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US. VII. June 7,1913.] NOTES AND QUERIES. us Own) who fell in India during the Mutiny. It is constructed of granite, with bronze ornaments. On either side are the decora- tions of the regiment and the word Delhi, and on the front, facing the Market Square, are an allegorical design and an inscription. Edinburgh.—On the Castle Esplanade a runic cross was erected in 1862 to com- memorate the officers and men of the 78th Highlanders—" the brave Seventy-Eighth " (Ross-shire Buffs)—who fell in the suppres- sion of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-8. Bristol—On 5 Dec, 1908, Lord Roberts unveiled a model of Lucknow during the siege, which had been presented to the Art Gallery. The grandson of Lord Law- rence was present at the ceremony. South African Was. Birmingham.—In Cannon Hill Park is placed a bronze group by a local sculptor, Mr. Albert Toft, in memory of the Bir- mingham men who fell in the Boer War. Bedford.—The memorial at Bedford is erected in the Swan Square, and consists of the figure of a fully equipped soldier placed on a tall pedestal. The latter contains a list of the names of the local men who fell, and the following inscription :— To the memory of the Officers, Non-com- missioned Officers, and Men of the Bedfordshire Regiment, and of Bedfordshire men serving in other branches of the Imperial Forces, who lost their lives in the South African Campaign, and whose names are hereon recorded, this monument was erected by public subscriptions in the county. War declared Oct. 8th, 1899. Peace proclaimed June 1st, 1902. Brighton.—In Regency Square, surmount- ing a tall pedestal, is a spirited figure in bronze of a trumpeter sounding the charge. The pedestal is enriched with several bronze ornaments and plaques, and on the front is inscribed :— In Memory of the Officers, Non- commissioned Offrs. and Men of the Royal Sussex Regiment who fell in South Africa, 1900-1902. Bury St. Edmunds. — In front of the Town Hall is a massive oblong erection shaped like an altar-tomb. The sides and ends are inscribed, and surmounting it is the figure of a wounded soldier seated on a boulder, awaiting the attack. York.—The memorial here stand* on a triangular piece of ground near the west front of the church of St. Michael-le-Belfry. It was designed by Mr. G. F. Bodley, A.R.A., stands 40 ft. high, is octagonal in shape, and in character like an Eleanor Cross. The- shaft is surmounted by a lantern top, with flying buttresses supporting a cross. Below this are eight niches containing statues of Yorkshire warrior-saints. Near the base are inserted tablets containing the names of the men commemorated. Shrewsbury.—The memorial is erected on St. Chad's Terrace, near The Quarry. Surmounting a tall pedestal is the erect figure of a soldier, with bowed head and reversed arms. Above the inscription on the front is a bust in relief of Queen Victoria^ It was erected by the officers and men of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry in memory of their comrades who fell in the South African Campaign, 1899-1902. Hastings.—On the Promenade facing the- sea is erected a red granite pillar, enriched with the borough arms and representations in bronze of the colours of the Royal Sussex Regiment. Tablets are affixed containing, the lists of names and the following :— Erected by the inhabitants of this Boroughr to the memory of their brave fellow-townsmen who fell in the South African War, 1899-1902. Belfast. — In front of the City Hall, standing on a slightly tapering base, is a huge boulder supporting the figure of a soldier, represented as entering into action.. This monument commemorates the men of the Royal Irish Rifles who fell in the South: African War. Wendover, Bucks.—On one of the highest spurs of the Chilterns, Coombe Hill, 850 ft. above sea-level, is erected the Buckingham- shire South African memorial. It is flanked. by four massive pillars, and consists of a square plinth approached by a flight of steps. Rising from the plinth is a tall square shaft surmounted by a funeral urn. The ■ lower part contains names and other in-- scriptions. Worcester.—Almost within the Cathedral" precincts rises the finely conceived war memorial. The massive pedestal carries ft bronze group consisting of an angel holding a palm branch above the head of a kneeling soldier, who is depicted as engaged in des- perate conflict. Below on the front is in- scribed :— T . , . In grateful memory of the men of Worcester- shire who in South Africa gave their lives for their country, a.i>. 1899 19.2.