Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/172

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vn. M AR . i, 1913.

The companions of Henry of Richmond are usually said to have been French soldiers, and they were of a very poor quality. In the ' Life of Sir Rhys ap Thomas,' by M. E. James (p. 56), they are described as outcasts of society ill-clad and half -starved, and suffering from a sweating sickness which carried off hundreds. The Welshman Rhys ap Thomas wished them all back again in France, " there being nott one man of quality among them to endeere future ages to make mention eyther of his name or service."

As these Frenchmen merely passed through the county on their way to Bosworth Field, it is improbable that they returned to form a settlement at the place where they hap- pened to land. Who is the authority for the " historic fact " mentioned in the bio- graphy referred to ? G. H. W.

AUTHORS WANTED. Can any reader supply me with the whole of the following verses and tell me their author ? They must have been written over forty years ago :

Do you recollect the day,

Sister Annie, when I lay

In your arms the while you told me

That strange wild tale Of the magic golden boat, And the silver swans afloat, Who drew it safe to landward

In the down-hushed gale ?

Tell me, Annie, was I dreaming ? Was it nothing more than seeming ? Did he love me ? Did he follow

O'er the long sea line? Or was it but a vision Sent by fiends in their derision, Who heard the angels weeping

O'er a love like mine ?

C. E. C.

I am anxious to know who wrote the following :

My bonnie lass she smileth, When che ray heart beguileth :

With a fa, la, la! Smile less, dear love, therefore, And you shall love me more. With a fa, la, la !

GEO. B. NEVIN. Easton, Pa.

Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' inform me who was the author of the expressions " paw-pieces," " foot-piece," &c. ? Was it Lear ?

The words are used in the novel * Ara- minta,' by Mr. J. C. Snaith. E. F. R.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. The following information is wanted for a biographical work, and I shall be grateful to any of your readers who can supply any of the details required :

Charles Bancks, miniature painter. Wanted,, record of death or burial, after 1755.

Charles Boit, enamel painter, living, in 1710, in St. James's Street. Twice married: firstly, between 1685 and 1699 ; secondly,, between 1704 and 1714. Wanted, record of either marriage.

Alexander Cooper, miniature painter. A Jew. Wanted, record of his birth, bap- tism, or parentage. Born about 1600 1608.

Michael Dahl the elder, painter. Born 1656, came to London in 1688. Lived at St. James's, Westminster. Died 1743. Wanted, record of his marriage.

Michael Dahl the younger, son of the last, painter. Died 1741. Wanted, record of his birth or baptism.

William Faithorne the younger. Born. 1656. Walpole says he died " about thirty years old," and was buried in the churchyard of St. Martin's. But it is more likely that he lived until after the year 1700. Wanted, record of death or burial.

Gavin Hamilton, painter. Vertue says he died in 1737, and was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden ; but no burial of him is. entered in those registers. Wanted, record of death or burial.

Hans Hysing or Huysing. Born 1678. Letters of administration granted to his widow, February, 1753 or 1754. Wanted, record of his burial (1752-4).

Frederick Peterson, enamel painter. Died 1729. Wanted, record of his marriage.

Most of the above lived in London or Westminster. THOS. M. BLAGG, F.S.A.

Caldecote, Newport Fagnell.

I should be glad if correspondents of ' N. & Q.' would kindly furnish me with particulars of the following Stewards of the Westminster School Anniversary Dinner (1) Robert Child, Steward 1773; (2) James St. Leger Douglas, Steward 1769; (3) J. Erskine, Steward 1803 ; (4) William Evelyn of Lower Grosvenor Street, Steward 1776 ; and (5) Richard Gray, Somerset Place, Strand, Steward 1790. " G. F. R. B.


name of this little Cornish hamlet derived I