Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/394

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. MAY is, 1916.

THE UNITIES OF TIME, PLACE, AND ACTION. Books of reference generally in- form us that Aristotle was the originator of the Dramatic Unities. Will any one be so kind as to quote any passage in Aristotle's works which defines these ?


[The derivation of the doctrine of the "Three Unities " telle qudle, from Aristotle is an ancient mistake. Aristotle, in the 'Poetics,' insists at length on the importance of Unity of Action see, for example, chapters vii. and viii. Unity of Time has been deduced from ' Poet.,' v. 4 :

ZTI 8 T<$ H^KCI T] fj^v [i.e., Tpaytfidta] 6n ireiparai fab /j.iav ireptoSov r)Xioi' elvai ?/ /j.tKpbv \oiTTeiv, rf 8t e-TroTroua d6pi<rros ry XP^ V V

Unity of Place is nowhere mentioned ; it can only be said that the conditions of dramatic representa- tion at Athens caused it to be fairly generally observed there. Our correspondent will find the whole matter discussed in Prof. Butcher's 'Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art.']

' PHILANDER AND SACHARISSA.' I should be glad to know the author of " Philander and Sacharissa. A Novel. To which is added, An Elegy on Mr. Addison," London, John Noon, 1724.


The University of Sheffield.

OLD FAMILY CHURCH LIVINGS. I am anxious to obtain information and additions to the following list of the patronage and close connexion with the Church maintained by our old families.

Charlton Musgrove, Wincanton, Somerset- shire, has been held by members of the Leir family since the year 1617, and the rector in 1903, Rev. Randolph Leir, was a direct lineal descendant of the Rev. Richard Leir, who held the living in the reign of James I. During the whole long period of 286 years (with the exception of a short interval in Puritan times) the benefice has been held by members of the same family, who have thus been rectors and landowners in the same place for close upon three centuries.

Farriborough, Wantage, Berkshire, had been held by members of the Price family since the year 1606, and the last rector of the family, the Rev. Edmund Price, who died in 1872, was a direct lineal descendant of the Rev. John Price, rector and patron, who held the living in the reign of James I. During the whole long period of 266 years (with the exception of a short interval in 1733) the benefice had been held by members of the same family, who had thus been rectors, patrons, and landowners in the same place for 267 years, when in 1873 the patronage passed out of the Price family.

Rose Ash, South Molton, Devonshire, the- patronage of which has been and still is held by the Southcomb family, has been served by them for more than two centuries, the Rev. E. D. Southcomb being rector in 1915.

Muckleston, Market Drayton, Stafford- shire, has been, served by rectors of the Hinchcliffe family for more than 165 years- LEONARD C. PRICE.

Essex Lodge, Ewell.

THOMAS FULLER : " MAN is IMMORTAL TILL HIS WORK is DONE." According to ' Cassell's Book of Quotations,' p. 447 :. " This line appears in Ethandune (1892) (James Williams, D.C.L.), but its source was inquired for, without success, in ' N. & Q.,' as early as the year 1878." It is a quotation which is more often made from the pulpit,, and I have just heard that Thomas Fuller (1608-61) has, in one of his works (which I know not), the following passage, in de- scribing Bede's death :

" Thus God's children are immortal whilst their Father hath anything for them t9 do on Earth,, and Death cannot overcome and kill them till first they have finished their testimony, which done,, they willingly die, like silkworms when their web is ended and they are comfortably entombed in their own endeavours."

Can any of your readers tell me in which, of Fuller's books this passage occurs, which seems to be the germ of the quotation ?


RICHARD DACRES, who died about the- year 1766, was Attorney- General at Gibral- tar. He had a brother William, of Glou- cester Street, Holborn (who died about the year 1775), a brother John, a sister Winifred (who married Evetts), and a sister Jane (who married Lewis). Can any one tell me where I may obtain genealogical informa- tion connecting this family with the Dacres of Cumberland ? and can any one tell me where, when, and to whom John Dacres was married ? J. A. FORSTER.

Croslands Park, Barrow-in-Furness.

ROBERTSONS AND DUNDASES OF RICH- MOND. Who was Margaret, the second wife of William Robertson, surgeon at Richmond ? Their daughter, Isobella Robertson, married in 1775 David Dundas, surgeon at Richmond,, who was created a baronet ; their son, William Robertson, was the maternal grand- father, of W. J. BERNHARD SMITH, Temple,, who in * N. & Q.,' Jan. 25, 1851, offered to give information about the family. In The Scottish Antiquary, Northern Notes and Queries, 1886, C. Robertson Manning, F.S.A.,.