Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/498

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wherever they could be found. The British Museum has one which has never been restored to the Council office, but the remainder of the series, from the last years of Henry VIII. to date, is perfect. Charles Greville was very angry with the British Museum authorities for not yielding up the Register in their possession. See his

  • Journal ' under date 7 June, 1843.


In ' The Law and Custom of the Constitu tion,' by the late lamented Sir William Anson, B. H. J. will find some useful information. In vol. i. p. 40, title, ' Cabinet and Party Government,' there is an account of the way in which the Cabinet has super- seded the Privy Council. See also vol. ii. p. 65, title, ' The Ordinary and the Privy Councils,' and the following chapters to p. 100; and see also p. 112. Sir William Anson refers to many authorities.

R. H. J. will also find a great deal about the Privy Council in ' The Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England,' second edition, vol. ii. p. 644, title, ' Privy Council,' and in vol. vii. p. 51 of ' The Laws of England,' by Lord Halsbury ; ' Constitutional Law,' Sec. 3, title, ' The Privy Council.' There is an excellent article in Chambers's ' Ency- clopaedia ' under the same title, and lastly, there is the Arnold Prize Essay, 1860, entitled ' The Privy Council,' by A. V. Dicey, now the distinguished writer on constitutional questions.


"TROD" (11 S. ix. 27, 116, 158, 454). Although we have diverged somewhat from the original quest in treating this mono- syllable as a substantive, it may be useful to supplement what has been said of it in this character. In some parts of Scotland, especially perhaps in the northern counties, "trod" was once commonly used in the sense of way, path, or footstep, and here and there the usage may still linger. Within living memory a novelist employed ' The Hot Trod ' as the title of a story illustrative of clan rivalry. Jamieson duly enters the term in the Scottish Dictionary, giving as derivation, " A.-S. trod., vestigium, gradus, passus," and as definition " a path, a step, a footstep." He illustrates thus from Tarras's Poems,' p. 59 :

This is the worst o' a' mishaps. 'Tis waur than death's fell trod.

Tarras was a Buchan man, who published at Edinburgh, in 1804, ' Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.' THOMAS BAYNE.

HERALDIC (US. ix. 430). The family of Booth bear " argent three boars' heads erased erect sable 2 and 1, armed or," and for their crest, " a lion passant argent standing on, two branches of laurel proper." The sinister impalement of the shield in question contains the arms of Moore, viz., " ermine, three greyhounds courant sable, on a canton gules a lion of England for augmentation," as borne by Moore, Lord Mayor of Lndon in 1682.

The ermine spots on the field have evi- dently been mistaken by your correpondent for " Latin crosses.'* WILFRED DRAKE.

STAFFORDSHIRE POETS (11 S. ix. 448). The following dates are given in Simms's ' Bibliotheca Staffordiensis ' :

1. Rev. Thomas Gisborne, b. at Derby 31 Oct., 1758, d. 1845.

2. William Mountfort (? Mountford), b. Staffs, 1659 ; assasinated by Lord Mohun and Capt. Hill in the year 1092.

3. Rev.- George Butt, b. at Lichfield 26 Dec., 1741, d. 30 Sept., 1795.

4. Mary Knowles, b. at Rugeley 5 May, 1733, d. at London 3 Feb., 1807.

5. Not mentioned.

0. Robert Waring, b. at Lea, near Wolver- hampton, 1614, d. at Lincoln's Inn Fields, 10 May, 1658.

7. Rev. Thomas Moss, b. at Bilston (n.d.), d. at Stourbridge, 7 Dec., 1808.

There are other interesting details of most of the above, which I shall be pleased to transcribe for MR. INGERSLEY if he is not within easy reach of a copy of the above work, in which case, perhaps, he would write me direct.


F.B.Hist.S., F.B.S.A. Foden Road, Walsall.

I am surprised that the ' D.N.B.' does not mention place and date of birth of three of the poets referred to, as a reference to Simms's ' Bibliotheca Staffordiensis,' gives the par- ticulars. If B. M. INGERSLEY will refer to a copy he will obtain correct details.

Bobert Waring was not a native of Stafford- shire., nor yet, I think, was the Bev. Thomas- Moss, nor possibly Mrs. Katharine Thomson ; for although her father was for some short time of Etruria in that county, he removed to Greek Street, London, and shortly after- wards married his wife from Derby. See- Meteyard's ' Wedgwood,' vol. ii. p. 484.

BISHOP CARTWRIGHT (11 S. ix. 150). If the gentleman who inquired some weeks ago about the Bishop will write, I may be- able to give him full particulars as to parent- age, family, &c. R. SIMMS.