Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/478

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470 NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vii. jhnb u, ms. to the crown. I shall be glad if some corre- spondent will-tell me (1) if these Parlia- ments were legally within their powers in attainting royal blood; (2) if, when Richard III., on the death of his son, de- clared Clarence's son, Edward, Earl of Warwick, his rightful heir, the latter was still under his father's attainder. If not, when was it removed ? W. C. M. Stephens and Boger Families. — In ' Neota,' by Charlotte Hawkey (1871, privately printed), reference is made on pp. 140, 165, to a family of Stephens. As two of the Boger family of Plymstook married at Landrake, Cornwall (1711-20), members of the Hawkey family, I am tempted to hope there may be some con- nexion between these Stephenses and a William Stephens, surgeon of Stoke Damerel parish (living 1757), whose daughter Eliza- beth Stephens married a son of Sarah Boger of the Plymstock family. I should be very grateful for a copy of the pedigree of the members of the Stephens family mentioned in the above book. There is none at the British Museum. A. Stephens Dyer. 207, Kingston Road, Teddington. " Docky down."—A few days ago a county-court plaintiff in West Cornwall said he had paid some money " docky down," and the phrase was explained to the judge as meaning " all at once," as opposed alike to deferred payment and to payment by instalments. What is the etymology of the words ? The ' Eng. Dial. Diet.' does not help. Ygrec. Biographical Information Wanted.— 1. Daniel Fauoaut was admitted on the foundation at Westminster School in 1669. Particulars of his parentage and career are desired. 2. Gilbert Flemming, son of Gilbert Flemming of St. Christopher's in the West Indies, was admitted on the foundation at the same school in 1742, aged 14. I should be glad to obtain any information concern- ing him. 3. Sackville Fox was admitted to West- minster School in May, 1722, aged 12. Particulars of his parentage and career are wanted. 4. Pinkstan James, the third son of Robert James, M.D., the patentee of the once celebrated fever powders, and the father of G. P. R. James, the novelist, died 14 July, 1830. Who was his mother ? When and whom did he marry ? G. F. R. B. Coaching Clubs. — I am desirous of obtaining information respecting the Coach- ing Clubs of last century, namely, the Benson Driving Club (better known as the B.D.C.) and the Four-in-Hand Club, and should be very glad if any of your readers could tell me anything fresh about them, or of any relics or records connected with them. V. Wilson. Karinega, Woodstock Road, Oxford. Rev. William Jones of Nayland.— In the only biographical dictionary within my reach, all the information given about the origin of this able and prolific author is that he " was born in 1726, at Lowick in Northamptonshire." His name sounds so very Welsh that I am tempted to ask whether any reader of ' N. & Q.' could give me some further information about his family. T. Lleohid Jones. Yapytty Vicarage, Bettws-y-Coed. [The' D. N.B.,' which gives a long account of Jones, states that he was the son of Morgan Jones, a descendant of Col. John Jones the regicide. A life of the Rev. W. Jones was written by William Stevens in 1801, and this may give further par- ticulars about his family.] Acts XXIX.—Where can I get a copy of the lost chapter of the Acts ? Mention is made of it in 5 S. viii. 490 ; 10 S. vi. 9, 74 ; but I have never been able to obtain a copy. At the penultimate reference D. J. states that what is called the lost chapter is printed in the British Ecdesia, No. 9 ; that, too, I cannot obtain. I hope the readers of ' N. & Q.' will enable me to find this lost chapter of the Acts. A. M. The Largest Square in London.—I have forgotten whether ' N. & Q.' has settled this question once and for all. But Mr. Wilfred Whitten, in his recent book ' A Londoner's London,' gives Russell Square as the largest; whereupon, in a review in the May Bookman, Mr. Edwin Pugh corrects him by asserting that Vincent Square is larger still. But is not Edwardes Square, Kensington, larger than any, except Lin- coln's Inn Fields ? Perhaps some Ordnance surveyor will oblige with an authoritative dictum. De V. Pa yen-Payne. McPhun Family in Scotland. — I should be very grateful if any of your readers could give me the names and ad- dresses of any persons of the name of McPhun now living in Scotland. Lydia S. Moncure Robinson. , Airdrie, Paoli, Pennsylvania.