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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. FEB. 6, ww.

1643 [Sept. 22].

14. An | ORDINANCE | of the | LORDS and COMMONS | Assembled in Parliament, | Wherein

| The County of Lincolne is added in the Association of the six Counties of Norfolke, .Suffolke, Essex, Cambridge, Hartford, Huntingdon, I for the mutuall defence each of other against the [ Popish Army in the North under the com- mand | of the Marquesse of Newcastle. | Also, giving power to the Earle of Manchester to | nominate Governours over the parts of Holland f\ nd | Marchland ; and if any person harbour a souldier that | is impressed to serve under him, lie shall be fined ; if he refuse | to pay his fine, his goods shall be sequestred, and he | imprisoned till the fine is satisfied | With the names of the Committees appointed for | the collection of money to pay the Forces raised for | the preserva- tion of those seven Counties.

Die Mercurii 20 Septemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, \ that this Ordinance shall be forthwith printed and published.

J. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.


Printed for John Wright in the Old-baily, | Scptemb. 22. 1643. 6 11. 10 pp.


15. An | ORDINANCE | of the | LORDS and COMMONS | Assembled in Parliament : | To inable the Right Honourable, | EDWARD, | Earle of Manchester, To put in execution all former I Ordinances for Sequestring Delinquents estates : | Weekly Assessments : The fift and twentieth j parts : Contributions for Ireland : And | other Ordinances for raising Monies with- | in the Associated Counties of Northfolk, \ Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, \ Huntingdon, Isle of Ely, <and | City of Nonvich.

Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this | Ordinance be forthwith printed and pub- lished.


Printed by L. N. for Edu-ard Husbands, and are \ to be sold at his shop in the Middle-Temple.

1643. 4 11. 5 pp.


16. The | First'- Century | of | Scandalous, .Malignant | Priests | made and admitted into Benefices | by the Prelates and or a narration c-f the causes for which the Parliament hath ordered the sequestration of the Benefices of severall Ministers Complained of before them for vitiousnesse of Life, &c.

Printed by order of Parliament, 1643.

51 pp.^? Contains particulars of sequestered Huntingdonshire clergy. [From a Sale Cata- logue.]

1644 [April 1].

17. A | CATALOGUE | of remarkable mercies conferred | upon the seven Associated | Counties, viz. | Cambridge, Essex, Hartford, Huntingdon, \ Norfolk, Suffolk, and Lincoln. \ Printed, by the Command of the | Riyht Honourable | EDWARD,

| Earl of Manchester, the Major Generall \ thereof, and the Committee now residing \ in CAMBRIDGE :

And appointed to be published in the severall Parish-Churches of the aforenamed Counties, upon the fourteenth of April, that Almighty God may by solemne Thanksgiving, ] have the glorie due unto | his Name.

Hereunto is annexed an Order for the more so- | lemne keeping of the Publick Fast.

Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Univer- sitie of | CAMBRIDGE. 1644.

6 11. A 2, A 4.

1644 [May 14].

18. An | ORDINANCE | of the Lords and Commons | Assembled in 1 PARLIAMENT, | for | The maintaining of the Forces of the | Seven I ASSOCIATED COUNTIES, | Under the command of

| Edward Earl of Manchester.

Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, | that this Ordinance be forthu-ith printed and \ published.

Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Printed for Edicard Husbands, 1644. May 14. 4 11. 7 pp.

1644 [July 5].

19. An | ORDINANCE | of the | Lords and Commons | assembled in Parliament ; | For putting the Associated Counties | of | Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Huntington, \ Hertford, Cambridge! Lincoln, \ The Isle of Ely, and the Cities o, Lincoln and | Norwich into a Posture of Defence ;

| By the Better Regulating of the Trained Bands, and | Raising other Forces of Horse and Foot, for the | preservation and safety of the said Counties | and Cities.

Ordered by the Commons Assembled in | Parliament that this Ordinance be forth- | with printed and published.

Henry Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edicard Husbands, and are to be | sold at his shop in the Middle-Temple, luly 5. 1644.

8 11. 15 pp. Black-letter.

1645 [Aug. 27].

20. The | ROY ALL ENTERTAINMENT | of the | King, by the Royalists | of | HUNTINGTON. | Being a true Relation of the great Joy of I that Town at his Comming, with their bountifull | Gifts to welcome him thither. | Also his tender care of them exprest by Proclamation | to keep them free from Plunder; and his extraordinary | Favour and Mercy in setting all the | Prisoners Free. | Together with the great Lamentation of the Inha- | bitants at his departure | Sent in a Letter by a person of Credit, | to a Gentleman of worth in London.

London, PRINTED by John Ma cock, 1645.

[P. 8 " Your Loving Friend, &c., J. W.

Hunt. 27 Aug. 1645. "j 4 11. 8 pp.

1646 [Aug. 6].

21 . An ordinance of Parliament for the sleigh ting and demolishing of several garrisons under Parliament [Newport-Pagnell, Cambridge, Hunt- ingdon, and Bedford], and the speedy supply of Forces to bee sent to Ireland.

Printed for John Wright.

Thomason tract, I. 455. B.M. E. 349 (11).

1648 [July 10].

22. A great | VICTORY | obtained by | COLLONELL SCROOPE | against the | Duke of BUCKINGHAM, at Saint | Needs in Huntington- tthire. On Munday \ July the 10th. 1648.