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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. JAN. 29, uio.

DR. JOHNSON ON FISHING (11 S. xii. 462 ; 12 S. i. 18). Although I am unable to answer MONA'S query, it may be worth mentioning that the familiar libel on the angler's sport (but with the substitution of "hook" for "worm") is attributed to Dr. Johnson by Hazlitt :

" There are those who, if you praise Walton's ' Complete Angler,' sneer at it as a childish or old-womanish performance : some laugh at the amusement of fishing as silly, others carp at it as cruel ; and Dr. Johnson said that ' a fishing-rod was a stick with a hook at one end, and a fool at the other.' " Hazlitt continues :

" I would rather take, the word of one who had stood for days up to his knees in water, and in the coldest weather, intent on this employ, who returned to it again with unabated relish, and who spent his whole life in the same manner without being weary of it at last. There is something in this more than Dr. Johnson's definition accounts for. A fool takes no interest in anything ; or if he does, it is better to be a fool than a wise man whose only pleasure is to dis- parage the pursuits and occupations of others, and out of ignorance or prejudice to condemn them merely because they are not his." Essay ' On Egotism ' in ' The Plain Spea.ker.'

The edition of Hazlitt' s ' Essays ' before me is without notes. Possibly a reference to the annotated edition of his ' Collected Works,' published by Messrs. J. M. Dent & Sons, would throw some light on the matter. H. DUGDALE SYKES.


ARCHBISHOP BANCROFT (11 S. xii. 483; 12 S. i. 14). I do not know of the existence of a published pedigree of Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1604-10, but the parish registers of Prescot yield the earliest information about the family. The first re- ference to it is under the date Jan., 1541, the entry reading : " John Bancroft was married the XXiiii daie." In May, 1542, the baptism of " Xrfor [Christopher] Bancroft, son unto John Bancroft," is recorded. In Sept., 1544, the baptism of the Archbishop appears as follows : " Ric. Bancroft, sone unto John Bancroft, bapt. the Xii daiy." It was commonly believed that the family sprang from Farnworth, near Bolton, but it has now been proved that the Archbishop's forbears came from Farnworth in the parish of Prescot. ARCHIBALD SPARKE.

ARTHUR HUGHES, PAINTER (12 S. i. 29, 76). He was born in London, Jan. 27, 1832, and was the third and youngest son of Edward Hughes, who came from Oswestry early in life and married in London. Though Os- westry is in Shropshire, it has a very con- siderable Welsh population. The Times of

Dec. 23, 1915, and The Manchester Guardian of Dec. 27 gave excellent memoirs of the- artist. He was a student at the Royal Academy in 1847 and a gold medallist ii* 1849. Exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1849 to 1911 ; at the Liverpool Autumn Exhibition from 1872 to 1876 ; and at th& Grosvenor and New Galleries. His ' April Love ' is in the Tate Gallery, and a triptych is in the Walker Art Gallery at Liverpool- The subjects are: (1) 'Touchstone and Audrey ' ; (2) ' Orlando and Adam ' ; (3) ' Rosalind.' He died at Eastside House,. Kew Green, on Dec. 22, 1915, and was buried at Richmond on the 28th. An excellent painter, he was loved and honoured. The usual works of reference being silent about him, these brief notes may be useful to Sir Sidney Lee, Mr. Graves," Mr. Boase, and the other antiquaries who so often illuminate the pages of ' N. & Q.' THOS. WHITE.


THE Two RYHOPES, co. DURHAM (12 S. i.. 49). Peut-il etre interessaiit, pour 1'auteur de la question posee, d'avoir le texte exact de la chronique de Symeon de Durham, auquel se rapporte, sans doute, 1'ouvrage- cite :

"Ethelstanus rex ad oratormm Sancti Cuth-

berti divertit hoc subscriptum testamentum

composuit et ad caput Saneti Cuthberti posuit

et meani villam dilectam Wiremuthe anstralem,. cum suis appendiciis id est, Westun, Uffertun, Sylceswurthe, duas Reofhoppas, Byrdene, Sehatn,. Setun, Daltun, Daldene, Heseldene "I. 211.

Je regrette de n'avoir rien trouve d'autre^ PIERRE TURPIN.

SIXTEENTH - CENTURY DUTCH PRINT- (12 S. i. 49). If Grand-Carteret's ' LaFemme en Culotte ' is not at the British Museum, it is in the London Library, and accessible to subscribers. HOWARD S. PEARSON.

COL. JOHN HAYES ST. LEGER (12 S. i. 26 r 77). At the former reference MR. HORACK BHEACKLEY says, quoting from a magazine,, that Col. John Hayes St. Leger became a captain and colonel in the 1st Guards r Oct. 25, 1782. This is an error. On that date he was promoted from major to lieutenant- colonel in the 65th Regiment. It was not till Sept. 5, 1787, that he exchanged with Capt. Richard Staynor Jones of the- 1st Guards. On Oct. 4, 1794, he was trans- ferred as second lieutenant-colonel to the- 16th Dragoons, and a few months later was promoted major-general and appointed colonel 80th Regiment.