Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/377

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ii s. vii. may io, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 369 Authors Wanted.—I should be glad to know who is the writer of the poem in which the following lines occur :— I do not fear the landing on the shore ; Christ will be there, and I shall fear no more. But sometimes (for the flesh is weak) I shrink .... that in the intervening way The passage might be rough, and who can say What terrors might await us on the way ? Lord, take away from me this lingering dread. Thou art He that liveth and was dead, And now Thou art alive for evermore. When Death's dark reign of terror shall be o'er, Lord, give me grace that I may cry, ,: Thanks be to Thee who giveth victory." H. S—T. I should be glad to know who wrote the following :— 1. There is no adaptation or universal applica- bility in men, but each has his special talent, and the mastery of successful men consists in adroitly keeping themselves where and when that turn shall be oftenest to be praotised. 2. As body when the soul has fled, As barren trees decayed and dead, Is faith, a hopeless, lifeless thing, If not of righteous deeds the spring. 3. Time loosely spent will not again be won. Spero. ' The Tomahawk.'—I got the other day a bound volume of The Tomahawk for 1867. It was a Saturday journal of satire, and contains a few clever cartoons by " Matt " Morgan. How long was it published ? J. W. Scott. Leeds. Coming of Age.—1. When was 21 years recognized as the age of reaching man's estate ? 2. In the case of royalty does not this vary ? 3. In the time of Edward IV. and the early Tudor kings was not 24 the age recognized ? G. W. Strode Family in America.—Can any of your readers give me information regard- ing the first Strodes to come to the United States—when and where they settled ? To which branch of the English family did they belong ? And where are any records regarding this branch of the family to be found ? W. D. S. New York City. Abolition of Tenure by Knight Ser- vice.—I should be glad if some one would kindly inform me as to the position of lords (other than the King) of tenants by knight service after the abolition Act of 1660. As is well known, the Crown had an excise revenue granted instead of the feudal dues surrendered; but did other such lords (holders of hundreds, baronies, &c.) receive any compensation for the loss of their privileges, or were any of their ancient rights preserved to them ? Are the rights to fealty, suit of court, and escheat in active force at the present time in these cases ? Also, is any relief levied on the tenant, and, if so, how is the payment assessed ? G. D. Button-Makers : Dates Wanted.—I should be very much obliged if any reader of ' N. & Q.' could give me the dates of the following firms of button-makers:— I. McGowan, London. William & Alfred Horton, Sheffield. Kirkwood & Son, Edinburgh. Harding & Messenger, London. C. & W. Boggett, St. Martin's Lane, London. Bullivant & Tipson. Edward Armtield, Birmingham. John Hunter, 16, Maddox Street. Thomason & Co. Wilkinson, late J. Hunter. P. D. M. Biographical Information Wanted.— 1. The Rev. Stephen George Comyn is described in the ' Admissions to Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb.,1 ii. 196, as "chaplain at sea to Nelson." Particulars of his parentage and the date of his death, as well as details of his connexion with Nelson, are desired. 2. Edmund Goodenough, born 2 April, 1808, was admitted to Westminster School 14 Jan., 1820. Particulars of his parentage and career are wanted. 3. Charles Greville, M.P. for Petersfield 1795-6.—Was he the Charles Greville who married a daughter of the third Duke of Portland, and died 26 Sept., 1832 T 4. John Christopher Frederick Keppel was admitted to Westminster School 19 Jan., 1775. Who were his parents ? and when did he die ? G. F. R. B. Harcourt's Electioneering Squibs.— I understand that Sir William Harcourt, when a mere lad, wrote some very clever electioneering squibs. Are any of them in existence ? A specimen or two might be welcome in ' N. & Q.' M. L. Fv. Breslar. Alexandre Dumas : ' Monte Cristo.'— Did Dumas write a sequel to ' Monte Cristo ' T and, if so, under what name was it published T If he did not, was any such book ever written by any other author ? T. F. D.