Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/231

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ii s. vii. MAE. 2-2, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


as they appeared in London that is, in 1775, 1781, and 1799 respectively. (4) Sheri- dan's associations with Dublin.

Is it known what alterations were made by Sheridan in Benjamin Thompson's trans lation (from Kotzebue) of * The Stranger ' (Dublin, 1805, 12mo) ? I notice that this play has been attributed to Sheridan by Allibone and other authorities.

Were ' The Camp ' and * The General Fast ' ever published ? INQUISITOR.

" STAB - YPOINTING " : MILTON'S EPITAPH ON SHAKESPEARE. This ungrammatical present -past participle is commented upon in most editions. I would suggest that the y belongs to star, " starry -pointing," which has the same meaning and is better grammar. The y and the hyphen could easily get inter- changed. " Starry -pointing " would seem to be a similar construction to " flowry- kirtl'd " in ' Comus,' 254.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

REV. T. D. FOSBROKE AND WATERTIGHT COMPARTMENTS. In The Daily News of 18 June, 1912, it was stated that the Rev. T. D. Fosbroke, author of an ' Encyclo- paedia of Antiquities,' the ' History of Gloucestershire,' and many other works, had, in or about 1803 or 1804. announced in The Courier and other papers that he had devised " a plan for saving lives under ship- wreck, which consisted in rendering the vessel inevitably buoyant." Should any reader be able to give me a more exact reference for this announcement, I shall feel grateful. ROLAND AUSTIN.

Public Library, Gloucester.

KENNEDY FAMILY. Can any one give information about four members of this family, presumably brothers, who were entered at Wakefield School about 1800-10 ? They were (1) Charles Malcolm, (2) James, (3) Michael, and (4) Richard. James Ken- nedy graduated in law at Cambridge in 1817, and afterwards was a judge in Havannah, a son of his being the late Sir Charles Malcolm Kennedy, C.B., K.C.M.G., of the Foreign Office, who died in 1908.


' A MIRROR FOR SHORT-HAND WRITERS.' I have lately added to my collection of Works on stenography an incomplete copy of a book with the above running title. There is no mention of this Work in any bibliography that I have seen, and the alphabet of the system differs from any of those reproduced in shorthand histories. The whole of signature A, which would include title-page and preliminary matter, is missing from my copy, but internal evidence suggests that the book may belong to the second half of the seventeenth century. The stenographic characters are in manu- script throughout.

I should be glad if any reader of ' N. & Q.' could help me to ascertain the author of the * Mirror,' and the date of its publication. W. J. CARLTON.

47, Ravenswood Road, Balham, S.W.

' GREAT HISTORICAL PICTURE OF THE SIEGE OF ACRE.' I desire enlightenment as to an octavo pamphlet of eight pages, with an etching in three parts, bearing the title :

" A Series of Sketches, including the principal objects in the Great Historical Picture of the Siege of Acre, with explanatory references annexed. London : Printed by W. Glendinning, 25, Hatton Garden ; And sold at the Lyceum. Price 6d."

The only date is a water -mark 1799, the date of the Siege of Acre. This is evidently a description of a large picture or diorama shown, I conjecture, at the Lyceum in the Strand a very likely place for an exhibi- tion of the kind. Can MR. ALECK ABRA- HAMS, or some one else learned in the past history of London, give me any particulars, especially as to the artist who produced the painting described ?

EDW. RlMBAULT DlBDIN. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

LIVING LATIN. I shall be very glad to know the last date at which Latin was the official parliamentary language in a European country ; and to be referred to the instru- ment (if any) effecting the change, and to any record of the discussion that preceded it.

ROBT. J. WHITWELL. 70, Banbury Road, Oxford.

PORTRAITS OF AN ACTRESS. I have three engravings of (1) 'Mrs. Aurora Russell in

"Faults on Both Sides," ' (2) 'Beatrice in " Fair Critics," ' and (3) * Mrs. Desmond in " The Hasty Judgement." ' They are appa- rently of the same actress in different roles. I should be obliged for any information as to date, &c. J. ARDAGH.

40, Richmond Road, Drumcondra, Dublin.