Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/481

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ii s. vii. JUNE 14, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


mausoleum at Calcutta as armiger. MB. WIUMOT COBFIELD will find references to him in Mrs. Penny's ' Fort St. George ' and Hyde's ' Parochial Annals of Bengal.' There are occasional references to his family in The Genealogist (see vols. xxiii., xxiv., xxv.). And if MB. COBFIELD has not already tried them, I suggest that Lanca- shire county histories and wills may assist him. Possibly Job Charnock's will is among the East India Company's records at the India Office. FBANK PENNY.

The following may afford a clue.

Roger Charnock was Vicar of Dartford in 1650 (Arch. Cant., vol. xviii. p. 396).

Arch. Cant., vol. xiii. p. 285, has a reference to Robert Charnoek :

" Bills of Indictment for high treason are found against Lieut. King, Keyes and Charnoek, which 3 are to be tryed on Wednesday. (Capt n Porter and one La Rue are the witnesses.) One Capt n Stow (one named in the Proclamation) is allso taken."

And on p. 286 :

" S r William Perkins was taken on Tuesday, who

was a great man in it Charnock made some

little defence, as that what was said, was in Jooke over a glass of wine, but that signifyed nothing, the other 2 made no defence."

There are some references to Robert Charnock at 3 S. i. 263, in letters describing Oxford in 1688-92. R. J. FYNMOBE.

The following notes on the Charnock family may be of some assistance or interest to MB. WILMOT COBFIELD.

In connexion with Babington's con- spiracy a certain " Charnocke " was exe- cuted on 21 Sept., 1586, and his confession on the scaffold is printed in Hist. MSS. Fourteenth Report, part iv. p. 617. In the same volume, under date 7 March, 1695/6, in a letter to Roger Kenyon :

" Charnock, Keyes, and King, three of the con- spirators mentioned in the proclamation, will be arraigned on Wednesday next, upon indictments, it is said, allready found against them, at Hicks' Hall, and will be allowed the full benefit of the late Acts for try alls of treason," &o.

In 1596 Mr. Arimdell was

" restrained upon the entertainment of Charnock

the priest, who wore his livery." Hist. MSS., Salis- bury, part vi. p. 561.

In 1599, in " Her Majesties letters to the Counties," Richard Charnocke of Bed- fordshire was required to present himself with 1 light horse and 1 lance, in order that " we will spare nothing that God has given us here on earth to preserve them [our good subjects] from falling into the hands of those who have so long thirsted after the destruction of this kingdom."

In the same year Roger Charnocke and 1 light horse came from Northants for a like purpose (Hist. MSS. Fifteenth Report, part v. pp. 79 and 81).

On 18 May, 1696, a warrant was issued for the payment to Col. Pearce of 250?., Col. Thompson 180Z., Col. Blood 180Z., Capt. Pitman 180J., and to Capt. Le Wright 60*.,

" in reward for their respective services in seizing and apprehending Charnock, one of the con- spirators to assassinate Our Roy all Person." Hist. MSS. Fifteenth Report, part ii. pp. 335-6.

In 1689 Nicholas Charnock's house of Barnikie, in Garstang parish (Lanes), was certified as a meeting-place for Dissenters.

The Rev. S. Charnock of Lancashire (b. 1628), a Nonconformist, has had his portrait engraved by R. White.

In the Somersetshire wills printed by Mr. Crisp some Charnocks are mentioned ; a reference to this volume might prove useful. Mr. Crisp also publishes an abstract of a will of Roger Charnock of London, 1644.

John Charnock, F.A.S., author of ' History of Marine Architecture,' ' Life of Nelson/ and ' Biographia Navalis ' (illustrated by Bartolozzi), Was born in 1756, died May, 1807, and was buried at Lee (Kent), as a mural tablet on the old church tower records.

The next four items are from The Gentle- man's Magazine :

9 Aug., 1733. John Charnock, Esq re , of Bucking- hamshire, was married to the only daughter of Thomas Veale of Lambeth, Esq' 6 .

10 Aug., 1734. 8ir Pynsent Charnocke, Bart., died at Halcot in Bedfordshire.

14 Sept., 1803, died Robert Charnock, Esq, of Finsbury Sq ro , merchant.

Nov., 1810, died Mrs. Charnock, widow of the late G. C., Esq re , at Wakefield, and mother of the Rev. E. G. C. of Allexton, co. Leicester.

WM. NOBMAN. [MR. R. A. POTTS also thanked for reply.]

CABDINAL NEWMAN AND HIS BBOTHEBS (11 S. vii. 385). The full names of the third brother Newman were Charles Robert. He came between John Henry (Cardinal) and Francis William (Professor). A deeply in- teresting reference to this remarkable man appeared after his death in The Athenceum of 29 March, 1884. It was from the pen of Mr. Thos. Purnell, who in a few masterly touches vividly describes the personality of Chas. R. Newman, and the beginnings of a lasting friendship between the recluse and himself.

There is also a paragraph concerning this- third brother in an article by Wilfrid Meynell on ' Cardinal Newman and his Con- temporaries ' in The Contemporary Review for September, 1890. JOHN T. PAGE.