Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/78

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70 NOTES AND QUERIES. [us. vn. JAN.25, im. AMHtKAs MtTLLER OF GBEIFFENHAGEN.— In Zedler's ' Lexicon ' it is stated of Andreas Miiller of Greiffenhagen that he came to London at the invitation of Walton and Castell, and that he lived ten years in the latter's house, working with such incredible industry (at first at the Polyglot Bible and then the Heptaglot Lexicon) that when, at the Restoration, the royal procession passed his windows, he would not spare the time from his studies to rise from his chair and even glance at the splendid pageant. Where was this house of Castell s ? Is anything more known of Miiller's residence in Eng- land ? Is any map of Asia or part of Asia by him extant ? J. F. BADDELEY. CHARLES FAMILY. — In 'The Norman People and their Living Descendants' I find a statement that the ancient family of Charles took its name from St. Karles de Parcy in the Cotentin (now the province of La Manche in France). I should be very much obliged to any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' who could tell me anything about the origin of the family or put me in the way of dis- covering anything about this St. Karles. J. I i. CHARLES. The Vicarage, Uakhaiu. CONSTANCE KENT.—Can any of your readers oblige me with the date and place of the death of this lady T WILLOUOHBY MAYCOCK. MEDAL.—I have a small brass medal, a little larger than a halfpenny, which I picked up forty years ago in Germany, and I should be glad if any of your correspond- ents could kindly inform me whether this medal (described below) is common, and what use it served. Obverse.—A man in a loose robe seated behind an oblong tuble ; his head looking to his left and having a flat cap on it ; his right hand on (he table. The table has many small objects vipon it which cannot be made out clearly. The back- ground is covered with star*. Revtrse.—An alphabet omitting the letters J and U, with the date 1553 below all. W. H. CHIPPINDALL, Col. Kirkby J/msdalc. "JOHN WALKER.—Could any leader tell me the names of the relatives of John Walker the lexicographer (1732-1807) ? lam seek- ing those of his sons, brothers, nephews, &c., especially his sons (that is, if he had any). E. L. G. IRISH COMPANIES. — What trade com- panies were there in Ireland before 1750 ? and are lists of members available T (MRS.) COPE. Finchamatead Place, Berks. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED.— I should be glad if correspondents of ' N. & Q.' would furnish me with particulars of the following Old Westminsters, who signed the Protest against the proposed abolition of the Play in 1847 : (1) Walter Adam of Edinburgh; (2) George Bowen of Coton, Salop ; (3) Charles Ban-on Courtenay ; and (4) W. H. C. Floyer. I am anxious to obtain particulars of the following Stewards of the Westminster School Anniversary dinners: (1) Charles Bagwell of Clonmel, Steward 1803; (2) Richard Bull of Curzon Street, London, Steward 1776; (3) Ralph Carr, Steward 1795 ; (4) Thomas Carter, Steward 1794 ; and (5) William Bromley Chester of Upper Brook Street, London, Steward 1775. G. F. R. B. RICHARD ANDREWES. — Can any of your readers throw any light on the ancestry of Richard Andrewes ? He lived in the reign of Henry VIII., and at the dissolution of the monasteries he received numerous grants of land, usually in conjunction with Nicholas Temple or Leonard Chamberlain (his brother-in-law), as shown in the old County Histories. Only one of these grants—at Haresfield (Glos.)—remained permanently in his possession, and this was transmitted to his descendants. He lived at Woodstock (Oxon), but in the Pipe Rolls he is referred to as of Hayle (Glos.). His will is at Somer- set House, and I.P.M. at the Record Office. H. E. ANDREWES. 8, North Grove, Highgate, N. PLACE-NAMES.—Can any reader help me to identify the following names of places T Shenton, Devon ; Nanyhangen Capen Clees, Hereford, or perhaps Radnor; Puxley Green, Northants; Brodfield Down, Kil- more, Lipyatt, Napton, and Winstanley, Somerset; Cambhithe and Sandridge, Surrey ; Chadslow, Wilts; Wambury, near Kidder- minster. Kindly reply direct. G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W. NAPOLEON AS HISTORIAN.—M. Arthur- Levy says in his ' Napoleon Intime,' p. 495, that, when an artillery officer. Napoleon " utilisait ses heures de liberte a computer son instruction et a ecrire des ouvrage* historiques." Have these been printed T and what WHS their subject-matter 7 J. B. McGovERN. St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.