Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/549

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.



Cope (E. E.) on Calendar of State Papers, Ire

land, 288. Cope, 288. Davison & Newmai

of Fenchurch Street: a London property, 243

Irish companies, 70. Milton, 146

Corder (Alexander) on wreck of the Royal George


Corfield (Wilmot) on antecedents of Job Char nock, 389. Demolition of Dickensian land marks in Birmingham, 325, 510. ' Edwi Drood,' 362. Parker (Henry Meredith), 436 Ravens at the Tower, 384

Cotterell (Howard H.), F.R.Hist.S., F.R.S.A., o

" Star," Broad Green, Croydon, 428. " Vic

tory," Townsend Street, Walworth, 428

Wilderness Row, 428

Cotton (L. J.) on Cotton family, 408

Courtney (W. P.) on bibliography of Johnson'

works, 507. Bull (Richard), 170. Galignani

130. Morris dancers in Herefordshire, 91

Murder of Sarah Stout at Hertford, 31. Pearc

(Horace), 138. ' Reader ' and Dr. Johnson'

Dictionary, 468

Crosse (Gordon) on St. George or mummers

plays, 150

Crouch (C. Hall) on battle of Maldon, 197. Button makers : dates wanted, 497. Chippendal (Thomas), upholsterer, 216. Crouch family o Rye, Sussex, 208. Myless, Essex, 512. Pepys (Samuel) and Sir William Sanderson, 508 Wreck of the Royal George, 515 Cru (R. L.) on Diderot: letters and essay on

sculpture, 268. Hope of Amsterdam, 288 Curio-Box on tokens : George III. and George IV.


Curry (F.) on De Foe and Napoleon Bonaparte 405. Reference of quotation wanted, 215 Wreck of the Royal George, 196 Curry (J. T.) on Cumberland song, 352 Curtis (J.), F.S.A., on history of the " Peccavi " pun, 291. " Hunger strike," 306. Old-time children's books and stories, 412 Curwen (J. F.) on price of cereals in 1550, 288 Curwen (J. Spencer) on ' Vicar of Bray ' : " pud- ding-time,' 149

D. (A.) on diminutive almanacs, 329

D. (B.) on Miss Catherine Fanshawe : { Politics,'

509 D. (C.) on Robert Armour, 130. Authorship of

' Pax Vobis,' 433 D. (G.) on abolition of tenure by knight service,

369 D. (G. F.) on knighthood : Arthur of Brittany,

D. (J.) on authors wanted, 208. Cathedral at Pisa, 410. Rome : Jewish sarcophagi and Greek painting, 429

D. (T. F.) on Alexandre Dumas : ' Monte Cristo,' 369. Letter of Scott's: "Mutale." 258. Link with the past, 167. Regiments : " Delhi Rebels," " Threes about ! " 64th, 197. Simpson and Locock, 233. Thatched House Tavern Club, 252. Wreck of the Royal George, 36

Dade (Willoughby) on Campden House, 34

Dalton (C.) on General Elliot, 216

Darrow (F. S.) on the younger Van Helmont, 307, 467

Darton (F. J. Harvey) on old-time children's books and stories, 411

Dasent (A. Irwin) on fourth Duke of Queensberry ("Old Q."), 330

Davey (H.) on ' Ian Roy,' 54. " Thou ascended,"

138 Davies (A. Morley) on "Mad as a hatter " : "Like

a hatter," 238. ' Mystery of Edwin Drood,'

66. Repetition of passages, 216 Davies (Ellis) on curious stone vessels, 208 Davies (J. Ceredig) on extraordinary fountains

in Ireland, Brittany, and Sicily, 129 Daw (A. J.) on authors of quotations wanted.


De Beaufort-Hauteluce on Ainay, 251 Delafield (J. Ross) on Cardigan manuscript :

what has become of it ? 9. Monuments at

Warwick, 9 Denham (Edward) on the Iron Mask: a "feminist"

theory, 352. No twin ever famous, 215 Denman (Mrs. S. C.) on ' The Philosopher's

Scales,' 350

Dew (G. J.) on twelve good rules, 509 Dibdin (E. Rimbault) on ' Great Historical Pic- ture of the Siege of Acre,' 227 Dickinson (H. W.) on Carisbrooke Castle, I.W. :

water-wheel, 269. Cartwright (Edmund), 435.

Storey's Gate Tavern and Coffee-House, 449 Diego on title " Reverend Doctor," 389 Dixon (Ronald) on Fullwood : Hallev : Parry :

Pyke, 277 Dodds (M. H.) on Jane Austen : Godmersham,

116. Authors of quotations wanted, 257.

Died in his coffin, 96. " Killing the calf in

high style," 315. Lamb or Lambe, 252.

' Margiana ' : name of author wanted, 233.

Memory game, 97. " Of sorts," 136. " Querke

of the sea," 476. Sanctity of royalty, 335.

" Topping of the land," 138. ' Vicar of

Bray ' : " pudding-time, "215 Dodds (R.) on English chanteys, 370 Doran (Alban) on Dr. Burton (" Dr. Slop ") in

Lancaster in 1745, 88 Dorchester (Baroness) on portrait of Mary, Queen

of Scots, 428 Douglas (W.) on novels in ' Northanger Abbey 'r

Miss Scott, 396 Drake (Wilfred) on "a wyvern part-per-pale

addressed," 295. Heraldic: Albert Smith en- titled to bear arms, 476 Drury (C.) on epitaph, 309 Dunn (S. G.) on Pepys's ' Diary ' : an error in

transcription, 26 3unston (F.) on biographical information wanted,


Durning-Lawrence (Sir Edwin) on " Star-ypoint- ing " : the Second Folio of the Shakespeare plays, 456

Dyer (A. Stephens) on Stephens and Boger families, 470. Tull's (Jethro) pedigree and arms, 488. Williams (Admiral Edmund), 508

S. (R. C.), Spectator, on works of Theodore

Winthrop, 287

?den (F. Sydney) on Myless, Essex, 512 Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on Christmas rimers in Ulster, 173. Dargan (William), 58. Memoir of John Wilson Croker, 270

Edmunds (A. J.) on Shakespeare and the Bible, 146. Wandering Jew : his probable Buddhist origin, 47 Edwards (F. A.) on Ling family, 294. Melly

(Andrew or George), 509 ".1 Soltero on Louise de la Rame'e (Ouida), 187