Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.



  • ' Honest," used in epitaphs, 517
  • Honest Thieves,' comedy, 1829, 50, 96

Hope family, of Hope & Co., Amsterdam, 288

Horn (R. Dalrymple), Westminster scholar, 1814,

429, 493

Horns to hold grease, used by milkmaids, 510 Horse, worship of the, by Jutes and West Saxons,

50 Horses, white, and with white feet, 109, 215, 295,

375 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, date of buildings,

249, 333, 356, 397

  • ' Houlte Cuppe," racing cup of 1624, 148, 216

Houses of historical interest, London, 187, 260 Hudson family of Osmaston, 487 Hull, sixteenth-century quotation on, 128 Hume (Peter), 1700-71, his marriage, 150 " Hunger strike " during the Arian persecution,


Hunt (Leigh) at Hampstead, 128 Hunting episode in Bucks, 1800, 389 Hus and Gosse, families of East Anglia, 378, 477 "Husbandman," "gentleman," meaning of the

terms, c. 1500, 148

Hutchins (Rev. J.) of SS. Anne and Agnes,' 354 Huxley (Prof.) on Positivism, 288 " Hypergamy," etymology of the word, 229, 275 Hysing or Huysing (H.), b. 1678, d. c. 1752, 168

' Ian Roy,' by Urquhart Forbes, 54, 98

  • ' Impression " and " edition," publishers' use

of the words, 90, 172

  • ' In touch with," early use of the phrase, 188

India, records of navigation in, 9, 37 ; religious

rites of, 346

Indomitable, as Christian name, 446 Ingelo family, 209 Ingepenne (Inkpenn, &c.) families of Hants,

Berks, and Cornwall, 248 Ingoldsby (General), c. 1704, date of his birth,

489, 520 Ink-horns and ink -glasses, earliest use of, 425,

514 Inquisition, treatment of, in fiction and drama, 10,

57, 73, 116, 214, 315 Inscriptions : on monuments at Warwick, 9, 57,

93, 173 ; in a quarry, Wetheral, 169, 234, 256 ;

St. James's Churchyard, Piccadilly. 185, 224,

303, 324 ; in St. Mary's, Llanfair-Waterdine,

355 ; in St. Mary's Churchyard, Amersham,

464 ; on rood-screens, 484 ; in Genoa Cathedral,


Inscriptions, decipherment of, 171 Inscriptions in churchyards, copies of, 110, 246 Institutions and customs, pagan, 233 Inventions during the Commonwealth and Pro- tectorate, protection of, 162 Ireland (W. H.), his ' Life of Napoleon,' 50 Ireland, trade companies in, before 1750, 70 ;

medal relating to legislative union with Great

Britain, 1800, 489 Irish (Anglo-Irish) families, Taylor of Ballyhaise,

16, 138, 214

Irish family histories, list of works, 483 Irish name for Good Friday, 267, 351 Irish superstition, boys in petticoats and fairies,

Iron Mask, a " feminist " theory, 352 Isle of Man, stone circle on Meayll Hill, 383 " Itte-dhandu," Indian game, 308, 354

Jackson (William), his * Rape of the Table,' 329 Jacobite Earl of Beverley, c. 1780, 329, 453 " Jag," meaning of American slang word, 16 James (Pinkstan), d. 1830, his mother, 470, 518 Jane, Duchess of Gordon, ship wrecked in 1809,

447, 496

Japan, double flowers in, 188, 490 Jarman family, 309, 396 Jew, Wandering legend of the, 47 Jews in Ireland, the first mention of, 284 " Jiffle," use of the word, 487 " Jockey doctors," temp. Charles II., 218 John (King), a justification of, 43 " John o' Gaunt's Chapel," Belper, 50 Johnson (Lieut.-General), Westminster School

steward, 1782, 251

Johnson (Samuel), epigram on him and Garrick. 149 ;1 his copies of Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 314; his 'Dictionary' and 'The Reader,' 468 ; bibliography of his works, 507 Johnson (Samuel) of Canterbury, 1760, 88, 157 Jones (Inigo), his Christian name, 424 Jones (Rev. W.) of Nayland, author, b. 1726, 470 Journalism in Persia, 446

Keats (John), booksellers connected with, 427 j

and his guardian, Mr. Abbey, 427 Keith (Peter), Oxford graduate, 1738, 110 ' Kenilworth,' variants in the text of, 16 Kennedy family, 8, 227 Kenney (J.) his farce ' Raising the Wind,' 1803,

50, 96

Kensington Gravel Pits =* Notting Hill, 1830, 483 Kent (Constance), date of her death, 70 Keppel (J. C. F.), Westminster scholar, 1775, 369 Kiddell family, 250 King (Bishop Henry), 1592-1669, MS. volume

of his poems, 189

King (Jonathan), his collections, 33 King family and Weston Patrick, Hants, 29, 112,


Kingsley (C.), locality of " Airly Beacon," 349 Kingston (Sir Antony), inscription at Bath to, 207 Klinger (F. M. von), translation of his ' Faustus,'


Knight service, abolition of tenure by, 369, 457 Knight (T.), his farce ' The Honest Thieves,'

1797, 50, 96 Knighthood, earliest age of, 308, 355, 412

" Laking " = playing, etymology of the word,

87, 152 . Lamb (C.), on Wordsworth's 'To Joanna,' 223 ;

spelling of his name, 252 ; on Taylor's ' Holy

Dying,' 386, 477

Lamb's Chapel, London, its registers, 51, 354 Lambarde (William), his MS. 'Perambulation of

Kent,' 37 Lancaster (Rev. W.) of Folkestone Grammar

School, 1805-13, 510 ' Last of the Barons,' dedication of, 30 Latin, latest use as official language, 227, 297 Latin lines on music, 406 Latin pronunciation, v and w, 283 Law, French pronunciation of the name, 10 Lawn tennis, earliest work on the game, 506