Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/429

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12 8. L MAY 27, 1916.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


INNISCATTERY. The Story of Inis Cathaigh. By Daniel Mescal.

1002. St. Senan.and Scattery. By Judge Carton, K.C.,

M.B.I.A. Catholic Truth Society, Dublin,



Trial of Wm. Burke Kirwan. Dublin, 1853. A Day at- Howth. By J. Huband Smith,

M.B.I.A. Dublin, 1853-7.


A Tour in Connaught (Sketches of Clonmac- noise, Joyce's Country, and Achill). By Bev. Crcsar Otway. Dublin, 1839.


Ancient and Present State of the co. Kerry. By Charles Smith. Dublin, 1756.

Sketches in Ireland, descriptive of Interesting Portions of the Counties of Donegal, Cork, and Kerry. By Bev. Caesar Otway. Dublin, 1839.

Notes on the Bound Towers and other Anti- quities of co. Kerry. By Bichard Hitchcock. 1854.

The McGillicuddy Papers : a selection from the Family Archives of " The McGillicuddy of the Beeks " with introductory memoirs ; being a contribution to the History of the County of Kerry. By W. Maziere Brady, D.D. 1867.

Mount Brandon Beligious Celebration ; the Scenery, Antiquities, and History of West Kerry. By J. J. Long. Tralee, 1868.

A History of the Kingdom of Kerry. By M. F. Cusack. 1871.

Selections from Old Kerry Becords, Historical and Genealogical. By Mary Agnes Hickson. Dublin, 1872-4.

The Lays of North Kerry. By D. C. Hennessy. Limerick, 1872.

Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Parts I. and II. include Ogham Inscriptions in Kerry. By B. A. S. Macalister. Dublin, 1897-1902.

History of co. Kerry. By J. King. Dublin, 1914 (in 75 parts).

See Killarney.


The Exploration of the Caves of Kesh, co. Sligo. 1903.


History of the Town and County of Wexford. Vol. V. includes Kilclogan. By P. H. Hore, M.B.I.A. Dublin, 1904.


Statistical Survey of co. Kildare. By Thos. J.

Bawson, Dublin, 1807. History of the County Kildare, in Vol. II. ' The

Beauties of Ireland.' By J. N. Brewer.

London, 1826. The Earls of Kildare and their Ancestors, from

1057-1773. Collected from the Historical

Works in the Libraries at Carton and Kilkea.

By the Marquis of Kildare. With Addenda.

Dublin, 1858-62.

tathangan, Castledermot, and Athy, 1864. )escription of Carton. Dublin, 1865. fotes on the Pictures, Plate, Antiquities, &c., at

Carton, Kilkea Castle, 13 Dominick Street,

Dublin, and 6 Carlton House Terrace, London.

Dublin, 1885.

Some Account of St. Brigid and the See of Kildare, .

with its Bishops and the Cathedral, now restored.

By Canon Sherlock. Dublin, 1896. Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part I. includes

Ogham Inscriptions in Kildare. By B. A. S.

Macalister. Dublin, 1897. The High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow.

Boyal Irish Academy Transactions, 1898. Notes on the High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff,.

Termonfechin, and Killamery. Boyal Irish

Academy Transactions, 1901. An Account of the O'Dempseys, Chiefs of Clan

Maliere, with references to many Irish and

Anglo-Irish Families (deals with co. Kildare).

By Thomas Mathews. Dublin, 1903. Begister of Irish Wills. Vol. I. includes Kildare. .

By Phillimore. Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological 1


The Wogans of Bathcoffey. By Bev. D. Murphy. A History of the Kildare Hunt. By the Earl

of Mayo and W. B. Boulton. Collections relating to the Dioceses of Kildare

and Leighlin. By Bev. M. Comeriord. Dublin.

N.d. MS. Collection on Kildare. By Edward Houston, .

26 Sandymount Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin.


Begister of Irish Wills. Vol. III. includes Kilfenora. .

By J. Phillimore. See Killaloe.


A Trip to Kilkenny, from Durham, by way of Whitehaven and Dublin, in 1776. Dublin,- 1779.

Statistical Survey of Kilkenny. By W. Tighe. Dublin, 1802.

Epitaphs on the Tombs in the Cathedral Church; of St. Canice, Kilkenny. By John O'Phelan. . Dublin, 1813.

Tracts relating to Ireland. Vol. II. Part III. A Statute passed at Kilkenny, A.D. 1367. - Edited by James Hardiman, 1842.

St. Canice's Cathedral : its History, Architecture, . and Antiquities. By Bishop Graves and. J. G. A. Prim. Dublin, 1857.

The Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century,, being the Presentments of the Gentlemen, . Commonalty, and Citizens of Kilkenny, &c., made in the Beigns of Henry VIII. and Eliza- beth. By Herbert J. Hore and Bev. James Graves. Dublin, 1870.

Transactions of the Ossory Archaeological Society, . 2 vols. (all published). Kilkenny, 1874-83.

St. Ciaran, Patron of Ossory. A Memoir of his Life and Times J By John Hogan. Kilkenny, . 1876.

Handbook of the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, - Kilkenny. By Bichard Langrishe. 1879.

The Ancient City of Ossory, the Seat of its Kings, the See of its Bishops, and the Site of its Cathe- dral. By John Hogan, Mayor. Kilkenny, . 1884.

Kilkenny, City and County, Guide and Directory..- By G. H. Bassett. Dublin, 1884.