Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/557

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AUTHORS' INDEX. 549 Nous and Queries, July '26, 1913. quotation, 154. "Ourro," 172. "Dope," "to done," " doper," 134. " Dowler," 437. Fur- dall " 337. ' Gammer Gurtou, 18. Marrow- skvine " 154. " Paw-paw " in the N.B.D., 458. Proposed "emendation in Ascham, 445. Waxwork effigies in Westminster Abbey, 314 Street (E. E.) on the younger Van Helmont, 378. " Yeoman " of the signals, 310 Suckling (Florence Horatia) on Nelson's Christian Svvanzy'(H. B.)'on Pinkstan James, 518 Swynnerton (C.) on curious Bactrian coin, 368 Svkes (H D.) on " castle " in Shakespeare and " Webster. 165. Date of Webster's ' Appius and Virrinfa- 401, 422, 466. Date of Webster^ ' The Devil's Law Case,' 106. Date of W ebster s • The White Devil,' 342. " Night-cap," 08 Sylviola on vertical sundials, 290 T (C.) on almshouses near the Strand, 236. T ^Hyson) or?author of quotation wanted, 496 T" IT TT t on salt-mines, 330 T (JT) on Edward Oakley (fl. 1730), architect, 91 T'. (M. P.) °n " Put UD this' twi11 be thine another T.lsT/on7 Jarman family, 309. Pretty (Thomas), T Yw%°n DoSS R^ger Capello, 238. Inscrip- tion at Wetheral, 235 TannUsow on East Anglian famihes, 277 Taylor (C. S.) on dancing on Midsummer Night, Tavlor (P. M.) on ' Philosopher's Scales,' 417 Tenant (Andrew de) on Chilston, 487 TW (E L. H.) on General Beatson and the Crimean War 135. Colleges: matriculation and graduation, 474. Seven oars at Henley, Th^keray (J. W.) on Myless, Essex, 513 Sofi(A H.) on Huxley on Positivism 288 Thomas (R.^on^French Prermers: Christian ) Assyrians and l2Bhe<pfeunus (Arrigo, or Henry), 505. Refer- ences rf quotations wanted, 90. Taney (Crnef T^tice) and the Dred Scott case, 446 TiME D.ton John Till, Rector of Hayes, 89 U Udal (J. S.) on Thomas Chippendale, upholsterer, TJrllad on John Broughton, pugilist, 424. ." Cle- 1 virility," 430. .Dancing on " Midsummer Nicht 477. Grilllon s Club, 393 Wsher (R.) on Single-speech Hamilton in Dublin, 25 V. (Q.) on " -a%" noun-suffix : " disallowal," " disallowance," 267. " Lettre de cachette," 505. " Rummage," 484 V. (T. T.) on Francis Vaughan, 108 Vale (G. F.) on " he " in game of " touch," 449 Veritas on " killing the calf in high style," 270 w W. on sampler : Fytche family, 150. Stuart portraits : Edgar family, 127 W. (A. T.) on early shorthand society, 374. Harris (Benjamin) and ' The Protestant Tutor,' 32. Ling family, 294 W. (E. F.) on Bettisfteld Park, Flintahire, 229 W. (F. A.) on H.M.S. Beagle, 10 W. (G.) on coming of age, SOW. Simon (Richard) : Lambert Simnel, 129, 256 W (G H ) on battle of Maldon, 157. Flemings in Pembrokeshire, 167. Gill (Exciseman), 137. Smuggling poems, 355 W. (H. A.) on Magdalen College, Oxford, 176 W. (W.) on battle of Quiberon Bay, 109 W (W E.) on Queenhoo Uall, 430 Wainewright (J. B.) on John Bearblock, 364. Courtenay (Sir William): Davide Laizaretti, 297 " Last Governor of Calais : the bells of Powick, 115. Lingen family, 95. "Mad as a hatter " : " Like a hatter, 149. Norris, 275. " Nut," 228. Roman rite in England before the Reformation, 317 Wakker (Col. W. R. H.) on English ofhcers and troopers in Dutch service in 1658, 183 Walker (B.) on French Premiers: Christian names, 377 Walker (James W.) on words on a sampler, 9 Walker (John W.) on 'Tomahawk : Matt Walker (R. Johnson) on inscription at Wetheral, 234 Ward (H. P.) on authors wanted, 330 Ward (Hon Kathleen) on Gilbert of Kilminchy and Knockinay, 338 Warren (F. E.) on hymn to St. Anne : hfteenth- century MS. Psalter, 326 , . Watson (Eric B.) on Inquisition in fiction and WateoMG. N.) on Format's last theorem, 493 Wateon (W. G. Wilas) on John Norns : Norris of WeDbfE^AO on Prior Bolton's window in St. Bar- tholomew the Great Church, 29 Myless, Essex, 513. " Plumpe " watch, 29. 'companions of George I., 268 Wells (C.) on ' Stamford Mercury,' 430 West Australian on obelisk at Orange Grove, . B.) on Pepys's • Diary ' : an error Mtthew AmoM's po*ns 349 poems, . 349. Silkworm's thread, 90