Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/508

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. VIL JUNE 21, 1913.


MR. P. M. BARNARD of Tunbridge Wells de- votes his Seventy-Third Catalogue to Classical Authors and Antiquities. There are many rare and good editions.

MR. ALFRED COOPER of Hammersmith gives in

his Ninety-Sixth List a selection from his stock

of 50,000 volumes. The first edition of Gerarde's

  • Herbal ' is priced 81. 10s ; the first edition of

' Tom Jones,' with the errata, 6 vols., 1749, 51. 5s. ; and Titsingh's illustrations of Japan, quarto, original wrappers, 1822, 4Z. 10s.

MESSRS. S. DRAYTON & SONS of Exeter send two Catalogues, 251 and 252. The former con- tains Jewel's ' Defense of the Apologie of the Church of England,' with the original chain and staple attached, 1569, 10Z. 10s. Rogers's ' Poems, 1839, morocco by Hayday, with fore- edge painting of Lake Como, is 51. 5s. ; Aken- side's ' Pleasures of the Imagination,' also with fore-edge of the Convent of Vallombrosa, 51. 5s. ; ' Mansfield Park,' 3 vols., 1816, with the scarce half-title pages, 21. 2s. ; Macaulay, Library Edi- tion, 8 vols., tree calf, 1876, 31. 3s. ; Allibone's 1 Dictionary of English Literature, 3 vols., 1874, II. 4s. ; ' The Century Dictionary, 6 vols., royal folio, 31. 3s. (published at 127. 12s.); and ' Scar- -borough,' Ackermann, 1813, 51. 10s.

Catalogue 252 contains Sermons and Com- mentaries. A set of ' The Speaker's Commen- tary,' 13 vols., is priced 21. 2s. This was pub- lished at 131. 10s.

MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS sends two Catalogues.

No. 324 contains Military Literature. There

.-are more than a thousand items, and each is of oiiuch interest, for the collection, like all Mr. JEdwards's lists, has been carefully made. There are Histories and Records of most of the chief regiments, besides works on the Peninsular War, Waterloo Campaign, wars of the Indian Empire, the war between Prussia and Austria in 1866, the Franco-German War, and African wars, in addition to many engravings and original drawings. We can name but a few items. An -engraving of the King's Hussars, 1821, is 9Z. ; .and Wheater's ' Record of the 7th Royal Fusiliers,' < extra-illustrated, with 24 coloured original draw- rings by Robert Ebsworth and others, printed for private circulation, Leeds, 1875, 30Z. There is \that magnificent illustrated work on the Austrian Army by Kininger and Karl. The costumes of the various regiments are engraved by Mansfield

i 15 Jin. by 11 in., without the borders), folio, alf russia, very rare, 1800, 140Z. Under German Army is a collection of engravings of the Prussian Guard, 1704-1806, quarto, 1806, IQL Other collections include 118 coloured engravings of the Prussian army by Schmitz, with book- plate of Sir George Cockburn, octavo, 2Ql. ; and Heath's ' Military Costumes of the British Cavalry,' half calf, rare, 1820, 60Z. L'Evdque's

  • Portugal Campaigns under Wellington,' large

folio, Colnaghi, 1812, is 201. The official history of the Franco-German War, Berlin, is priced 51. 10s., and the English edition, 10Z. 10s.

We turn from this warlike collection to Mr. Edwards's Catalogue 325, which is given over to .the peaceful sciences of Ornithology and Oology.

There are fine copies of the works of Goul< Dresser, Lord Lilford, Meyer, Seebohm, Settr and others.

Mr. Francis Edwards has also a list of R( mainders at greatly reduced prices. We note few : Godman's ' Petrels,' 71. 10s. (published 151. 15s.); Poynting's 'Eggs of British Birds 21. 5s. (51. ) ; Sclater's ' Mammals of Sout Africa,' 16s. (1Z. 10s.); Pettigrew's 'Design i Nature,' 3 vols., 12s. (3Z. 3s.) ; ' Library of Literal Criticism : English and American Authors 8 vols., 51. (81. 8s. net); and Early Englis Dramatic Society, 8Z. (20Z.).

MESSRS. CHARLES HIGHAM & SON'S Catalogue 5' is a miscellaneous list of Theological books, suppl< mented by the library of an Indian missionary.

M. GODEFROY MAYER'S Paris Catalogue 31 wi prove of special interest to our friends in th United States, for it contains old engrave portraits relating to the history of America There are in all 1,645 items. M. Mayer is rightl fond of indexes, and supplies two one tope graphical, and the other general. The illustration include La Fayette, Col. Tarleton, Wolfe, Sullivai Washington, Monckton, Paul Jones (shooting sailor who had attempted to strike his coloui in an engagement, from the original picture b Collet), Jefferson, and Franklin.

MESSRS. SIMMONS & WATERS of Leamingto Spa devote their Catalogue 275 to Topographic* and Antiquarian Books relating to the Britis Isles, including engravings, and maps arrange in counties. An extra-illustrated copy of Mai kay's ' Thames,' 2 vols., morocco, 1840, is 5Z. 5s. and Leigh Hunt's 'The Town,' with 200 add tional portraits, 2 vols., morocco, 1848, 6Z. 6 Another extra-illustrated work is Faulkner's ' Kei sington,' 1820, 3Z. Under Architecture is a larg collection of old copperplates, 5 vols., quart< 1790-1830, 1Z. 15s.

MR. J. THOMSON'S Edinburgh Summer Cats logue contains a set of Blackwood from its begin ning in 1817 to 1900 inclusive, 168 vols., half cal: 7Z. 10s. There are a number of Book-plates besides books at moderate prices.

RICHARD PARDON. We would suggest applica tion to the Record Office.

A. MASSON. Many thanks for copy of Mai Morgan's cartoon ' A Brown Study from Tt Tomahawk.

G. W. begs to convey his thanks to MR. WM. HUCK for his reply to query re 'Coming c Age ' (ante, pp. 432-3).

MR. WILMOT CORFIELD writes: "I find I wa misinformed when writing of Sir William Parkyn a? a baronet. He was a knight/' (See ' Th Antecedents of Job Charnock,' ante, p. 389.)

CORRIGENDUM. At p. 428, query on 'Gra Family,' 1. 4, for "Gray of Whiteboys, co. We^ ford. Can any," &c., read "Gray of ...... 1 C(

Wexford (destroyed by fire in the Whiteboy riots). Can any reader," &c.