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12 S.I. FEB. 26, 1916.]



'SUPPLEMENT TO MUNCHAUSEN'S TRAVELS.' I have a ' Supplement to Baron Munchau sen's Travels,' giving an account of his ascent to the Dog Star. The book ends with four pages of music set to Dog Star songs. Who might be the author ? It was printed for J. Mawman, in the Poultry, 1802. It is on rough paper, and is well printed. The music score is from engraved plates. THOS. RATCLIFFE.

ORANGE LODGE APRON. I recently ac- quired a lodge apron bearing many Masonic symbols and a figure of William of Orange. The Orange Institution is stated to have been suppressed by the Government in 1836. Is there an existing organization, and, if so, to what extent does it resemble Freemasonry ? ARTHUR BOWES.

CLAVERHOUSE. 1. Is it a fact that Claver- house, Viscount Dundee, had an old woman and a young girl tied to stakes by the shore at low tide, and then left them to perish by a lingering death ?

2. Is it a fact that Claverhouse was killed at the Battle of Killiecrankie by a silver bullet ? A. S. E. ACKERMANN.

POWDERED GLASS. Is powdered glass a poison ? It may not be so in the strict sense of the word, but if very finely powdered and put in coffee, for example, would it cause the death of the person drinking it ? ALFRED S. E. ACKERMANN.

" L'HYVET." This is a French word, and occurs in the ' Academie Universelle des Jeux ' (Paris, 1725, and probably in earlier editions). I know its meaning in this instance, but cannot find it in dictionaries, ancient or modern. Before a game of billiards the two players " string " for the option of first stroke, and " celuy qui met le plus pres de la corde a le devant, et le dernier a Thy vet."

Perhaps some correspondent could kindly help me. L. L. K.

THE SUSSEX IRONWORKS. Can any reader refer me to a description of the aspect of the Sussex ironworks at night during the seven- teenth century ? This query is suggested by a passage in a paper read by Mr. H. P. K. Skipton before the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society in the early part of 1915, in which he attempts to identify some of the places mentioned in Bunyan's ' Pilgrim's Progress.' Mr. Skipton shows that Bunyan was acquainted with certain districts in the south of England, and he

suggests that the glare and smoke of the furnaces of the Sussex ironworks may have inspired the following passage in ' The Pilgrim's Progress ' :

" About the midst of the Valley [of the Shadow of Death] I perceived the mouth of hell to be, and it stood also hard by the way-side. Now, thought Christian, what shall I do? Forever and anon the flame and smoke would come out in such abund- ance, with sparks and hideous noises (things that cared not for Christian's sword, as did Apollyon before), that he was forced to put up his sword, and betake himself to another weapon, called All- prayer ; so he cried, in my hearing, ' Lord, I beseech Thee, deliver my soul ! ' Thus he went on a great while ; yet still the flames would be reach- ing towards him "

Mr. Mark Antony Lower's ' Contributions to Literature ' contains a chapter on the Sussex Ironworks, but he says nothing about the lurid aspect of the furnaces at night.

R, B. P.

HAYLER, THE SCULPTOR. Could any one say where any biographical information is to be found concerning Hayler, the sculptor ? He exhibited at the Royal Academy and other exhibitions in the fifties, and was very prominent in a law r case about " nude sculpture " in the seventies. After this he seems to have disappeared.

T. H.

WRIGHT, PAYNE, AND WILDER FAMILIES, Arms were granted to Wright (London. Northampton, and Surrey, 1634) similar to arms on tomb erected to Judge Gore, Tashinny Churchyard, co. Longford, Ireland. Alex, and Capt. John Payne settled in Longford, related to General Sankey. Had grandson Samuel Payne, married Catherine Wilder about 1735. Information as to descent wanted. E. C. FINLAY.

17*29 Pine Street, San Francisco, California.

A JEWISH HISTORY OF ENGLAND. ' The Chronicle of the Kings of England from William the Norman to the Death of George III.,' written after the manner of the Jewish historians by Nathan ben Sadi, and published in 1821 : information on other works in this field w r ill interest many. WILLIAM MACARTHUR. Dublin

JAMES BENTHAM, D. 1794: PORTRAIT W T ANTED. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' inform me where I could obtain a portrait of the Rev. James Bentham, M.A., 1708-94, who compiled the ' History of the Church and Cathedral of Ely ' ? Two were published of him one by " Cook," the other by " Kerrick." R. H.