Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/428

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. VH. MAY 21, ma.


MR. ANDREW BAXENDINE'S Edinburgh Catalogue for May contains books under Angling and Botany. There is a tall copy of the first Edinburgh edition of Barns's ' Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect,' 1787, 4:1. 10s. 6d. There are a number of early printed Bibles. A set of Once a Week, 17 vols., 1859 67, is cheap at 10'. 6d. Skeat's ' Etymological Dic- tionary,' last edition, is priced II. 5s.

MR. BERTRAM DOBELL'S Catalogue 217 includes ^purchases from the Cope, Pennant, R. W. Potts, and other collections. The first edition of Bacon's ' Essays,' 1625, bound by Bedford, is 30Z. ; and a fine 'large copy of Beaumont and Fletcher, 1647, 36Z. Under Blake is Swinburne's Essay, first edition, 3Z. 10-5. Davenant's 4 The Just Italian,' 1630, bound 'by Riviere, is 121. 12s. ; and Nichols's 'Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century,' extra-illustrated, 1812-58, 20Z. Mr. Dobell has, as usual, first editions of Lamb, Shelley, and Wordsworth.

MR. JOHN GRANT of Edinburgh has in his May Catalogue some rare old Bibles, chiefly from the library of the late John S. Gibb of Edinburgh. There are works under Ireland. A set of the Journal and Proceedings of the Geographical Society, 1831-1912, is25Z. ; and Lacroix's illuminated works on the Middle Ages, Paris, 1869-77, 5 vols., half morocco, original binding, a choice set, 4Z. Under Bibliography will be found Bent's ' London Catalogue,' "Book-Lover's Library," and others.

MR. GEORGE GREGORY of Bath begins his 'Catalogue Nos. 221 - 222 with setting out par- ticulars of two fine sets of Dugdale's 'Monasticon Anglicanum.' The first, which is the early nineteenth - century edition in the first issue of which only twenty-five copies were done has included with it Dugdale's ' S. Paul's ' ; both works are lavishly illustrated, the former bound by Bedford, and the other bound to match it in all 18 vols , 110Z. The second set is in three -volumes, dated respectively 1655, 1661, and 1673, interleaved with paper of c. 1790, and extra-illus- trated by the insertion of more than 800 engrav- ings, and nearly 200 original drawings by a Swiss artist, one S. EL. Grimm, which extends the set to 10 volumes ; for this 2501. is the price asked. Mr. Gregory also offers for 200Z. an interleaved and extra - illustrated copy of Pennant's 'London.' Among the items more within reach of the collector of moderate means we observed Ayton's ' A Voyage round Great Britain,' with the drawings and en- gravings by Daniell, 1814-25, 75/. ; a set of ninety- three issues of the ' Oxford Almanack,' running from 1728 to 1824, with occasional gaps, four duplicates, and the Almanack for 1854, 50^.; a number of volumes of The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 151. ; sixty- five volumes of ' Memoires sur la Revolution,' Paris, 1820-25, 161. ; and a set of Grose's ' Antiqui- ties,' in 16 vols. (including DarelPs 'History of Dover Castle'), 1786, 10Z. 10*.

MESSRS. HILL & SON'S Catalogue 115 contains the Ashburnham copy of Ascham's 'Schoolmaster,' with which are bound ' Toxophilus ' and a ' Dis- course of the Affairs of Germany,' first edition, 22Z. 10-<?. ; Bradshaw Society, complete set, 37 vols., 251. ; Brant's 'Ship of Fooles,' second edition, 1570, a fine clean copy, 271. 10s. ; the first edition of D'Urfey's 'Pills to purge Melancholy,' 6 vols., 12mo, calf extra by Riviere, 1719, 11. Is. ; Froissart,

" Tudor Translations," 1901, 51 5s. ; and Holbein's 'Portraits,' including the two miniatures of the Duke of Suffolk engraved by Bartolozzi, 1828, 81. 15s. Works on Japan include Anderson's ' Pic- torial Arts,' 11. Is. ; works on Natural History, Fowler's ' Coleoptera of the British Islands,' 5 vole., half morocco, 121. 12s. ; and works on Architecture, Street's 'Gothic Architecture,' 2 vols., 51. 5s. There is a fine copy of Newton's 'Opera Omnia, illus- trabat Samuel Horsley,' 5 vols., 4to, uncut copy, half crushed levant, 1779, 9/. 9s.

IN the way of MSS. and early printed Horse Messrs. Henry Young & Sons of Liverpool describe, in their Catalogue 440, ten interesting items. We may mention a thirteenth-century MS. on vellum, in red and black Gothic letters, of Grosseteste's 'De Decem Preceptis, 1 121. 12s. ; a Dutch MS. of the fifteenth century, on 219 leaves of vellum, in Gothic letters, of the 'Passio Jesu Christi,' 38Z. and a ' Horse,' printed on vellum, with pictures and woodcut borders, "a Paris par Philippe Pigouchet," 1510, 55Z. They have also Verard's ' Le Grant Vita Christi ' (by Ludolphus de Saxoriia), " translate de Latin en Francoys, par Guillaume Lemenand," 1500, 521. 10s. ; a first edition of Milton's ' Paradise Regained,' 1671, 221 10s.; and the 'Tour of Dr. Syntax,' in three volumes, comprising the three tours 'In search of the Picturesque,' 'In search of Consolation,' and 'In search of a Wife,' of which vol. i. is in the third edition, and vols. ii. and iii. in the first, 18Z. 18s.

Messrs. Young & Sons' Catalogue 441 is rich in Bibles. It contains the first complete Luther Bible, 2 vols., levant, 1534, 75/. ; and the first edition of the first French Protestant version, a copy in extra- ordinarily fine state, 1535, 30/. There is a set of the original edition of Clutterbuck's ' Hertford,' all the

Elates, proof impressions coloured by hand, 3 vols., all green morocco, 1815-27, 32Z. A presentation copy of Hood's ' Whims and Oddities,' 2 vols., 1826-7, is 11. Is. There are forty original designs.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

C. L. and G. W. E. R. Forwarded.

W. MAC ARTHUR. The Index to 11 S. iii. gives Walker as Bishop of Derry.

F. M. B. ("Destroying Blackbeetles"). We are unable to trace this in any of the General Indexes.

GRILLION'S CLUB (see ante, p. 390). MR. A. L. HUMPHREYS states that the Club now meets at the Hotel Cecil. MR. ARTHUR MYNOTT is thanked for reply anticipated by those in last week's number.

'A LONDONER'S LONDON.' MR. J. LANDFEAR LUCAS is thanked fcr pointing out the slip made in reference to Coutts's Bank (ante, p. 379). The removal was, as all know, from the south to the north side of the Strand.