Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/551

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,* 543 Notes and Qnerles, .Inly 26,1919. AUTHORS' INDEX. H H. (A. L.) on John Moultrie, 458 H. (C.) on Southey MS., 30 H. (E.) on whit* horses, 109 H. (E. N.) on authors wanted, 251 H. (F. C. W.) on Shenstone's epitaph, 387 H. (G. N.) on portrait* by Lawrence, 269 H. (II. E.) on cholera monument, Sheffield, 90 H. (H. K.) on Ainay, 170. " Itte-dhandu,' Indian game, 30ft H. (J. D.) on dialogues by Meredith, 46 H. (L. W.) on "gentleman" and " husbandman,' 148 H. (R.) on Col. Edward William Bray, C.B., 229 Hitchins (Sir Edward), 229 H. (W. B.) on ale-taster, 467. Authors wanted 330. Beatson (General) nnd the Crimean War 135. Compton (T.), artist, 449. " Dander,' 153. ' Eccentric Biography,' 336. Johnson and Garrick: epigram, 149. Logan (Hart) M.P., 238. Magdalen College, Oxford, 108 Newcastle (Duke of) at Marston Moor, 457 Noorthouck (J.), 498. Novels in ' North anger Abbey,' 14. ' Pegasus ; or, The Ashbj Guide,' 429. Sheridan's ' School for Scandal, 231. ' Tomahawk,' 413 H. (W. S. B.) on " emplovee," 37, 458. Mislead- ing milestones, 112. -plesham," 498. Bee hand of Ulster, 275. Somerset (Earldom of in the Mohun family, 130. Yelver in place- names, 15 H.-A. (H. C.) on alchemist's ape, 110. Colour of the sun, 189. Mithridates and alexipharmics, 189 H.-W. (R.) on Cumberland song, 289 Hall (Catherine S.) on Chantrey, 312 Hardy (Herbert) on Mrs. A. J. Penny, 250 Harris (E. B.) on First Folio Shakespeare, 8, 94 Harris (H. A.) on " furdall," 417 Harris (Mary Dormer) on Rastells of Coventry, 125 Harrison (H.) on Berrysfield, 57 Harrison (W.), F.S.A., on early shorthand society, 375 Hart (J. H. A.) on author wanted, 109 Harvard (F. M.) on Thatched House Tavern Club, 170 Harvard (T. M.) on Haslam of Greenwich, 409. Moultrie (John), 387 Head (J. G.) on auctioneer's hammer, 469 Heck (Mrs.), Dr. Phil., on Gray family of Co. Wexford, 428 Hems (H.) on Chantrey, 230. Christmas rimers in Ulster, 256. Curfew bell, 77. Diminutive almanacs, 375. History of churches in silu, 298. Musgrave family, 235. St. John the Baptist in art, 452 Herbert (Sydney) on Assyrians and flsh as religious symbol, 398. VitnS: Tremoulliere, 329 Heslop (R. Oliver) on Cumberland song, 352. English chanteys, 455. " To banyan," 337 Hibgame (F. T.) on Died in his coffin, 417. Roman rite in England before the Reformation, 269. St. John the Baptist in art, 410 Hill (C. J.) on Ireland's ' Life of Napoleon,' 50 Hill (N. W.) on " curzo," 54. Fourier Society, 32. " Morrye-house," 237. No twin ever famous, 54. Onions planted with roses, old. Seals of Thomas, first Marquis of Dorset, 18. Shark: its derivation, 191. Zinfundel: Ameri- can wines, 88 Hillman (E. Haviland), F.S.G., on Anne Berners, 368. Brisbane of Barnhill, 8. Muchmore family, 488 Hilson (J. Lindsay) on Curfew bell, 17 Hippoclides on two Kentish memorials : Dickens- and Charles !„ 305 Hipwell (Daniel) on " Domicellus," 310. Gef- frey's (Geffery s) Almshouses, Kingsland Road, 504. Grosvenor Chapel, 386. Hutchins (Rev. John), 354. Lamb's Chapol, London, 51, 354. Pott (Percivall), F.R.8., 366. " Sport of kings," 7. Walter (John), 1739-1812, 45 Historicus on merchant adventurers in Holland, 108 Hodson (Leonard J.) on incumbents of Salehurst, Sussex, 327. Salehuret, Sussex, 8 Hopran (J. F.) on relic of Australian explorers, 178 Hogg (Percy F.) on Hogge, 209 Hogg (H. M.) on Mungo Campbell's dying mes- sage: "Farewell, vain world! "449. Smuggling poems, 309 Holman (T. B.) on booksellers connected with Keats, 427 Hopwood (Col. E. B. G.) on " Houlte Cuppe," 148 Huck (T. W.) on coming of age, 482. Pollurd (Ann), 487. Wilderness Row, 495 Hudson (A. E.) on Hudson of Osmergton, 487 Hudson (A. H.) on FitzGerald and Omar Khayyam, 370. St. Mary's, Scarborough, 348 Hudson (J. Clare) on " furdall," 228, 337. Ingelo family, 209 Hudson (R.) on " of sorts," 454 Humphreys (A. L.) on Kev. H. De Foe Baker, 296. Ball (Mr. Richard), B.D., 431: Breholt (J. Davy), 235. Carr (W.), artist, 312. Cary (Walter), 253. Date of ' Book of Hours, 190. Date-letters of old plate, 350. Diminu- tive almanacs, 457. Grillion's Club, 390. Ling family, 292. Norris (John): Norris of Spate, 150, 173, 212. Old-time children's books and stories, 374. Price of cereals in 1550, 358. Title-page wanted, 414. Vitre: Tremoulliere, 437 Hunter-Blair (Sir D. O.), O.S.B., on " a wyvern part-per-pale addressed," 294. Early railway travelling, 193. Magdalen College, Oxford', 176. Simpson and Locock, 232 3Currv (Jamieson B.), M.D., on earth-eating, 155 lusband (T. F.) on author wanted, 410 Hutchinson (Mrs. S.) on Purnell-Edwards of Stancombe Park, 469 Hutchison (W. G. M.) on wife of James Mohr Drummond, 348 lyllara on diaries, 109. Early railway travelling, 109. Policemen on point-duty, 150. Spencers (Herbert) patent, 1110 lytch (F. J.) on portrait : identification sought, 289 (A. R.) on Ingepenne (Inkpenn, Ac.), cos. Hants, Berks, and Cornwall, 248 nquirer on Sturminster Marshall, Dorset, 348 nqulsitor on first editions of Sheridan's plays, 226. Sheridan's ' School for Scandal,' 12« ntactum Sileo on tolling on Good Friday, 458 rwin (H. C.) on " Brach Merriman " : an emenda- tion, 205. White horses, 295