Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/536

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528 Notes and Qserks, July 26,1913. SUBJECT INDEX. Gordon, alia* Jemmy Urquhart, of Calais, c. 1800, Gordon (George), author, d. 1768, mystery sur- rounding, 181 Goring, Gifford, and Bainbridge families, 69 Gorse, Goose, or Le Gos family, 277, 378, 477 Gospels, the Barabbas incident, 381 " Goth," etymology of the name, 302 Gothurst family, 128 Goyder (Rev. David G.), F.E.S., c. 1829, 97 Graduation and matriculation, at the Univer- sities, 409, 474 Graile (Edmund), 1574-1643, physician, 46 Graves, English, at Avignon, 26 Gray (Richard), Westminster School steward, 1790, 168 Gray (Thomas), and the Antrobus family, 35 ; his ' Elegy ' and ' Comus,' 206, 277, 318 Gray family of co. Wexford, 428, 500 Grease horns, used by milkmaids, 510 Great Britain and Ireland, medal relating to legislative union, 1800, 489 Greece, crown of the kings of, 507 Greek painting in the Vatican Library, 429 Green (J- B-d queries from his ' Short History,' 487 Greenwich, division of estate at, 108 Greville (C.), M.P. for Petersfield, 1795-6, 369 Greville (Sir John), d. 1480, inscription in Binton Church, 8, 54, 75 Grillion's Club, its history, 349, 390, 420, 474 Grimthorpe (Lord), his List of Churches, 18 Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley Street, 96, 386 " Gutjtfuda," folk-name of the Goths, 302 H H. (Mr. W.) of Shakespeare's Sonnets, 241, 262 Hall (Robert), Baptist preacher, 389 Hallam (Arthur), spectators at his burial, 284 Hallcy, Parry, Pyke, and Fullwood families, 203, 277 Halley, Pyke, Mewce, and Washington families, 102, 317 Hamilton (Gavin), painter, d. c. 1737, 168 Hamilton (" Single-Speech ") in Dublin, 1763-4,25 Hamlett (Katharine), drowned, 1580, 306 Hammer, first use of auctioneer's, 469 Hampden, pronunciation of surname, 58 Hampstcad Marshall and Sir Balthazar Gerbicr, c. 1662, 406 Handel (G. F.), his Hallelujah Chorus, 48 ; his ' Messiah,' earliest copy of words printed, 249 Harcourt (Sir W.), his electioneering squibs, 369, 417 Harmer (Samuel), his ' Vox Populi,' 388, 457 Harrington, near Spilsby, epitaph at, 28, 76 Harris (Benjamin) and ' The Protestant Tutor,' 1679, 32 Harvey family of Staffordshire, 17 Haslam family of Greenwich, 409 " Hastie Roger," plant-name, 208, 278 Hat, cardinal's, hanging in Pisa Cathedral, 410, 476 Hatfield charter, temp. Edward III., 505 Hawley (H.), Westminster School steward, 1782, 251 Haymarket Theatre, riot of tailors at, 1805, 464 Hayter (G.), his picture ' Trial of Queen Caroline,' 69, 152, 336 Hazlitt (W.), Crabb Robinson on, 485 " He " in game of " touch," 449 Hedlev (Rev. A.), friend of Sir W. Scott, 370, 416" Hele (Horatio)-= Frances Bellew, 1729/30, 26S Helena (Empress), her sojourn at Llangollen, 110 "Hello," "hollo," use of the words, 489 Helmont (F. M. van), the younger, bis vorks, 307, 378, 467 Henley, race with seven oars, 1843, 108, 158 Henrv II., date of a charter of, 116 Heraldic : bearer of coat of arms sought, 37 Heraldry:— A wyvern part-per-pale addressed, 228, 294, 395 Argent, a bend fusily gu., on a chief az. three escallops, 385 Argent, a bend sable, charged in chief with a plate, 37 Argent, a chevron between three roses gules, 251, 315 Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de- lis azure, 91, 138, 154 Argent, a unicorn's head, couped gules, 287 Azure, semee of fleurs-de-lis, 216 Azure, an eagle displayed argent, bordure fleury argent, 192 Azure, on a fesse engrailed or, 497 Azure, three lozenges or, 112, 316 Dorset (Thomas, Marquis of), arms on seals, 18 Gironny, 487 Lion rampant or on field gules, 428 Or, on a bend engrailed az. a plate in chief, 37 Or, on 'a chief az. three lions' heads couped, 287 ' Or, on a pale az. three regal crowns of the first, 29, 112, 316 Or, a salt ire engd. sa. between four mullets arg., 37 Quarterly gu. and or, 2 and 3 charged with a salt ire, 387 Rules of, 410, 476 Sable, a castle arg. Crest, a castle arg., 229, 318 Sable, a bend raguly argent, 250 Sable, a chevron between three goats' heads, 128 Sable, a cross and bordure, both engrailed or, 192 Sable, on a mount vert a goat passant arg., 128 Stevenson family arms, 91, 138, 154 Williamscote coat of arms, 49, 92, 115, 192, 257 ' Heraldry,' article in ' Encyclopaedia Londin- ensis,' 288 Hervey (T. K.), his biography, 49 Hessian contingent in American War of Inde- pendence, 364, 436, 475 Hewitt (Capt. J. Waller), 1777-1867, 165 Hitchins (Sir Edward), Mayor of Oxford, 1812, 229, 318 Hobhouse MS., Lord Byron and the, 509 Hogarth (William), his ' Rake's Progress,' 18, 114 Hogge (Rev. Peter), of Gloucestershire, 1577, 209 Hoggins (Sarah) and tHe Lord of Burleigh, 61, 83, 143, 166, 204 " Hogmanay," etvmologv of the word, 36 " Hollo," " hello, vise of the words, 489 Homer, and Ulysses, allegorical interpretation, 295 ; ^Eschylus on, 387, 478 Hone (William), his widow, 1864, 327, 45U