Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/119

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ii s. VIL FEB. 8, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


and Great Witcombe (all in Gloucestershire), printed in The Genealogist, vols. i.-iii., and also to many others which were printed at length in later volumes of Olos. N. & Q. References to the latter, which are mainly inscriptions in the churches though some in the churchyards are included may be useful.

Almondsbury, iv. 4-11.

Berkeley (Coruock Family), vi. 31-2, 97-8.

Brimscombe, iv. 459-60.

Bristol : Christ Church, iv. 656-61.

Redland Green Chapel of Ease, iv. 411-15. Brock worth, iv. 577-9. Cainscross, iv. 403. Chalford, iv. 404-5. Cheltenham : Parish Churchyard, ii. 607-11

St^Mary's^Cemetery, iii. 425-32, 521-8, 608-

New Cemetery, iv. 305-16, 365-73.

Christ Church, iv. 604-12.

St. James's, iv. 619-22.

St. Peter's, iv. 63-4. Chipping Sodbury, iv. 187-8. Cranham, iv. 580. Cromhall, iv. 644-7. Cubberley, iv. 134-5. Filton, iv. 461-2. Fishponds, iv. 462-3. Hill, iii. 582-4, 586-7. Kingswood, iv. 273. Leckhampton. v. 449-51. Longney, iv. 80-82. Maisemore, iv. 279-84. Nibley (Cornock Monuments), vii. 96-8. Oakridge (near Stroud), iv. 460-61. Painswick. See below. Pitchcombe, iv. 420-25. Prestbury, iv. 41-5. Randwick, iv. 543-7. Rockhampton, iii. 536 r 8 ; iv. 586-8. Rodborough Church, iv. 515 -19.

Tabernacle, ii. 60-62. Sapperton, iv. 346-9. Shirehampton, iv. 181-2. Stanley Kings, iv. 473^7. Stanley St. Leonards, iv. 477-82. Stonehouse, iv. 449-56. Swindon, iv. 155-8, 167-9. Trotman Family, v. 289-95. Witcombe (Great), iv. 54-5. Woodchester, iv. 352-8. Yate, iv. 196-8.

In Glos. N. & Q., i. 180-81, 188-90, is an Index to the inscriptions in Painswick Church. These, together with all the inscriptions in the churchyard, and those in the several Nonconformist burial-grounds in the parish, were, in 1879, copied by Mr. Cecil T. Davis, then of The Court House. Painswick, and now Public Librarian, Wandsworth. It was intended to publish these in Mr. L T . J. Davis' s ' Short Notes on Painswick,' but only one part of this work was completed (1881), and the inscriptions are still in MS. Mr. C. T. Davis copied also

the inscriptions at Slad, Edge, and Sheeps- combe. His ' Monumental Brasses of Glou- cestershire' includes all the inscriptions on brasses in the county.

In addition to the above, the following lists for places in Gloucestershire have been printed :

Charlton Kings. Monumental inscriptions in the Parish Church and some churchyard inscrip- tions. By B. H. Blacker. 1876. Also printed in Misc. Gen. tt Heraldica, vol. ii.

Cheltenham. Monumental inscriptions in the Parish Church By B. H. Blacker. 1877.

Chipping Cam pden. History of Chipping Camp- den. By P. C. Rushen. 1911. Pp. 124-36, 141-9. These include the more important in the church- yard.

Churchdown. History of Churchdovvn. By W. T. Swift. 1905. Pp. 49-56. Some in church- yard. Cirencester (Parish Church) :

History of Cirencester. By S. Rudder. Three editions. 1780, pp. 81-96 ; 1800 and 1814, pp. 262-99. Mostly those in the church.

History of Cirencester. By C. H. Savory. 1858. Parish Church, pp. 46-64; Unitarian burial-ground, pp. 79-82.

History of Cirencester. By K. J. Beecham. 1887. Pp. 120-30.

Preston-upon-Stour. History of Preston-upon- Stour. By J. H. Bloom. 1896. Inscriptions in the church, pp. 93-6; list of persons commemorated on monuments in churchyard, pp. 98-104.

Tet bury. History of Tetbury. By A. T. Lee. 1857. Monuments in the old Church (demolished 1777), pp. 146752. Inscriptions then (1857) exist- ing in the Parish Church, pp. 302-10.

Tewkesbury. History of Tewkesbury. By J. Bennett. 1830. Modern monuments in the Abbey Church, pp. 363-7 ; gravestones in church, pp. 367-70; churchyard, pp. 371-3. These are also given, with additions, in Bennett's ' Guide to Tewkesbury' (c. 1850), pp. 99-113.

ROLAND AUSTIN. Public Library, Gloucester.

I have recently noted the whole of the inscriptions in the parish churchyard of Walthamstow, Essex (numbering many hun- dreds), and my MS. has been fully indexed as to both names and places.


35, Broad Street Avenue, B.C.

PEPYS'S ' DIARY ' : AN ERROR IN TRAN- SCRIPTION (11 S. vii. 26, 73). I am glad that PROF. S. G. DUNN has discovered the blunder in respect to the printing of the name Dunn as " Drum" in the entry in the 'Diary ' under the date 27 May, 1660, and that there will be an opportunity of correction, of which I shall hope to avail myself. There is no excuse for the misprint, which was evidently a printer's error in the first