Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.



  • ' Vadet," origin of the word, 225

Van Helmont. See Helmont.

Van Ness and Roche families, 149

Vanden Bempde family, 448

Vane, Vaughan, Fane, surnames, 484

Varty-Smith (Augusta A.)> her 'Fawcetts and

Garods,' 330, 418

Vatican Library, Greek painting in, 429 Vaughan (Francis), Commissioner of Revenue,

1653, 108

Vaughan, Vane, Fane, surname?, 484 Verena and Sintram, characters in fiction, 449,


Vessels, curious, of stone, their use, 208, 255 Vicars of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden,

69, 133, 213

" Victory," Townsend Street, Walworth, 428 Virginia: Jacobus Mason, d. 1701, 267 Visitations, archiepiscopal, of monastic houses,

1250-93, 146

Vitre, Brittany, local history of, 329, 437 ' Vittoria Corombona,' a parallel to, 326 4 Vivian Grey,' keys to the characters, 409 Volunteers, Royal East London, history of, 288,

372 "'Vox populi vox musse " and Gluck's operas,



Wadding (Thomas) and a convent at Huelva,


Walbeoff family, 469

Walker (George), Governor of Londonderry, 348 Walker (John), 1732-1807, lexicographer, 70 Walkingshaw (Clementina), her children, 429 Walter (John), 1739-1812, founder of 'The

Times,' 45 Walton, coloured print of Thames bridge, 1751,

129, 194

Walton (Izaak) and tomb-scratching, 405, 492 Walworth, " The Victory " in Townsend Street,


Wambury, place-name near Kidderminster, 70 Wandering Jew, Buddhist origin of the legend,

Warde (George), Westminster scholar, 309 Ware (J.) & Son, printers, c. 1797, 387 Warenne (Gundrada de), her parentage, 509 Warren alias Waller family, 189, 257 Warton (Dr. J.) and the Rev. J. Wooll, 288 Warwick, monuments and tombstones at, 9, 57,

93, 173 Washington (George), reputed relation of, 270 ;

his connexion with Selby, 317, 430 Washington (Thomas), the younger, c. 1585, 388 Washington family of Sulgrave, 317, 430 Washington, Halley, Pyke, and Mewce families,

102, 317

Water-stealing device in ancient Rome, 508 Water-wheel, Carisbrooke Castle, drawings of,

269, 354

Waterloo nights, Wellington's toast on, 149 ' Waterman,' comedy, 1831, 50, 96 Watertight compartments, Rev. T. D. Fosbroke

and, 227 Waxwork effigies in Westminster Abbey, 205,


Webster (J.\ his play ' The Devil's Law Case,' 106 ; his use of the word " castle," 165, 253,

394 ; parallel to incident in c The W T hite Devil,'

326 ; date of ' The White Devil,' 342 ; date of 'Appius and Virginia,' 401, 422, 466 Weighton, York Minster, Prebendaries of, 147,


Welland sermon register, 1809-28, 104, 295 Welleslev (Lord), married 1794, his issue, 249,

330 Wellington (Duke oi), his toast on Waterloo

nights, 149

Welsh name for Good Friday, 267, 351 Welsh national emblem, the leek, 6 " Wen," curious error in indexing, 67 \Vesley (John) and octagonal meeting-houses,

27, 72, 173, 238, 417 Westminster Abbey, waxwork effigies in, 205,

314 ; Shakespeare's monument, 349 Westminster School, stewards of Anniversary

Dinner, 70, 168, 251, 349 Weston Patrick, Hants, its connexion with

Ireland, 29, 112, 316

Wetheral, inscription in a quarry, 169, 234, 256 Whaler, English, her fight with Spaniards, 1805,


Whitby Abbey, stained glass from, 148 White (Richard), his devotional works, 169 Whitefield (G.), b. 1714, his schooldays, 384 ' Who 's the Dupe ? ' comedy, 1813, 50, 96 ' Widsith,' meaning of " Casere " in, 62 ; the

Eowas of, 501

Wilderness Row, London, its locality, 428, 495 Wilkie (Sir D.), replica of his ' Village Politicians,'

77 ; his last illness, 247 William of Worcester, his ' Itinerary,' 246 Williams (Admiral E.), d. 1752, his family, 508 Williamscote (Johanna), c. 1470, her parentage,

49, 92, 115, 192, 257 Wills, Cornish, in Prerogative Court of Canterbury,

366 Wills of eighteenth centurv, St. James's, E.C.,


Wine-fungus superstition, 109, 214, 298 Wines of America, their names, 88 Winstanley, Somerset place-name, 70 Winthrop (Theodore), his works, 287 Wombwell (G.), Ruskin's reference to his mena- gerie, 209, 276

Wood (Anthony), his 'Athenae Oxonienses,' 37 Woodroffe family, 310 Woodruffe-Peacock (Rev. E. A.), his * Notes

on Cadney Church,' 186 Wooll (Rev. J.) and Dr. J. Warton, 288 Wordsworth (W.), his poem 'To Joanna,' 223 World, signs of the fifteen last days of, 266,


Wortinge (J.), clerk, of Gilsborough, 207 Wrestling match in fiction, 17

Yelver " in place-names, 15 Yeoman " of the signals, naval term, 310 Yonge family of Caynton, co. Salop, 90

Zinfandel, Californian claret, its name, 88 Zodiac Club, or dining coterie, c. 1880, 230 Zodiac of ten signs, date of use of, 34