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NOTES AND QUERIES: of f nimamminurftiton '•»", . * '.';'w LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC, "Wnen found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 183. [^55™] SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913. { PRICE FOURPENCE. legiatered aa a tiswtpaper. Entered at tAe y. Y. P.O. at Second-Clou MatUr. Yearly Subscription, 20*. 9d,pottfritt H JUST PUBLISHED. CHERIDAN AND MATHEWS AT BATH. ^ A Criticism of the Story as told in the Sheridan Biographies. By EMANUEL GREEN. Is. net. ALSO BY THE SAME. ENRY FIELDING. HIS WORKS. An Independent Criticism. U. net. HARRISON & SONS. St. Martin's Lane, W.C. BOOKS WANTED. GOOD PRICES GIVEN FOB BOOKS FROM THK LIBRABY of the late H. T. COGHLA.N, of 14, Hyde Park Gardens, London. HIS LIBRARY WAS BOLD AT BOTHEBV*. DBG.. IMS. Any person who purchased Books or Documents at this Sale, or know of their present thereabouts, vrill please communicate with X . Box 1!«U. Atheoicum Press, 13 Bream's Buildings, London. E.C. BOOKS. -- ALL OUT - OF - PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter on vh^t Hubject. Acknowledged the world orer m the most f.xpert Boo'ifinders extant. Please state wanta.— BAKER'S Great Bookshop. 14-16. John Bright Street, Birmingham. BACK VOLUMES OF ftf-QTES AND QUERIES can be obtained on application to the Office of the Paper, 11, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, CHANCERY LANE, E.C., at the uniform price of 10s. 6d. each. pENEALOGY.—Mr. T. M. BLAGG, 124, Chan- V" cerr Lane. W.C.. Hon. Gen. Editor to the Brit. Record floe., and Genera! Kditor of Mr. Phlllimore's Pariah Register Series, is at liberty to UNDERTAKE KEKEAKUHE8 for Private Clients on moderate terms. Wills, Parish Registers. Manor Rolls, Chancery Suite, Heraldry, Ac. TO BOOKS ELLERS. FRANCIS & CO. are prepared to give LOW ESTIMATES for HIGH CLASS CATA1X)QDE and GENERAL PRINTING, and invite inquiries for Prices and Specimens. The ATHEN«DM PRESS. It, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Inne. London. R.C. THE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LEADKNHALL PRR88. Ltd.. Publishers and Printers. W-47. HARDEN ROW. ST. GEORGE'S ROAD. 80DTHWARK, H.K.I Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfect freedom. Sixpence each. 5« per doxen. ruled or plain. New Porket slie, 3s. per dozen, ruled or plain. Authors should note that the Leadenhall Press, Ltd., cannot be respmuible for the loss of M88. by 6re or otherwise. Duplicate copies Ihoulil he retained. NOTES AND QUERIES is published on FRIDAY MORNING at 10 o'clock. YTOTES AUD QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION 1 l to NOTES ASD QPERIES free by post i« it. art. for Three Months; Ida. id. lot Bll Mnmhs; or 20s. W. for Twelve Month*, including the volume Index. J. EDWARD FKAN01S. Sola anrf Qiterits offioe. Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. E.C. JJOTES AND QUERIEh. SCALE OF CHAtfGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. t s. ./, 5 Lines, pearl type 0 2 « Sixpence per Line beyond. Half a Column 110 Column 220 A Page 440 In the measurement of Advertisements, care should be taken to measure from rule to rule. JOHN O. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS. fl-l-< and <Jneri<« Offi-e. Bream's Buildings. Chancery Lane. RC. BVERY BATDRDAT. OF ANY BOOKSELLER OK NEWSAGENT IN ENGLAND, prioi td. NOTES AND QUERIES. CHARLES DICKENS, 1812-1870. A Series of Notes bj JOHN COLLINS FRANCIS, With Supplementary Articles by other Contributors, Appean In the Numbers for FEHHBAKY3 10. IT. 24; MARCH2. 9. 16, 23. 30; APRIL 6, IS. X. 27 MAT 4, II, 18. 29 ; JUNK 1, 8, 15, and 29, 1912 JOHN 0. FRANCIS and J EDWARD FRANCIS. jVotes and Queries Office, Bresm'8 Buildings, t hanorry Lane. E.C. C OBBKTT BIBLIOGRAPHY. By LEWIS MELVILLE NOTES AND QUERIES For JDLT8. 13, 27; AUGUST •. 17, 24; and SEPTEMBER 7, 1812. Price for the Beven Numbers. 2s. 4d.; or free by poet, 8s. 7eL JOHN C. FRAKCI8 and J. EDWARD FRANCIS, tioUi and ViMi-tes Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE. OTES ASD QUERIES for DECEMBER 10 and 94,1892. and JANUARY 7 and 21. lew CONTAINS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Mi; GLADSTONE. Price of the Four Numbers, Is. td.; or froc by post. Is. fid. JOHN 0. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS JVMss and ijucri,-! Office. Bream's Bulldlnis. Chancery Lane. E.C N