Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/531

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913. 523 SUBJECT INDEX. Books recently published:— Addy's (S. O.) Church and Manor: a Study in English Economic History, 220 Analecta Bollandiana, Tomus XXXI. Fasc. IV., 98 Birtlett's (A. C.) Gardening, 459 Bayley's (H.) The Lost Language of Sym- bolism, 59, 100 Beaconsfleld (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of), Life of, by W. F. Monvpenny, Vol. II., 118 Bcaven's (Rev. A. B.) The Aldermen of the City of London, Vol. II., 478 Bibliographia Boltoniensis, by A. Sparke, 359 Bodley's (J. E. C.) Cardinal Manning, and Other Essays, 58 Bohn's Popular Library, Nos. 1 to 20, 319 Book-Prices Current, Vol. XXVII. Parts I. and II., 220, 459 Books that Count, ed. by W. F. Gray, 299 British Archivist, ed. by B. Holworthy, Vol. I. No. 1, 379 Budgen's (Eev. W.) Old Eastbourne, 319 Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1913, 60 Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain—Papal Letters, Vol. IX., a.d. 1431 - 47, prepared by J. A. Twemlow, 218—Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward III., Vol. XIII., a.d. 1364-7, 458 —Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice, Vol. XVIII., 1623-5, edited by A. B. Hinds, 199 Cambridge History of English Literature, edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller, Vol. IX., 198 Cambridge Modern History Atlas, 258 Carr's (W.) The Problem of Truth, 459 Christ's College, Biographical Register of, compiled by J. Peile, Litt.D., 338 Clayton's (J.) Co-operation, 140 ; Trade Unions, 459 Cobbett (William), The Life and Letters of, by L. Melville, 518 Compton-Rickett's (Dr.) History of English Literature, 140 •Cooper's (C. H. and T.) Athens Cantabrigi- enses, 230 •Craigie's (W. A.) A New English Dictionary, Sniggle-Sorrow, 399 Cummings's (W. H.) Dr. Arne and ' Kule, Britannia,' 239 Cunliffe's (J. W.) Early English Classical Tragedies, 79 Dickens <Charles) and Music, by J. T. Light- wood, 259 Dorling'8 (E. E.) The Leopards of England, and Other Papers on Heraldry, 419 Englishwoman's Year-Book, 1913, 19 Eyre's (A. M.) Saint John's Wood, 418 Flemings in Oxford, 1650-1700, ed. by J. R. Magrath, Vols. I. and II., 279 Friedlander's (L.) Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, Vol. IV., 198 •Gait's (J.) The Entail, 499 Gardner's (A.) An Account of Medieval Figure Sculpture in England, 38 ■Gooch's (G. P.) History and Historians of the Nineteenth Century, 278 Hannah's (I. C.) The Berwick 'and Lothian Coasts, 360 Books recently published:— Heraldry: The Leopards of England, and Other Papers on Heraldry, by E. E. Dor- ling, 410 Ireland under the Commonwealth, ed. by R. Dunlop, 498 Jarrett's (B.) Mediaeval Socialism, 459 Kirkman's (F. B.) British Birds, 459 Kitchin's (G.) Sir Roger L'Estrange: a Contribution to the History of the Press in the Seventeenth Century, 180 Lamb (Charles), Life of, by F. Masson, 459 Lambert's (H. C. M.) A History of Banstead in Surrey, 239 Lamborn's (E. A. G.) Architecture in Oxford Stone, 59 Levine's (E.) Judaism, 459 Lightwood's (J. T.) Charles Dickens and Music, 259 Longmans' Annual Catalogue, 219 Manning (Cardinal), and Other Essays, by J. E. C. Bodley, 58 Martin's ("John Martin") Prayers for Little Men and Women, 140 Massi >n's (F.) Charles Lamb, 459 Masterman's (Canon) The Church of Eng- land, 140 Melville's (L.) The Life and Letters of William Cobbett, 518 Mildmay Family, A Brief Memoir of the, compiled by Lieut.-Col. H. A. St. J. Mildmay, 298 Monypenny's (W. F.) The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfleld, Vol. II., 118 Murray's (Sir J. A. H.) A New English Dictionary : Ti-Tombac (Vol. X.), 78 New English Dictionary: Sniggle-Sorrow, by W. A. Craigie, 399; Ti-Tombac, by Sir J. A. H. Murray, 78 Oxford Book of Victorian Verse, chosen by A. Quiller-Couch, 139 Pageant of English Prose, edited by R. M. Leonard, 158 Phillips's (Dr.) The Science of Light, 459 Powicke's (F. M.) The Loss of Normandy (1189-1204), 519 Price's (J. M.) Dame Fashion, 358 Prior's (E. S.) An Account of Medieval Figure Sculpture in England, 38 Rae's (J.) The Deaths of the Kings of England, 299 Rashdall's (Canon) Ethics, 469 Romier's (L.) Les Origines Politiques des Guerres de Religion: Vol. I. Henri II. et l'ltalie (1547-55), 400 Saulez's (Rev. W. H.) The Romance of the Hebrew Language, 180 Scharlieb's (Dr. M.) Youth and Sex, 459 Shelley, by S. Waterlow, 459 Sibly's (Dr. F. A.) Youth and Sex, 459 Skeat's (W. W.) The Science of Etymology, 39 Social Guide for 1913, 459 Sparke's (A.) Bibliographia Boltoniensis, 359 Stone's (J. H.) Caravanning and Camping Out, 499 Swift (Jonathan), The Correspondence of, edited by F. E. Ball, Vols. III. and IV., 178 Townshend's (Aurelian) Poems and Masks, ed. by E. K. Chambers, 259