Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/381

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12 s. i. MAY 6, 1916.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The 35th served for the second time in

t ] ie w^t Tnrlip* rliPn in TtaK- *rrl -"Miies , then in Ital and

bodies, not being less than twelve in each body.... strictly to inquire into, and present to the said Court.... upon their own view and knowledge, , all defective and bad pavements and all annoy- tlie Italian islands, especially in Malta, ances in, obstructions of, or encroachments upon, whence it returned home in 1818. In 1820 any of the publick ways or passages within the it again went to the West Indies, where it said city or liberty [and after notice given to the remained until 1832. On returning home in ^^S^^^^n^in Jt year its orange facings we/ Changed such sums as they shall think proper." to blue, and the prefix Royal added to

The " Jury of Annoyance " were not to be its c unty title.

" abused " or " insulted " or " obstructed " The principal badge of the Royal Sussex in the execution of their office, under pain consists of a silver feather rising from of a 40s. fine. behind a gilt Maltese cross, with the star

14 imposed on this Jury the duty of and motto of the Garter in gilt and enamel in inspecting weights and measures. 15 the centre. The silver feather represents limited the " householder's " or " trader's " the white feather long worn by the regiment liability to serve as a member of the " Annoy- as a trophy of Wolfe's celebrated victory in ance Jury " to one year out of four. Canada. The Sussex played a conspicuous

17 empowered " fines and amerciaments " P ar t m the struggle on the Plain of Abraham, to be levied by distress and sale, and in anc * during the fight had a terrible combat default of satisfaction authorized the im- with the famous French grenadier regiment prisonment of the offender. 18 gave of Royal Roussillon. The Maltese cross " fines " to the Overseers " in aid of the recalls the honours won by the regiment in poor rate," and " amerciaments " to the the capture of Malta ; while the star and High Bailiff in the proportion of one half motto of the Garter are incorporated as (for his personal use) and to the Court of being the badge of the late Royal Sussex Burgesses as to the other half, for meeting Militia.

" the necessary charges " of the execution Comparatively few line regiments bear the of the Act. coveted title of Royal, and these have

It would be interesting to ascertain how generally received it from some personal long this " Annoyance Jury," thus created connexion with, or special service to, the in 1756, remained in existence, and how far sovereign. No such reason is given in the it fulfilled its purpose. case of that of the Royal Sussex, and it is

I fancy I remember reading somewhere consequently suggested that the title ori- that Westminster had to try a great many ginated with the Royal Sussex Militia, which experiments in local self-government without corps greatly strengthened the 35th when much success until quite modern times. they fought under the Duke of York in

W. S. B. H. Holland in 1799.

-o A ' Historical Memoir of the 35th Royal

Y 1J SJ?? REG * MENT (1 - 2 . S - * Sussex Regiment,' by Richard Trimen, late ^ Ai n^ e i gm l ent 7v? S ^ in f lly Captain 35th Foot, was published at South- by Arthur Chichester, third Earl of Lmpton in 1873. Donegal at Belfast in 1701, for service in G . YARROW BALDOCK, Major.

King William's wars. It had orange facings,

and, as a special mark of the favour it FOURTEENTH-CENTURY STAINED GLASS received from William of grange, was known (12 S. i. 267, 335). In old paintings no hard- Ihe Orange Lilies. It was brought and-fast rule seems to have been observed as on to the British establishment in 1702 for to the number of rings or the fingers for over -sea service, taking part in various them, as the following will show :' St. Francis -expeditions, including Cadiz, the West blesses Assisi ' (Giotto) bishop with ring on Indies Spam, Gibraltar, &c. On coming second finger ; ' Virgin and Child ' (Moretto) Jiome it was stationed m Ireland continuously bishop with ring on first of right hand and for forty-eight years. It afterwards had a third of left ; another by same with no ring ; good deal of service m America, from the ' St. Laurence consecrated Deacon ' (An- begmnmg ol the Seven Years' War, when gelico) Pope with no ring ;' Pope Sixtus II.' t went to I\oya Scotia, and did brilliantly (Botticelli) no ring ; ' Pope Soter ' (Botti- m Canada and m the American colonies. celli) rings on first and second of right

+T, it T r ecei y e ; d . ^s &st county title in 1782 as hand ; ' Pope Julius II.' (Raphael) rings on the Dorsetshire Regiment, on what grounds first, third, and fourth of right hand, and s not now known. In 1805 its title was first and third of left; 'Pope Leo X.' changed to the Sussex Regiment. (Raphael) no rings ; ' Cardinal Dovizi da