Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/546

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913. AUTHORS' INDEX. A. (A. W.) on files : tools in the Middle Ages, 515 A. (H. I.) on Henry Morris, 415 A.-L. (R. A.) on novels in ' Northanger Abbey,' 97 Abrahams (Aleck) on almshouses near the Strand, 236, 417. Bibliotheca Bryantiana, 209. Bushes in Lincoln's Inn Fields, circa 1730, 27. Colour- printing, 488. Crosby Hall: ceiling of the Council Chamber, 87. Diary of James Daw- son, 1692-1765, 328. Early railway travelling, 193. Foot Guards in London, 1812-13, 124. Great historical picture of the Siege of Acre, 292. Havter's ' Trial of Queen Caroline ' : Dover House, 69, 336. Hone (William), 450. Ken- sington Gravel Pits, 483. Lions in the Tower, 310. ' London,' ' British,' and ' English' Catalogues, 196, 316. Model topography at the London Museum, 105. Old Charing Cross, 357. St. Katharine's-by-the-Tower, 201, 367. Salmon's (Mrs.) Waxworks, 346. Sign of the Dripping-Pan, 447. Tailors' Riot at the Hay- market Theatre, 1805, 464. Wilderness Row, 496. Wreck of the Royal George, 297 Acharya (P. V.) on " Tamson's mear (mare)," 9 Ackermann (Arthur) & Son on Charles Lees, R.S.A. : ' The Golfers,' 367 Adam (Major W. A.) on Adam of Fanno, 449 Adcock (A.) on ' Stamford Mercury,' 471 Aitcho on " Bucca-boo," 437 Amicus on armorial, 91, 235 Anderson (P. J.) on bibliography of theses: Duncan Liddel, 125. ' London,' British,' and ' English ' Catalogues of Books, 127 Andrewes (H. E.) on Richard Andrewes, 70. " Of sorts," 197 Anscombe (Alfred) on Acemannesceaster, 446. " Casere weold creacum " : ' Widsith,' 02. " Castle " in Shakespeare and Webster, 394. Eowas of ' Widsith,' 501. Etymology of Esher, 35. " Gut)>iuda" : the folk-name of the Goths, 302 Anstruther-Grav (W.) on letter of Scott's: " Mutale," 145 Antiquarv on bishops' transcripts, 155 Apperson (G. L.) on Robert Hall, 389. Old-time children's books and stories, 357. Newcastle (Duke of) at Marston Moor, 348. Parlia- mentary soldiers and Charles I., 429. Schopen- hauer and Wimbledon, 136 Archer (H. G.) on early railway travelling, 271 Archibald (R. C.) on John Lawson's translation of Simson's ' Treatise concerning Porisms,' 189 Ardagh (J.) on ' Ambulator,' 430. Dickens: places mentioned in ' The Uncommercial Traveller,' 249. Dublin street-names, 285. Edward the Confessor's church, 89. Gold- smith's tomb, 297. History of churches in situ, 156. " Honest " epitaph, 517. Hunt (Leigh) at Hampstead, 128. Inquisition in fiction and drama, 315. Portraits of an actress, 227. Richardson, auctioneer, 50. Royal East Lon- don Volunteers, 288. St. Katharine's-by-the- Tower, 311, 377. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 175. Stones of London, 77, 211. Waxwork effigies in Westminster Abbey, 205. Wreck of the Royal George, 158, 515 Arkle (A. H.) on Fisher family, 51 Armada on author wanted, 130 Arnold (R. F.) on authors wanted, 208 Ashton (R.) on " Oxcndoles " : " Aughendols," 288 Austin (Roland) on Richard Andrewes, 135. Bayly (Haynes), 211. Bibliography of chartu- lari'es, 335. Christmas bibliography,' 3. Church- yard inscriptions: lists of transcriptions, 110. Clarke (John), schoolmaster of Hull, 444. Curfew bell, 151. Fosbroke (Rev. T. D.) and watertight compartments, 227. Graile (Ed- mund), 46. Harmar (Samuel), 457. Till (John), Rector of Hayes, 158. Whitefleld's (George) schooldays, 384 Ayxa on Ashford family, 29 B B. on to be " out " for a thing, 52 B. (A. de C.) on Warren alias Waller, 189 B. (B.) on Jane Austen's ' Lady Susan,' 388 B. (0. C.) on alchemist's ape, 211. Mithridates and Alexipharmics, 291. Moonwort or " Un- shoe the horse," 177. " Notch," 52, 133. " Of sorts," 274. " Scolopendra cetacea," 411. "Snowdrop" in the ' N.E.D.,' 385. Text of Shakespeare's Sonnets CXXV. and CXXVI., 32, 153. " The lowing herd winds slowlv o'er the lea," 372. ' Vicar of Bray ': pudding- tiine, 215 B. (C. E.) on Fanny Brawne, 510 B. (C. M.) on battle of Maldon, 110 B. (C. W.) on miracles, 270 B. (E.) on Edmond Beavor, captain R.N , 330 B. (E. G.) on St. Mary's, Scarborough, 396. ' Tomahawk,' 413 B. (G.)on"Furdall,"297 B. (G. F. K.) on Hayne3 Bayly, 211. Biographical information wanted, 50, 70, 110, 168, 251, ^70, 309, 349, 369. 410, 429, 450, 470. Bull (Richard), 256. Drake (Col.), 228. Elliot (General), 150, 328. Evelyn query, 354. ' Fly - Fisher's Entomology,' 328. Goyder (Rev. D. George), F.E.S., 97. ' Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey,' 1849, 289. Praed (Winthrop Mackworth), 211. Pre- bendaries of Weighton, York Minster, 231. Stones of London, 16 B. (H. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 508 B. (H. I.) on Latin pronunciation, 283. Primero, 94. Welleslev's (Lord) issue, 333 M