Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/28

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [iis:vn. JAN. 11,1913:

her former husband. A daughter is attri- buted to Thomas Milton, however, namely, Mrs. Elizabeth Milton, many years house- keeper to Dr. Seeker, Archbishop of Canter- bury. In 1749 she was of Grosvenor Street (Masson, vi. 763), but she died in King Street, Covent Garden, 24 , July, 1769, aged 79 (Gent. Mag., 367 ; Lloyd's Evening Post ; The Gazetteer}. I am not disposed to believe in her relationship to the family, the evidence, though negative, being entirely against it. The attribution of kinship on no grounds be- yond identity of surname has always been a journalistic vice, and in this connexion it should be noted that John Milton the painter is described in ' D.N.B.,' without any reservation, as a descendant of Sir Christopher Milton.

6. ? " John Melton, gent." Buried at St. Nicholas's, Ipswich, 29 Dec., 1669.

7. Richard Milton. I have no evidence beyond that of the deed cited at 11 S. vi. 100, dated 1674, which is incontrovertible. On 12 Aug., 1713, a commission was issued to John Taylor of Highgate, gardener, to administer the goods and credits of Richard Milton, late of Ipswich, bachelor, deceased, who died in the Kingdom of Ireland, as regards the manor of Norwoods in Sprough- ton, Suffolk, of which the deceased held the remainder of a lease for 500 years, which he acquired under indenture of 2 Oct., 1686, made between William and Charles Burro ugh of the first part and the said Richard Milton of the other part (P.C.C., Act Book, fo. 184d). The words in italics are scored through.

8. Thomasin Milton. Buried at St. Nicholas's, Ipswich, 6 July, 1675.

9. Mary Milton. Baptized at St. Nicho- las's, Ipswich, 29 March, 1656. She lived at Highgate with her sister Catherine, of whom later (Masson, vi. 763). Administration of her goods was granted to the said sister and only next-of-kin 5 May, 1742 (P.C.C.). She was buried at Farningham in Kent, as will appear below.

10. Anne Milton. According to Masson (vi. 763), she married one Pendlebury, a clergy- man, " and no more is known of her." The marriage licence was dated 19 Feb., 1682/3 (Faculty Office), she being of St. Dunstan's- in-the-West, aged 22, her parents deceased (!), and the bridegroom John Pendlebury of Enfield, bachelor, aged 24, the marriage to take place at St. Sepulchre's. Pendlebury, who was M.A. Camb. 1679 (Magdalene College), was Vicar of Farningham, Kent,

1684-1719, being buried there 14 Dec. of the latter year. In his will (P.C.C. 17 Shaller) he mentions only his own relations. He was a Lancashire man. The childless widow survived a little over a year, being buried with her husband, 24 Feb., 1720/21. By her will (P.C.C. 74 Buckingham) she be- queathed 101. between a servant and the poor of Farningham, and the residue of her estate to her sisters Mary and Catherine equally, appointing them joint executrixes.

11. Catherine Milton. As has been stated, she lived at Highgate with her sister Mary. On the death of the latter she removed to Lower Hollo way, to the house of John Mil ton's granddaughter Elizabeth, nee Clarke, and her husband, Thomas Foster. Her will is dated 19 July, 1744, with a codicil of 8 April fol- lowing, and was proved 23 April, 1746 (P.C.C., 126 Edmunds). She wished to be buried at Farningham with her late sister Mary,, and her executors were to lay " a broad stone over my sister's grave and mine." (I have not ascertained if this wish was carried out.) To her " cousin Mr. Thomas- Foster now of Lower Holloway who married my cousin Elizabeth Clarke who is grand- daughter of my uncle the famous Mr. John Milton deceased " she left 501. ; to her friend Edward Yardley, Archdeacon of Cardigan, 2001., the interest to be devoted to the said Elizabeth Foster's sole use, and, for himself, 251. and her pictures of " our Saviour Christ on his knees " and Mary Magdalen ; to her " cousin Ann Lambourne " 40L, remainder to her brother Mr. Thomas Lambourne ; and to Mrs. Ann Sandys of Highgate 10Z. There were also bequests, revoked by codicil, to Mr. William Townsend of Highgate, his sister-in-law Mrs. Alice Paradice, and his son John ; and to Farn- ingham, Highgate, Daren th, and St. Nicho- las's, Ipswich (the last two were revoked), she left 51. each for their poor. Bonds are- also cited given by William Bridges, Esq., deceased, to her late sister Mary, one to secure 2001. and interest, and the other 12/. a year for life. Thomas Foster was residuary legatee, and he and the aforesaid Edward Yardley executors.

I have not found the key to the Lam- bourne relationship. Yardley survived until 1769. Though he disposed by will of an. interesting relic of Sir Walter Raleigh, he does not specify the two Milton pictures.. Thomas Foster's will does not refer back: to the Milton family,


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