large number of engravings and drawings. Strawberry Hill. 1772, 24/. ; a set o! twelve coloured plates, illustrating the cultivation of flax and the manufacture of linen in Ireland, by W. Hincks, 1791, 13J. 13*.: a first edition (eighth title) of ' Paradise Lost, 1669,151.15s.; and a fine eighteenth- century edition of the '(Euvres'of Moliere, with engravings, 1773, 457. [Notices of other Catalogues held over.] to Contspontonts. ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith. WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception. W. FITCH. — Letter forwarded to querist on Fytohe family.