Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/488

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is thought you can be most useful," 21. 15s. There is a good collection of Wellington correspondence, which includes documents connected with more than one important public inquiry, and is offered for 60Z. ; and we noticed also the Log- book of H.M.S. La Mutine, from 5 Sept., 1798, to 16 June, 1802, by the young commander William Hoste. who relates there the manner of his reception by the Queen of Naples after the Battle of the Nile, 11. 10s. Mr. Daniell also offers , letter, dated Whitehall, 21 June, 1699, by Sir Christopher Wren, for 251. 10s.; and a contem- porary MS. relating ' The Whole Proceedings against & Tryall of....' the Seven Bishops, which runs to about 250 folio pp., and appears to give a verbatim account of all that happened. We must not omit to mention a letter of Henry IV. of France without date of year written to " M r de rambouyllet," on the subject of the estab- lishment of a company of foreign merchants, 111.

WE noticed in Mr. William Downing's Cata- logue No. 519 (Birmingham), among a number of interesting items, a copy of the second folio edition of Beaumont and Fletcher the one containing the reference to Shakespeare in ' The Booksellers to the Reader,' 1679, 11. Is. Regi- nald Scot's ' Discovery of Witchcraft,' in the third edition, 1665, is offered for 51. 5s. There are also an example of Westwood's c Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible,' being copies from medieval MSS., 1846, 4Z. 4s. ; an original water- colour drawing by Kate Greenaway, signed 4t K. G.," 51. 5s. ; and a copy of the Vale Press ' Cupid and Psyche ' from Apuleixis, with Rick- etts's illustrations, 1897, for which 21. is asked.

MESSRS. WILLIAM GEORGE'S SONS of Bristol de- vote their Catalogue 336 to Topography and Genea- logy. The first portion contains general works ; afterwards the arrangement is by counties. A com- plete set of Archcsoloffia, 1770 to 1907, 61 vols., royal 4to, is 24Z. There are a number of maps and plans, and many works on early railways. A copy of Bradshaw's Map of Canals, 1830, is 12*. There is much of interest under London and Middlesex, including a copy of Ackermann's ' Westminster Abbey,' 2 vols., 1812, 4Z. 15s.; Foster's 'London Marriage Licences,' 15s ; Maitland's 'Survey of London,' II. 6s. ; and ' History of the Westminster Election,' 1785. 16*. Works on Heraldry include Lord Howard de Walden's ' Feudal Lords,' 3 vols., large 4to, 1904, 21. 10s. It contains about 900 coats of arms tricked.

MR. WILLIAM GLAISHER has sent us his Cata- logue 394 of Publishers' Remainders. Among the most interesting items are about a score of books belonging to " The Library of Old English Authors," which includes Aubrey's ' Miscellanies,' Chapman's

  • Iliad' and * Odyssey' and ' Batrachomyomachia,'

and the Duchess of Newcastle's ' Life of William

Cavendishe.' There are many good topographical works and books of travel, several valuable recently published biographies, and one or two volumes of verse.

MR. GOAD of Bath has in his Forty-Fifth Cata- logue Chambers' s ' Divine Worship in England in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries,' 1877, II. 10s.; Budge's 'Book of the Dead,' 3 vols., cloth, as new, 1898, 1Z. 10s. ; and ' Shakespeare Forgeries from the MSS. in the possession of Samuel Ireland,' 1796, 10. 6d.

IN their Catalogue (No. 307) of Engraved Portraits, &c., Messrs. Maggs describe nearly 400 items, of which some 66 are of American interest. The finest of these is Val. Green's mezzotint after Trumbull's portrait of Washing- ton, 1781, 75Z. ; and among the eight other portraits of Washington, Shepherd's engraving after Campbell, 1775, 211., may also be men- tioned. Watson's ' Amherst,' after Reynolds, is another interesting piece of work, 1766, 211., offered here ; and we noticed an impression in colours of R. Sayer's ' Death of Wolfe,' after Bennett, 1779, 18Z. 18s. Smith's ' Carlini, Bartolozzi, and Cipriani,' after Rigaud, 1778, a good impression in first state, is offered for 15Z. 15s. ; and there is the engraving by Cousins and Walker after Nasmyth's portrait of Burns to be had for 351. The plates after Reynolds are numerous and interesting ; we may mention Harvard's ' Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse,' 1878, 52Z. 10s. ; Fisher's ' Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy,' 1762, 31Z. 10s. ; Wilkin's Lady Cockburn with her children as * Cornelia,' 1791, 52Z. ; and Watson's ' Lady Carlisle,' 1773, 31Z. 10s.

Among the decorative engraving?, a quaint and entertaining item is a pair of aquatints by Piercy Roberts and J. C. Stadler, after Adam Buck both of a girl and child ' Give Me a Kiss ' and ' I will have a Kiss,' 1800, 85Z. There are nine examples of Bartolozzi, including his ' Fair Ariadne,' of which an impression printed in colours costs here 36Z. Angelica Kauffmann and Morland are well represented, and we noticed three or four interesting specimens of the work of J. R. Smith and Young, as well as a good impression of Ward's ' Raby Pack,' a colour print after Chalon, 1814, 60Z.

MESSRS. MYERS & Co. send two Catalogues. No. 191 contains recent purchases. These include works on America and Australia. There is a set of the ' British Essayists,' 30 vols , half calf gilt, 1827, 3Z. 17.$. Qd. Under Dickens is the Biographical Edition, 19 vols., half morocco extra, 11. 10s. There is an extra-illustrated copy of Doran's * Lady oi the Last Century' (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu), Bentley, 1873, 4/. 4s. Among works on Natural History is a fine old set of Shaw's Works, 18 vols. old red morocco, 1800-9, SI. 10s.

Messrs. Myers's Catalogue 192 is a most interest ing collection of engraved portraits.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

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ST. C. B. and G. W. E. R. Forwarded. ROLAND DIXON. Thanks for 4 Glimpses of Hull.