Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/436

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428 NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vh. mat si. ma. Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots.— Wanted, information concerning a por- trait (on panel) representing Mary, Queen of Scots (nearly life-size and three-quarter length), wearing black velvet over an im- mense hoop-skirt, upon which, and within her right arm, the Queen carries a little white spaniel with gold collar and bells. In 1833 Charles Tilt of Fleet Street pub- lished a book of engravings entitled ' Por- traits of the Principal Female Characters in the Waverley Novels.' Among them is a very poor copy of the above portrait, subscribed " Drawn by J. W. Wright, from a Picture by Zucchero." Dorchester. Ureywell Hill, Winchfield. Gray Family of Whiteboys, co. Wex- ford.—I am desirous of obtaining informa- tion as to the pedigree and descendants of the family of Gray of Whiteboys, co. Wex- ford. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' supply me with it or tell me where such informa- tion may be found ? Crest: anchor with motto, " Anchor fast anchor." Coat of arms : lion rampant or on field gules. One member of the family (a younger son) went through the Peninsular War, was colonel in the Royal Rifle Brigade, given the freedom of the city of Belfast, lived for some time in Siclmouth, and is buried there. (I believe he was also Governor of Pendennis for a time, but am not sure.) He married (1) a Miss Lewis (died childless); (2) Miss M. A. Le Marchant, who had two sons, Loftus and Robert (both dead). Robert died childless ; but two daughters and two granddaughters of Loftus are alive. Mrs. Heck, Dr. Phil. Winkelgasse 20, Strassburg-Ruprechtsau. Louch Family.—Can any reader supply me with the ancestry of Richard Louch of Ixmdon, who submitted a design for the Royal Exchange, Dublin, in 1769 ! There were Louehes in London fully one hundred years previous to that date, as " Lowches Buildings" are mentioned in 1638 in an agreement between William Newton and the Society of Lincoln's Inn, reserving the land for the Square. J. D. Louch. 43, Salamanca Road, Wellington, N.Z. St. George's, Hanover Square : Ely Chapel.—Where can I see, or obtain a copy of, the licence issued for a marriage which took place at St. George's, Hanover Square, in July, 1810 ? Also, where are the Registers of the old Ely Chapel ? L. E. Moriarty. 35, Manor Park, Lee, S.E, Garibaldian Veteran. — A few weeks ago I saw in a daily paper the death of one of the veterans who fought for Garibaldi in the English Legion in 1860. The obituary notice stated that he had been told off to attend the Countess della Torre in the engagement outside Capua. Unluckily, I forgot to note the name. Can any one help me ? Che Sara Saha. Thomas Rogers of St. Giles-in-thk- Fields.—A stone to his memory in Sa- combe Churchyard, Herts, describes him as a smith. He died 30 July, 1752, cut. 78, " a generous and ingenious Artist, that made him in general respected by the Nobility and Lovers of Arts." Further particulars concerning Mr. Rogers or his works will be valued by E. E. Squires. Hertford. Author of Quotation Wanted.— And shall not this night and its long dismal gloom Like the night of the tempest again pass away? Yes ! the dust of the earth in bright beauty shall bloom, And rise to the morning of heavenly day. I think this is Thomas Moore's, but I cannot find it. Wm. H. Peet. Wilderness Row.—Where in London was Wilderness Row ? For how many, and during which, years was it in existence ? " The Victory," Townsend Street, Walworth.—During what years was Towns- end Street in existence ? Was " The Vic- tory " an inn ? " The Star," Broad Green, Croydon. —During what years was " The Star," Broad Green, Croydon, in existence ! Howard H. Cotterell, F.R.Hist.S., F.R.S.A. Foden Road, Walsall. Blake and his Friend Butts.—Who was the Mr. Butts to whom Blake addressed one> of his theosophie poems and revealed hit First visions of light, on the yellow sands sitting ? Elsewhere he apostrophizes him by name less favourably :— And Butts shall give what Fuseli gave, A dark black rock and a gloomy cave. Neither Mr. Yeats in his Introduction to the volume of poems, nor Allan Cunningham, makes the slightest allusion to Butts. M. L. R. Breslar. Percy House, South Hackney, N.E.