Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/266

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 1.12 H. L MAB. 25. wie.

copy offered for 20Z. of the large folio * Histoire Hie I'lmprimerie en France au XV e et au XVI 6 siecle,' published 1900-4. We shall by no means have mentioned all the best French books in Mr. Barnard's collection if we add to these Jules Petit's ' Bibliographic des Principales Editions Originates d'^crivains francais du XV e au XVIII- siecle,' Paris, 1888 (1L 10s.) ; a

  • Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs a Jeanne

d'Arc,' Paris, 1888 (5s. Qd.) ; Nisard's ' Histoire des livres populaires ou de la litt^rature du colportage,' Paris, 1854 (16s.) ; and Benouard's ' Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d'un amateur,' Paris, 1819 {12s. Qd.). Mr. Barnard has besides three or four good examples of French binding.

Messrs. Dobell send us Part II. of the Catalogue of autographs which had been prepared by the late Bertram Dobell, and this contains, in the way of French items, a letter each of Francois d'Orteans, 1859 (3s. Qd.) ; Napoleon III., 1871 (8s. 6d.) ; M. Rodin, n.d. (II. Is.) ; and Zola, n.d. (7s. Qd.). A poem by " M. D. L. G." said to be M. de la Grange Chancel consisting of a " philip- pique " against the Regent during the minority of Louis XV., written out on 72 4 to pp. of fine manuscript, is offered for 15s. In view of the correspondence in our columns on Stuart, Count d'Albanie, we may mention that a letter of 2J pp. of John Sobieski Stuart's is here to be had for 3s. Qd.

Messrs. Sotheran & Co. whom we have to congratulate on having, as a firm, attained the .age of 100 years issue as their Catalogue No. 761 .a description of 532 works on Art and Archaeology, ^o which are added about 100 items in the

way of Cyclopaedias and Dictionaries, from the library of the late Baron de Renter. Here the number of French works offers an embarrassingly 'large field for selection, including a copy of the

splendid ' Musses Fran^ais et Royal,' published at 'the beginning of the last century (6 yols. atlas tfolio, 75Z.) ; a large-paper copy of Racinet's * Le

Costume Historique,' 1888 (211. 10s.) ; Prisse .d'Avennes's ' L'Art Arabe,' 1877 (22Z. 10s.) ; and

Lenormant and de Witte's ' Elite des Monuments <C6ramographiques ' (211.) ; as well as, in the

Dictionary section, a fine set of Larousse's ' Grand

Dictionnaire Universel,' 1864-1907 (211.). Not anterior in interest, if somewhat in price, are

Froehner's work, ' La Colonne Trajane,' 1872

(121. 12s.) ; Viollet-le-Duc's ' Dictionnaire Raisonn6 .de 1'Architecture Franchise,' 1873 (11. 10s.) ; and

Oarnier's ' La Porcelaine Tendre de Sevres,'

1889-91 (51. 10s.) ; while any one who turns these rpages over will be able to suggest several equally

good substitutes for those we have given.

The American Book Company of Birmingham, In their Catalogue IX., give details of a good number of attractive French items. The most considerable is the fine 3-vol. edition by Le Duchat, published in 1741 at Amsterdam, of the ' CEuvres ' of Rabelais for which SI. 10s. is asked ; but we marked fifteen or sixteen other works as worth a collector's notice, and may mention from among them a copy of Walckenaer's ' La Fontaine,' 1822 (31. 5s.), and one of the ' Contes et Nouvelles de La Fontaine,' in 2 vols. brought out in 1883 (31. 5s.).

Mr. James Miles of Leeds (Catalogue No. 201) lias three or four first-rate sets of important English publications, and a host of good minor -works, especially in the way of North- Country

interest. The French works he has, though not numerous, are not unimportant. Here are ' Catherine de Me*dicis ' (4Z. 4s.), ' La Reine Marie Antoinette ' and ' La Dauphine Marie An- toinette ' (the last two together, 11. 17s. Qd.) in the " Goupil Series of Historical Monographs"; Hamilton's handbook on French book-plates, in Bell's " Ex-libris Series," now out of print (7s. Qd.) ; Froissart (Berners's translation) and Monstrelet (translated by T. Johnes) in 8 vols., Hafod Press, 1809-12 (51. 5s.); and Urquhart and Motteux's translation of ' Gargantua ' in Lawrence & Bullen's "Edition de Luxe " of 1892 (11. Is. Gd.). The interesting list numbered 344 which we have received from Messrs. Maggs again offers a wealth of good matter from which it is not easy to make selection. We looked, we confess, rather covetously at the " Best Library Edition," brought out in Paris in 20 vols. (1856), of the ' M^moires ' of Saint-Simon, which costs no more than 9Z. 9s. ; nor would we scorn the ' Me'moires de la Roine Marguerite,' in the original edition of 1628, bound by Bedford, if in these pinching times we could spare 51. 15s. from more strictly necessary objects to purchase it. Then there are seven sets of French engravings, of which the most expensive is Martin's ' Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament,' 1700 (221. 10s.) ; but we would just as soon possess the three volumes of Tibullus, with engraved frontispiece and a dozen plates, which were published at Tours in the year 1795 (Gl. 6s.). " Boca.ce, de la Ge"nalogie des Dieux. . . .Translate en Francoys et nouvellement imprime a Paris par Jehan Petit," illustrated by 12 large and 25 small woodcuts, and published in 1531, is not dear for 42Z. ; nor is a sixteenth-century set of Plutarch's works (the Lives being in Amyot's translation) dear at 14Z. 14s. Sicard's nine books of French songs, ' D'Airs, a Boire, et Serieux,' bound in 2 vols., Paris, R. Ballard, 1666-75 (181. 18s.) ; a " grangerized " copy of Dr. Holland Rose's ' Napoleon I.,' extended from 2 to 6 vols. by means of plates (75Z.) ; and Moliere's ' (Euvres ' in the first complete edition, 1682 (42J.) : these must suffice as specimens of the good things from France which the collector will find tempting him at a distance through Messrs. Maggs's pages.

9 N f S communi cations must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

THE REV. J. FRANK BUXTON thanks PROF. STOCKLEY for the identification of the person wanted as Lord Macaulay.

COL. BULLOCK ("I will not cease from mental fight," &c.). From Blake ' Prophetic Book: Milton.'

MR. WILMOT CORFIELD. Many thanks for cutting about the " Black Hole of Calcutta."

CORRIGENDUM. Ante. p. 210, col. 2, near the beginning of paragraph about Mary, Queen of Scots, for " October, 1585," read " October, 1586*