Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/213

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ii s. VIL MAR. is, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


held that they were holy - water stoups. In favour of the former view is the fact that on one of the stones I saw there was the date 1746 and the letters W D M. In favour of the latter is the tradition that the other stone at one time belonged to Bettws- y-Coed Old Church in the neighbourhood.

ELLIS DAVIES. North Wales.

INGELO FAMILY. Is there any pedigree or history of this family ? In the early registers of my parish of Martin St. Michael, near Horncastle, the names of Humphry and John Ingelo frequently appear from 1666 to 1995. They held the offices of Church- warden, Overseers of the Poor, and Con- stable, and sign the parish accounts between those dates. They were farmers. Were they related to Nathaniel Ingelo, Cambridge, divine and musician, the author of ' Bentivolio and Urania,' 1673, folio ? J. CLARE HUDSON.

Thornton, Horncastle.

REFERENCES IN RTJSKIN. (1) In ' Prse- terita,' I. and ' Fors Clavigera,' III., p. 40, Ruskin mentions a song with the following verses :

For Scotland, my darling, lies full in my view, With her barefooted lassies, and mountains so blue.

May I ask for some information concerning this song ? Is it a popular song, and how does it run ?

(2) In * Fors Clavigera,' III., liv., ' Prset.,' I., chap, ii., he says :

"And one of the nearest approaches to insubor- dination which I was ever tempted into as a child was in passionate effort to get leave to play with the lions' cubs in Wombwell's menagerie."

May I ask for some information concerning " W m D wen ' s menagerie " ? R. R.


[George Wombwell was the proprietor of a very celebrated travelling menagerie. He died in November, 1850, his widow and relatives carrying on the business. A good account of him by Mr. Thomas Seccombe appears in the 'Dictionary of National Biography,' published by Messrs. Smith & Elder.]

HOGGE. Peter Hogge appears to have been the clergyman at Pitchcombe and Harescombe, Gloucestershire, in 1577 and 1606, and had been curate at Quedgeley in 1560. Can any one inform me what became of him after 1606. or where and when he died, and where he is buried ? What family had he ? Thomas Lloyd was in charge of Pitchcombe in 1612.


Haddenham, Bucks.

OLIPHANT FAMILY. Information is desired as to the parentage and career of each of the following, all of whom were at West- minster School :

1. William Oliphant, admitted 1731, aged 10.

2. Robert, son of James Oliphant of London, admitted 1786, K.S. (aged 14) 1790. He was cousin of another Robert Oliphant, son of Lawrence Oliphant of Liverpool, merchant, who was elected to Cambridge from Westminster in 1789, and died 14 Sept., 1792.

3. Thomas Henry Oliphant, born 6 Jan., 1801, admitted 1815, left 1817.

4. Henry William Oliphant, born 9 March, 1821, admitted 1831, left 1838.

5. Simeon Robert Oliphant, born 19 March, 1823, admitted 1833, left 1838.


FROG'S HALL, ROYSTON. Three ancient cottages, dating probably from the eighteenth century, and abutting on the churchward, will shortly be taken down. They are known as Frog's Hall. Can any one suggest the origin of the name ? W. B. GERISH.


graphical and historical library of William Bryant was sold by Stewart on Monday, 23 March, 1807, and eleven following days. A very similar collection, sold by King & Lochee on Monday. 3 Feb., 1806, and seven following days, has, in the copy of the Cata- logue before me, also been identified as of a Mr. William Bryant's books. Were there two William Bryants equally devoted to the county histories in handsome bindings ? Stewart, after indicating on the title-page of his Catalogue some of the more important lots, adds :

"Likewise every work of Topography relative to Great Britain and Ireland, mostly in superb bind- ings in Russia, &c. The whole forming one of the finest selections of county and other histories ever offered by public sale."

Messrs. King & Lochee described the library they offered as

"the most Extensive Assemblage of the Topo- graphical History [sic] of Great Britain that has ever been offered for Public Sale, the entire pro- perty of a Gentleman, well ki^wn for his inde- fatigable attention to Topographical Pursuits."

Can any reader explain this duplication of name and libraries ?

There was a smaller " Bryant " Library sold by Sotheby in 1805 ; but this, I believe, was brought together by Charles Bryant of Norwich, author of some unimportant botanical works. ALECK ABRAHAMS.