Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/493

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ii s. ix. JUNE 20, 1914.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


tfond of. I wish I could h#ve got the name of

  • the dog ; it would have been a nice trap to catch

them by."

It would be interest 'ng to know who the "sp:es" were, and whether any other magistrates \vere similarly advised.

J. M. BULLOCH. 123, Pall Mall, S.W.

" ROBERT BURTON " AND ' THE HISTORY OP THE PRINCIPALITY OF WALES.' In Miss Guiney's interesting article on ' Milton and Vaughan ' in The Quarterly Review for April, I find the following :

" Robert Burton, he of ' The Anatomy of .Melancholy,' wrote in Vaughan's time a * History of the Principality of Wales,' in which he notes how the people ' do much glory in their Amb ro- sins Merlin.' "

Shade of Democritus Junior !

' The History of the Principality of Wales* by R. B.,' published in 1695, the year of Vaughan's death, and more than half a cen- tury after Burton's, was one of the numerous productions of Nathaniel Crouch. On some of his title-pages the name of Richard Burton appears, or Robert Burton this last, accord- ing to W. E. A. Axon (Life of Nathaniel rouch in the ' D.N.B.'), after his death.

Dr. Johnson, as it happens, besides his well-known fondness for him of 'The Ana- tomy of Melancholy,' was interested in the compilations of Nathaniel Crouch. We find him (Boswell, chap. Ixxviii.) writing to Dilly on 6 Jan., 1784, with a request that he would procure him a set of " Burton's Books," '* which used to be sold by the booksellers on the bridge," and mentioning in particular

  • Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Won-

ders in England.' He adds that " they seem very proper to allure backward readers." EDWARD BENSLY.

" LADY "= WOMAN. The degradation of

this word is noticed in 1605 by George

Chapman: "Lady is groune a common

name to their whole sex " ('All Fooles,' F 2).


" BLAND ANDERED." In the Times Lite- rary Supplement for 4 June a review of Miss M. Edith Durham's ' The Struggle for Scutari ' ends with the statement that the one redeeming feature of European diplo- macy in the author's eyes is that " it refused to be bktndandered by King Nicholas, and insisted on keeping Scutari for Albania." One can guess at the meaning, but I do not find the vord in any available slang dic- tionary or ' The American Glossary.'


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest tc affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

REFERENCES FOR QUOTATIONS FROM SWIFT WANTED. Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' give the references to the following: (i.) Gray writes : " Dean Swift has made it manifest that everything is a Pudding " ; (ii.) Horace Walpole writes : " Sir Jonathan Swift said, crowned heads and cane heads, good heads and no heads at all, may all come to disgrace " ?

DR. HEIGHINGTON AND HIS WIFE LYDIA. In an unpublished letter to Walpole Gray writes : " Donee gratus eram tibi. I was happier than Dr. Heighington, or his wife Lydia." Can any one explain who are the characters here referred to ?


Fiveways, Burnham, Bucks.


TENNYSON. Among the ' Suppressed Poems of Tennyson ' there are the following lines, said to have been recently discovered in Tennyson's autograph on the fly-leaf of -a book illustrated by Bewick, in the library of the late Lord Ravensworth :

A gate and a field half ploughed, A solitary cow,

A child with a broken slate, And a titmarsh in the bough.

But where, alack, is Bewick To tell the meaning now ?

They are so printed on p. 130 of ' Suppressed Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1830-62 ' (London : published by J. Thomson at 10, Craven Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W., MCMV., pp. 65-172, 149*-172*), which is apparently a portion of ' The Avon Booklet ' issued by Thomson at Warwick in 1903 or 1904. A volume of ' Suppressed Poems of Tennyson,' published by Sands & Co., also contains the lines.

What is a " titmarsh " ? Is it equivalent to a "marsh tit," said by the ' N.E.D.,' which cites the name from G. Montagu's 'Ornithological Dictionary' (1802), to be the same as a " marsh titmouse " or " black- cap," Parus palustris '/ How is it that no instance of " titmarsh " is recorded in the ' N.E.D.' and the ' English Dialect Dic- tionary ' ?

Can any one identify the picture alluded to ? When were the lines first made public ?

L. R. M. STRACHAN. Heidelberg.