Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/205

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us. VIL MAR. 15, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 168.

!NOTES : St. Katharine's-by-the-Tower, 201 Fullwood : Halley: Parry: Pyke, 203 The Lord of Butleigh and Sarah Hoggins, 204 "Brach Merriman" : an Emenda- tionVanishing London: Proprietary Chapels The Waxwork Effigies in Westminster Abbey, 205 Un- corrected Error in Evelyn's ' Diary ' ' Comus ' and Gray's ' Elegy ' : a Parallel, 206.

QUERIES : "Sharpshin" Lovelace: Turner, 206 Translation of Klinger's ' Faustus ' St. Loe : Kingston : Wortinge Charles Dymoke, Champion to Charles I., 207 Authors Wanted Crouch Family of Rye " A cele- brated Cardinal" in Lytton's ' The Disowned '" Hastie Roger" Curious Stone Vessels, 208 Ingelo Family- References in Ruskin Hogge Oliphant Family Frog's Hall, Royston Bibliotheca Bryantiana, 209.

REPLIES : Lions in the Tower, 210 The Alchemist's Ape The Stones of London "Pillowbeer" Winthrop Mackworth Praed Haynes Bayly, 211 -John Norris : Norris of Spate, 212 Vicars of Little Missenden, 213 Taylor of Ballyhaise Died in his Coffin Wine- Fungus Superstition Edgar Family Inquisition in Fiction and Drama, 214 White Horses Reference of Quotation Wanted No Twin ever Famous " Pudding -time" Earldom of Somerset in the Mohun Family, 215 General Elliot " Monk " Lewis Battle of Quiberon Bay Repe- tition of Passages T. Chippendale, Upholsterer The "Houlte Cuppe," 216 Clarendon's 'Essay on War' Reference Wanted First Folio Shakespeare Marshal- seas Curfew Bell, 217 Jockey Doctors, 218.

INOTES ON BOOKS : Papal Letters relating to Great Britain Longmans' Annual Catalogue (with Illustration) ' Book - Prices Current ' Trollope's Novels ' Church and Manor.'


TOWARDS the preparation of the much- wanted History of this Collegiate Church and Hospital the following note on its biblio- graphy may be of some use.

The most important of the volumes already devoted to it is Dr. Andrew Coltee Ducarel's ' History of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katharine, near the Tower of London, from its Founda- tion in the Year 1273 to the Present Time.' 'This was published by John Nichols in 1782 as Part V. of the ' Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica,' and, with its 160 pp., is one of the longest histories in that useful series. The plates are exceptionally nume- rous seventeen in all ; they are just what the book required.

Ducarel completed the MS. prior to 1763, -and on 10 March of that year presented it

to Queen Charlotte, the Patroness. It was beautifully bound, and contained

" a drawing of the Church of St. Katharine, a very fine drawing of the famous Pulpit, and 32 arms of the Queens of England who have been Patronesses, properly blazoned and coloured."

A clear transcript of the work was retained, and, with additional notes and corrections by the author, was used for the published work. Subsequently it formed part of the Stowe MSS., and is now in the British Mu- seum, together with two volumes of material for the History described as " Collections of Papers relating to the History of the Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katha- rine near the Tower of London, made by And. Coltee Ducarel, LL.D., Commissary of that Royal Jurisdiction, A.D. 1763."

It is from a note on the transcript in the hand of the author that I have quoted the description of Queen Charlotte's copy, but the original is safely preserved in the library of the migrated foundation in Regent's Park. It was probably presented during her lifetime, as it did not occur for sale when her library was dispersed by Messrs. Christie, June, 1819. The delay between the completion of Ducarel's MS. and its publication nineteen years is difficult to explain. We may suppose the author intended to issue the work himself, as the plates were engraved at various dates 1764, 1766, 1770, 1779, 1781.

To the MSS. and printed material of earlier date than this History there are many references in its Appendixes, but although there is suitable mention of Sir Julius Caesar as one of the Masters, the few interesting documents amongst others King James's confirmation of his Queen's grant of the Mastership to Dr. Caesar (Lot 73, Sale Catalogue of his MSS., 1757) are not mentioned. At the Bodleian, Ashmole MS. 1144, "a viewe of all the foure famous Colledges or Innes of Court," includes St. Katharine's. This is a clerk's copy of a MS. temp. James I., and probably con- tains matter of some interest. In the library of Trinity 'College, Cambridge, MS. 1124,*' Transcripts of Charters,' includes (folio 98) * Grants to the Hospital of St. Katharine's by the Tower.' I am informed these are identical with those printed by Ducarel.

Apparently there is only one printed work preceding Ducarel's a very scarce pamphlet by William Bissett, then Eldest Brother of the Collegiate Church. I quote the title and sub-title at length, as there is no copy of the work at the British Museum, Bodleian, or any other public library, and