Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/140

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. VIL FEB. 15, 1913,

A. & W. Galignani published in 1826 ' The Works of Lord Byron, comprising the Suppressed Poems,' printed by Jules Didot senior, and admirably printed too. My copy is in thirteen small volumes, measuring in the original paper covers about 4| by 3J inches. I presume that it is complete although the last volume has on the last page " End of Volume Thirteenth " only The last poem is ' Lines, found in Lore Byron's Bible.'

I have ' Galignani' s New Paris Guide for 1854,' published by A. & W. Galignan & Co. On the end-papers are lists of books The first is of " Standard English Authors compact large 8vo editions, Each volume containing the matter of from 5 to 1" volumes."

Though it is not actually so stated, these are presumably books published by the firm. They are :

Thos. Moore, in 1 vol., lOfr.

Walter Scott's Novels, in 5 vols., 40fr. ; his Prose Works, in 8 vols., 60fr., large paper 90fr. ; his Poetical Works, 1 vol., 8fr., vellum paper lOfr , large paper 12fr. ; his Life of Napoleon, 1 vol., lOfr.

Byron's Works, with a Life by Bulwer, 1 vol., 12fr., large paper 18fr.

Moore's Life of Lord Byron, 1 vol., 8fr.

The others are :




Bacon, 2 vols., 45fr.

Rogers, Campbell, Kirke White, Montgomery, Lamb, all in 1 vol., 18fr., large paper 25fr.

Milman, Bowles, Wilson, and Barry Cornwall, all in 1 vol.

Charles Lamb's Complete Works.

Cicero, comprising the Life by Dr. Midclleton, 1 vol., 30fr.

Chaucer, 25fr.

Shakespeare's Plays, 1 vol., 16fr.

Ben Jonson's Works, with Life by Barry Corn- wall, 30fr.

Massinger and Ford, 25fr.

Beaumont and Fletcher, 2 vols., 50fr.

Wycherley, Varibrugh, Farquhar, and Congreve, 1 vol., 25fr. I have not given the price in every case.

After mention of certain German, Italian? and Spanish classics -e.g., Goethe, Dante, Cervantes come the advertisement of Galignani's English Library, Rue Vivienne, No. 18 (in the Court-Yard), between the Palais Royal and the Exchange ; a general statement of the sorts of books on sale ; address book for " The English Nobility and Gentry, and American Citizens " ; Reading- rooms in addition to gentlemen,

"Ladies Admitted. Terms 10 sous per Day; 5fr. per Fortnight ; 8fr. per month " ;

and Circulating Library -

" Twenty Thousand Volumes in French, English,. Italian, and German, are lent out to read, by the month or fortnight. Catalogues, with Terms, may be had."

Then comes

" English Newspaper. Galignani's Messenger ; published every day (Sundays excepted). Two editions appear, one at 6 a.m., for Paris and its environs; the other at four p.m

"Terms: A single Journal, 10 sous; a week, 3fr. ; a fortnight, 6fr. ; one month, lOfr. ; three months, 28fr."

At the end of the book is a list of A. & W. Galignani & Co.'s last new publications. These are 63 English books, their prices varying from " Memoir of the Duke of Wellington, London edition," Ifr. 50c., to " Life of Charles I., by Disraeli, new edit., revised by his Son," and Macaulay's 'History of James II.,' 9fr. each. Very many are novels, including ' Villette,' by the author of ' Jane Eyre ' ; ' Henry Esmond ' ; ' Bleak House ' ; ' My Novel ' ; ' Mrs. Mathews ' ; ' Con Cregan,' &c.

The last advertisement runs : " Great reduction in prices.

" Novels, &c., at Ifr. 50c. ; 2fr. 25c. ; 3fr. 50c. ; and 5fr. each volume. Comprising those of Bulwer, D'Israeli, Dickens, Marryat, James," &c.

I suppose that these novels were published by Galignani & Co.

I have their edition of ' A Diary in Ame- rica,' by Marryat, 2 vols., 1839-40, and 'The Mayor of Wind-Gap ' and * Canvassing,' by the " O'Hara Family," 1835, in one vol. the former by John or Michael Banim, or by both. the latter by Harriet Letitia Martin, daughter of Richard (" Humanity ") Martin. Also I have ' Galignani's Traveller's Guide through France,' 9th ed., 1828.

' Galignani's New Paris Guide ' contains very good plates, 59 in number according to the advertisement.

Besides The New York Herald, Paris edition, there was a rival newspaper pub- ished in Paris I think some ten years ago, aut I cannot remember its name. I believe , lowever, that Galignani's Messenger was rushed out of existence by The Daily Mail,. Paris edition, price in Paris 15c.

For a good many years the Galignanis lad at least one rival in publishing English Dooks, viz., Baudry's European Library, 5, Quai Malaquais, near the Pont des Arts. [ have a few of their publications, ranging n date from 1833 to 1852. among them >eing a Byron, 1833.