Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/534

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526 SUBJECT INDEX. Notes and Queries, July 26, 191S. Croydon, " The Star," Broad Green, 428 Crucifix, inscription under, in Germany, 484 Gumming (Alexander), 1733-1814, watchmaker, 106 Curfew bell, ringer elected 1912, 17, 77,117, 151, 217 " Curzo," meaning and origin of the word, 54( 172 Customs and institutions, pagan, 233 Dahl (M.) the elder, painter, 1656-1743, 168, 238 Dahl (M.) the younger, painter, d. 1741, 168 Dancers, morris, old pamphlet on, 91 " Dander," derivation of the word, 15, 52, 153 Danish ballad by Trust, original words, 250 Danish and English ogre-stories, 228, 295 Danteiana: ' Inf.,' xix. 124, 461 Dargan (William) of Dublin, 1799-1857, 58 Darnley (Lord), his descent from Robert II., 31 Date-letters on old plate, 289, 338, 350, 376 Davison & Newman of Fenchurch Street, 243 Dawson (J.), his diary, 1692-1765, 328 De Foe and Napoleon Bonaparte, 405, 514 De la Ramee (Louise), (Ouida), her short stories, 187 Dead, pagan custom of offering food to, 348 Deas (Robert), painter, his biography, 169 Death, waking bees at a, 388 Death, apparent, cases of, 13 Decipherment of tombstone inscriptions, 171 Deity, pictures of, in churches, 450 " Delhi Rebels," regiment called, 109 Derby Day, 1913, 'The Times' on, 486 Diaries, earliest use of, 109 Dibdin (C), his ballad opera 'The Waterman,' 1774, 50, 96 Dickens (C), ' The Mystery of Edwin Drood,' 66, 80, 362 ; places mentioned in ' The Uncommercial Traveller,' 249, 434 ; memorial in Kent, 305, 378 ; buildings associated with, at Birmingham, 325, 432, 510; " cocks' heads " in ' The Chimes,' 328, 416; death of the original of Little Dorrit, 505 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' additions and corrections, 46, 49, 57, 135, 237, 256, 292, 309, 328, 364, 369, 413, 424, 433, 436, 444, 447, 454, 487, 496, 509, 515 Diderot (D.), his letters and essay on sculpture, 268 Dillon (C), actor, portrait of, 469 Diogenes Laertius, bibliography of, 128 " Disallowal," " disallowance,' use of the words, 267, 414 Disraeli (Benjamin), his ' Vivian Grey,' 409 " Docky down " =all at once, 470 Doctors, " Jockey Doctors," temp. Charles II., 218 Dolls buried in a Scottish cave, 89, 158, 274 " Domicellus," meaning of the word, 310 Dominick (C>, M.D., of Dublin, d. 1692, 251 " Dope," origin of the word, 35, 97, 134 Doronderry (Downderry), derivation of place- name, 168 Dorset (Thomas, Marquis of), his seal of arms, 18 Douglas (J. St. L'.), Westminster School steward, 1769, 168 Douglas family, unpublished line, 368 Dover House, book describing, 1860, 69, 336 " Dowlcr," an employer in seventeenth century, 370, 437 Drake (Col.), of Amersham, 1847, 228, 292 Dresden china ornament, goat and tailor, 130 Dripping-Pan, sign in Whitechapel, 1663, 447, 518 Drummond (Archbishop), his Visitation Questions and Replies, r. 1764, 250 Drummond (J. Mohr), his wife, 348, 458 Du Moulin (Dr. Peter), d. 1684, and North Wales,12 Dublin street-names, changes in, 285 Duchess, used as Christian name, 447 Duke, used as Christian name, 447 Dumas (Alexandre), continuation of' Monte Cristo.' 369, 436 Dunton (John), his " Characters," 481 Duplex Ride, London street-name, 150 Durham House, description of interior, 270 Dutch service, English officers and troopers in, 1658, 183 Duties on paper and newspapers, 375 Dymoke (Charles), Champion to Charles I., 207 Earnest Appeal, as Christian name, 446 Earth-eating by various tribes, 98, 155, 318 East Anglia, families of, 277, 378, 477 ' Easter Day, calendar date of, 187 Eaton (N.), Harvard College, his marriages, 41(» Edgar family and the Stuarts, 127, 214 Edinburgh, dolls buried in a cave, 89, 158, 274 " Edition " and " impression," publishers' use of the words, 90, 172 Edward the Confessor, bis church, 89 Effigies of wax in Westminster Abbey, 205, 314 Elizabeth (Queen), and a portrait of Richard II., 6, 57 ; her use of " My own Crow," 366 Elliot (General), r. 1755, his identity, 150, 216, 328 Ely, sixteenth-century quotation on, 128 Ely Chapel, the registers of, 428 Emerson (R. W.) and Cadney Church, Lincoln- shire, 186 " Employee," use of the word, 37, 458 ' Encyclopaedia Londinensis,' article on heraldry, 288 English and Danish ogre-stories, 228, 295 ' English Catalogue of Books,' 127, 196, £38, 256, 316 ' English Dialect Dictionary,' additions and cor- rections, 455 English soldiers in Dutch service, 1658, 183 " Eowas " of ' Widsith,' etymology of the word, 501 Epigrams:— Here lie together, waiting the Messiah, 149 Musica mcestitiam, minuit modulamine, mentis, 406 Sex horas somno, 71, 136, 256 Epitaph on Cardinal Newman, quotation in, 449 Epitaphs :— Farewell, vain world 1 I 've had enough of thee, 266, 449 Here lyes entombed more men than Greece admired, 446 Honest Tom Steele, 517 Jhu fili dei miserere mci, 8, 54, 75 Mawdlyn thy name it did so hite, 265 Reader, pass on : don't idly waste your time, 28, 76 Shall modest merit die without its fame, 309 Stranger, pause one moment, and read the tribute of a grateful master, 266 Sweet son of song ! though lowly was thy lot, 396 This Plain Stone To William Shenstone, 387 Use Gastrell's Christian Institutes, 266